"""Module for holding connection parameters."""
import logging
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field, fields, is_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Union

from .credentials import Credentials
from .exceptions import SmartDeviceException

    from aiohttp import ClientSession

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EncryptType(Enum):
    """Encrypt type enum."""

    Klap = "KLAP"
    Aes = "AES"
    Xor = "XOR"

class DeviceFamilyType(Enum):
    """Encrypt type enum."""

    IotSmartPlugSwitch = "IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH"
    IotSmartBulb = "IOT.SMARTBULB"
    SmartKasaPlug = "SMART.KASAPLUG"
    SmartKasaSwitch = "SMART.KASASWITCH"
    SmartTapoPlug = "SMART.TAPOPLUG"
    SmartTapoBulb = "SMART.TAPOBULB"

def _dataclass_from_dict(klass, in_val):
    if is_dataclass(klass):
        fieldtypes = {f.name: f.type for f in fields(klass)}
        val = {}
        for dict_key in in_val:
            if dict_key in fieldtypes:
                if hasattr(fieldtypes[dict_key], "from_dict"):
                    val[dict_key] = fieldtypes[dict_key].from_dict(in_val[dict_key])
                    val[dict_key] = _dataclass_from_dict(
                        fieldtypes[dict_key], in_val[dict_key]
                raise SmartDeviceException(
                    f"Cannot create dataclass from dict, unknown key: {dict_key}"
        return klass(**val)
        return in_val

def _dataclass_to_dict(in_val):
    fieldtypes = {f.name: f.type for f in fields(in_val) if f.compare}
    out_val = {}
    for field_name in fieldtypes:
        val = getattr(in_val, field_name)
        if val is None:
        elif hasattr(val, "to_dict"):
            out_val[field_name] = val.to_dict()
        elif is_dataclass(fieldtypes[field_name]):
            out_val[field_name] = asdict(val)
            out_val[field_name] = val
    return out_val

class ConnectionType:
    """Class to hold the the parameters determining connection type."""

    device_family: DeviceFamilyType
    encryption_type: EncryptType
    login_version: Optional[int] = None

    def from_values(
        device_family: str,
        encryption_type: str,
        login_version: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> "ConnectionType":
        """Return connection parameters from string values."""
            return ConnectionType(
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex:
            raise SmartDeviceException(
                f"Invalid connection parameters for {device_family}."
                + f"{encryption_type}.{login_version}"
            ) from ex

    def from_dict(connection_type_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> "ConnectionType":
        """Return connection parameters from dict."""
        if (
            isinstance(connection_type_dict, dict)
            and (device_family := connection_type_dict.get("device_family"))
            and (encryption_type := connection_type_dict.get("encryption_type"))
            if login_version := connection_type_dict.get("login_version"):
                login_version = int(login_version)  # type: ignore[assignment]
            return ConnectionType.from_values(
                login_version,  # type: ignore[arg-type]

        raise SmartDeviceException(
            f"Invalid connection type data for {connection_type_dict}"

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]:
        """Convert connection params to dict."""
        result: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {
            "device_family": self.device_family.value,
            "encryption_type": self.encryption_type.value,
        if self.login_version:
            result["login_version"] = self.login_version
        return result

class DeviceConfig:
    """Class to represent paramaters that determine how to connect to devices."""

    #: IP address or hostname
    host: str
    #: Timeout for querying the device
    timeout: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
    #: Override the default 9999 port to support port forwarding
    port_override: Optional[int] = None
    #: Credentials for devices requiring authentication
    credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None
    #: Credentials hash for devices requiring authentication.
    #: If credentials are also supplied they take precendence over credentials_hash.
    #: Credentials hash can be retrieved from :attr:`SmartDevice.credentials_hash`
    credentials_hash: Optional[str] = None
    #: The protocol specific type of connection.  Defaults to the legacy type.
    connection_type: ConnectionType = field(
        default_factory=lambda: ConnectionType(
            DeviceFamilyType.IotSmartPlugSwitch, EncryptType.Xor, 1
    #: True if the device uses http.  Consumers should retrieve rather than set this
    #: in order to determine whether they should pass a custom http client if desired.
    uses_http: bool = False

    # compare=False will be excluded from the serialization and object comparison.
    #: Set a custom http_client for the device to use.
    http_client: Optional["ClientSession"] = field(default=None, compare=False)

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.connection_type is None:
            self.connection_type = ConnectionType(
                DeviceFamilyType.IotSmartPlugSwitch, EncryptType.Xor

    def to_dict(
        credentials_hash: Optional[str] = None,
        exclude_credentials: bool = False,
    ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
        """Convert device config to dict."""
        if credentials_hash is not None or exclude_credentials:
            self.credentials = None
        if credentials_hash:
            self.credentials_hash = credentials_hash
        return _dataclass_to_dict(self)

    def from_dict(config_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> "DeviceConfig":
        """Return device config from dict."""
        if isinstance(config_dict, dict):
            return _dataclass_from_dict(DeviceConfig, config_dict)
        raise SmartDeviceException(f"Invalid device config data: {config_dict}")