trigger: - master pr: - master strategy: matrix: Python 3.7 Ubuntu: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' Python 3.8 Ubuntu: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' # PyPy Ubuntu: # python.version: pypy3 # vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' Python 3.7 Windows: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'windows-latest' Python 3.8 Windows: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'windows-latest' Python 3.7 OSX: python.version: '3.7' vmImage: 'macOS-latest' Python 3.8 OSX: python.version: '3.8' vmImage: 'macOS-latest' pool: vmImage: $(vmImage) steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '$(python.version)' displayName: 'Use Python $(python.version)' - script: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements_test.txt displayName: 'Install dependencies' - script: | pre-commit run black --all-files displayName: 'Code formating (black)' - script: | pre-commit run flake8 --all-files displayName: 'Code formating (flake8)' - script: | pre-commit run mypy --all-files displayName: 'Typing checks (mypy)' - script: | pre-commit run isort --all-files displayName: 'Order of imports (isort)' - script: | pre-commit run trailing-whitespace --all-files displayName: 'Run trailing-whitespace' - script: | pre-commit run end-of-file-fixer --all-files displayName: 'Run end-of-file-fixer' - script: | pre-commit run check-docstring-first --all-files displayName: 'Run check-docstring-first' - script: | pre-commit run check-yaml --all-files displayName: 'Run check-yaml' - script: | pre-commit run debug-statements --all-files displayName: 'Run debug-statements' - script: | pre-commit run check-ast --all-files displayName: 'Run check-ast' - script: | pre-commit run isort --all-files displayName: 'Order of imports (isort)' - script: | pytest --cov kasa --cov-report html displayName: 'Tests'