"""Module for cli time commands..""" from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime import asyncclick as click import zoneinfo from kasa import ( Device, Module, ) from kasa.iot import IotDevice from kasa.iot.iottimezone import get_matching_timezones from .common import ( echo, error, pass_dev, ) @click.group(invoke_without_command=True) @click.pass_context async def time(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Get and set time.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.invoke(time_get) @time.command(name="get") @pass_dev async def time_get(dev: Device): """Get the device time.""" res = dev.time echo(f"Current time: {dev.time} ({dev.timezone})") return res @time.command(name="sync") @click.option( "--timezone", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="IANA timezone name, will use current device timezone if not provided.", ) @click.option( "--skip-confirm", type=str, required=False, default=False, is_flag=True, help="Do not ask to confirm the timezone if an exact match is not found.", ) @pass_dev async def time_sync(dev: Device, timezone: str | None, skip_confirm: bool): """Set the device time to current time.""" if (time := dev.modules.get(Module.Time)) is None: echo("Device does not have time module") return now = datetime.now() tzinfo: zoneinfo.ZoneInfo | None = None if timezone: tzinfo = await _get_timezone(dev, timezone, skip_confirm) if tzinfo.utcoffset(now) != now.astimezone().utcoffset(): error( f"{timezone} has a different utc offset to local time," + "syncing will produce unexpected results." ) now = now.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) echo(f"Old time: {time.time} ({time.timezone})") await time.set_time(now) await dev.update() echo(f"New time: {time.time} ({time.timezone})") @time.command(name="set") @click.argument("year", type=int) @click.argument("month", type=int) @click.argument("day", type=int) @click.argument("hour", type=int) @click.argument("minute", type=int) @click.argument("seconds", type=int, required=False, default=0) @click.option( "--timezone", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="IANA timezone name, will use current device timezone if not provided.", ) @click.option( "--skip-confirm", type=bool, required=False, default=False, is_flag=True, help="Do not ask to confirm the timezone if an exact match is not found.", ) @pass_dev async def time_set( dev: Device, year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, seconds: int, timezone: str | None, skip_confirm: bool, ): """Set the device time to the provided time.""" if (time := dev.modules.get(Module.Time)) is None: echo("Device does not have time module") return tzinfo: zoneinfo.ZoneInfo | None = None if timezone: tzinfo = await _get_timezone(dev, timezone, skip_confirm) echo(f"Old time: {time.time} ({time.timezone})") await time.set_time(datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, 0, tzinfo)) await dev.update() echo(f"New time: {time.time} ({time.timezone})") async def _get_timezone(dev, timezone, skip_confirm) -> zoneinfo.ZoneInfo: """Get the tzinfo from the timezone or return none.""" tzinfo: zoneinfo.ZoneInfo | None = None if timezone not in zoneinfo.available_timezones(): error(f"{timezone} is not a valid IANA timezone.") tzinfo = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(timezone) if skip_confirm is False and isinstance(dev, IotDevice): matches = await get_matching_timezones(tzinfo) if not matches: error(f"Device cannot support {timezone} timezone.") first = matches[0] msg = ( f"An exact match for {timezone} could not be found, " + f"timezone will be set to {first}" ) if len(matches) == 1: click.confirm(msg, abort=True) else: msg = ( f"Supported timezones matching {timezone} are {', '.join(matches)}\n" + msg ) click.confirm(msg, abort=True) return tzinfo