"""Implementation of the TP-Link SSL AES transport.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import base64 import hashlib import logging import secrets import ssl import time from enum import Enum, auto from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, cast from yarl import URL from ..aestransport import AesEncyptionSession from ..credentials import Credentials from ..deviceconfig import DeviceConfig from ..exceptions import ( SMART_AUTHENTICATION_ERRORS, SMART_RETRYABLE_ERRORS, AuthenticationError, DeviceError, KasaException, SmartErrorCode, _RetryableError, ) from ..httpclient import HttpClient from ..json import dumps as json_dumps from ..json import loads as json_loads from ..protocol import BaseTransport _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ONE_DAY_SECONDS = 86400 SESSION_EXPIRE_BUFFER_SECONDS = 60 * 20 def _sha256(payload: bytes) -> bytes: return hashlib.sha256(payload).digest() # noqa: S324 def _md5_hash(payload: bytes) -> str: return hashlib.md5(payload).hexdigest().upper() # noqa: S324 def _sha256_hash(payload: bytes) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(payload).hexdigest().upper() # noqa: S324 class TransportState(Enum): """Enum for AES state.""" HANDSHAKE_REQUIRED = auto() # Handshake needed ESTABLISHED = auto() # Ready to send requests class SslAesTransport(BaseTransport): """Implementation of the AES encryption protocol. AES is the name used in device discovery for TP-Link's TAPO encryption protocol, sometimes used by newer firmware versions on kasa devices. """ DEFAULT_PORT: int = 443 COMMON_HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "requestByApp": "true", "Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "User-Agent": "Tapo CameraClient Android", "Connection": "close", } CIPHERS = ":".join( [ "AES256-GCM-SHA384", "AES256-SHA256", "AES128-GCM-SHA256", "AES128-SHA256", "AES256-SHA", ] ) DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 def __init__( self, *, config: DeviceConfig, ) -> None: super().__init__(config=config) self._login_version = config.connection_type.login_version if ( not self._credentials or self._credentials.username is None ) and not self._credentials_hash: self._credentials = Credentials() self._default_credentials: Credentials | None = None if not config.timeout: config.timeout = self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self._http_client: HttpClient = HttpClient(config) self._state = TransportState.HANDSHAKE_REQUIRED self._encryption_session: AesEncyptionSession | None = None self._session_expire_at: float | None = None self._host_port = f"{self._host}:{self._port}" self._app_url = URL(f"https://{self._host_port}") self._token_url: URL | None = None self._ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None = None ref = str(self._token_url) if self._token_url else str(self._app_url) self._headers = { **self.COMMON_HEADERS, "Host": self._host_port, "Referer": ref, } self._seq: int | None = None self._pwd_hash: str | None = None self._username: str | None = None if self._credentials != Credentials() and self._credentials: self._username = self._credentials.username elif self._credentials_hash: ch = json_loads(base64.b64decode(self._credentials_hash.encode())) self._pwd_hash = ch["pwd"] self._username = ch["un"] self._local_nonce: str | None = None _LOGGER.debug("Created AES transport for %s", self._host) @property def default_port(self) -> int: """Default port for the transport.""" return self.DEFAULT_PORT @property def credentials_hash(self) -> str | None: """The hashed credentials used by the transport.""" if self._credentials == Credentials(): return None if self._credentials_hash: return self._credentials_hash if self._pwd_hash and self._credentials: ch = {"un": self._credentials.username, "pwd": self._pwd_hash} return base64.b64encode(json_dumps(ch).encode()).decode() return None def _handle_response_error_code(self, resp_dict: Any, msg: str) -> None: error_code_raw = resp_dict.get("error_code") try: error_code = SmartErrorCode.from_int(error_code_raw) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning( "Device %s received unknown error code: %s", self._host, error_code_raw ) error_code = SmartErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR if error_code is SmartErrorCode.SUCCESS: return msg = f"{msg}: {self._host}: {error_code.name}({error_code.value})" if error_code in SMART_RETRYABLE_ERRORS: raise _RetryableError(msg, error_code=error_code) if error_code in SMART_AUTHENTICATION_ERRORS: self._state = TransportState.HANDSHAKE_REQUIRED raise AuthenticationError(msg, error_code=error_code) raise DeviceError(msg, error_code=error_code) def _create_ssl_context(self) -> ssl.SSLContext: context = ssl.SSLContext() context.set_ciphers(self.CIPHERS) context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE return context async def _get_ssl_context(self) -> ssl.SSLContext: if not self._ssl_context: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self._ssl_context = await loop.run_in_executor( None, self._create_ssl_context ) return self._ssl_context async def send_secure_passthrough(self, request: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Send encrypted message as passthrough.""" if self._state is TransportState.ESTABLISHED and self._token_url: url = self._token_url else: url = self._app_url encrypted_payload = self._encryption_session.encrypt(request.encode()) # type: ignore passthrough_request = { "method": "securePassthrough", "params": {"request": encrypted_payload.decode()}, } passthrough_request_str = json_dumps(passthrough_request) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._pwd_hash assert self._local_nonce assert self._seq tag = self.generate_tag( passthrough_request_str, self._local_nonce, self._pwd_hash, self._seq ) headers = {**self._headers, "Seq": str(self._seq), "Tapo_tag": tag} self._seq += 1 status_code, resp_dict = await self._http_client.post( url, json=passthrough_request_str, headers=headers, ssl=await self._get_ssl_context(), ) if status_code != 200: raise KasaException( f"{self._host} responded with an unexpected " + f"status code {status_code} to passthrough" ) self._handle_response_error_code( resp_dict, "Error sending secure_passthrough message" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: resp_dict = cast(Dict[str, Any], resp_dict) assert self._encryption_session is not None if "result" in resp_dict and "response" in resp_dict["result"]: raw_response: str = resp_dict["result"]["response"] else: # Tapo Cameras respond unencrypted to single requests. return resp_dict try: response = self._encryption_session.decrypt(raw_response.encode()) ret_val = json_loads(response) except Exception as ex: try: ret_val = json_loads(raw_response) _LOGGER.debug( "Received unencrypted response over secure passthrough from %s", self._host, ) except Exception: raise KasaException( f"Unable to decrypt response from {self._host}, " + f"error: {ex}, response: {raw_response}", ex, ) from ex return ret_val # type: ignore[return-value] @staticmethod def generate_confirm_hash(local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash): """Generate an auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" expected_confirm_bytes = _sha256_hash( local_nonce.encode() + pwd_hash.encode() + server_nonce.encode() ) return expected_confirm_bytes + server_nonce + local_nonce @staticmethod def generate_digest_password(local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash): """Generate an auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" digest_password_hash = _sha256_hash( pwd_hash.encode() + local_nonce.encode() + server_nonce.encode() ) return ( digest_password_hash.encode() + local_nonce.encode() + server_nonce.encode() ).decode() @staticmethod def generate_encryption_token( token_type, local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash ) -> bytes: """Generate encryption token.""" hashedKey = _sha256_hash( local_nonce.encode() + pwd_hash.encode() + server_nonce.encode() ) return _sha256( token_type.encode() + local_nonce.encode() + server_nonce.encode() + hashedKey.encode() )[:16] @staticmethod def generate_tag(request: str, local_nonce: str, pwd_hash: str, seq: int) -> str: """Generate the tag header from the request for the header.""" pwd_nonce_hash = _sha256_hash(pwd_hash.encode() + local_nonce.encode()) tag = _sha256_hash( pwd_nonce_hash.encode() + request.encode() + str(seq).encode() ) return tag async def perform_handshake(self) -> None: """Perform the handshake.""" local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash = await self.perform_handshake1() await self.perform_handshake2(local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash) async def perform_handshake2(self, local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash) -> None: """Perform the handshake.""" _LOGGER.debug("Performing handshake2 ...") digest_password = self.generate_digest_password( local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash ) body = { "method": "login", "params": { "cnonce": local_nonce, "encrypt_type": "3", "digest_passwd": digest_password, "username": self._username, }, } http_client = self._http_client status_code, resp_dict = await http_client.post( self._app_url, json=body, headers=self._headers, ssl=await self._get_ssl_context(), ) if status_code != 200: raise KasaException( f"{self._host} responded with an unexpected " + f"status code {status_code} to handshake2" ) resp_dict = cast(dict, resp_dict) self._seq = resp_dict["result"]["start_seq"] stok = resp_dict["result"]["stok"] self._token_url = URL(f"{str(self._app_url)}/stok={stok}/ds") self._pwd_hash = pwd_hash self._local_nonce = local_nonce lsk = self.generate_encryption_token("lsk", local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash) ivb = self.generate_encryption_token("ivb", local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash) self._encryption_session = AesEncyptionSession(lsk, ivb) self._state = TransportState.ESTABLISHED _LOGGER.debug("Handshake2 complete ...") async def perform_handshake1(self) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """Perform the handshake.""" _LOGGER.debug("Will perform handshaking...") if not self._username: raise KasaException("Cannot connect to device with no credentials") local_nonce = secrets.token_bytes(8).hex().upper() # Device needs the content length or it will response with 500 body = { "method": "login", "params": { "cnonce": local_nonce, "encrypt_type": "3", "username": self._username, }, } http_client = self._http_client status_code, resp_dict = await http_client.post( self._app_url, json=body, headers=self._headers, ssl=await self._get_ssl_context(), ) _LOGGER.debug("Device responded with: %s", resp_dict) if status_code != 200: raise KasaException( f"{self._host} responded with an unexpected " + f"status code {status_code} to handshake1" ) resp_dict = cast(dict, resp_dict) error_code = SmartErrorCode.from_int(resp_dict["error_code"]) if error_code != SmartErrorCode.INVALID_NONCE: self._handle_response_error_code(resp_dict, "Unable to complete handshake") if TYPE_CHECKING: resp_dict = cast(Dict[str, Any], resp_dict) server_nonce = resp_dict["result"]["data"]["nonce"] device_confirm = resp_dict["result"]["data"]["device_confirm"] if self._credentials and self._credentials != Credentials(): pwd_hash = _sha256_hash(self._credentials.password.encode()) else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._pwd_hash pwd_hash = self._pwd_hash expected_confirm_sha256 = self.generate_confirm_hash( local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash ) if device_confirm == expected_confirm_sha256: _LOGGER.debug("Credentials match") return local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self._credentials assert self._credentials.password pwd_hash = _md5_hash(self._credentials.password.encode()) expected_confirm_md5 = self.generate_confirm_hash( local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash ) if device_confirm == expected_confirm_md5: _LOGGER.debug("Credentials match") return local_nonce, server_nonce, pwd_hash msg = f"Server response doesn't match our challenge on ip {self._host}" _LOGGER.debug(msg) raise AuthenticationError(msg) def _handshake_session_expired(self): """Return true if session has expired.""" return ( self._session_expire_at is None or self._session_expire_at - time.time() <= 0 ) async def send(self, request: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Send the request.""" if ( self._state is TransportState.HANDSHAKE_REQUIRED or self._handshake_session_expired() ): await self.perform_handshake() return await self.send_secure_passthrough(request) async def close(self) -> None: """Close the http client and reset internal state.""" await self.reset() await self._http_client.close() async def reset(self) -> None: """Reset internal handshake state.""" self._state = TransportState.HANDSHAKE_REQUIRED self._encryption_session = None self._seq = 0 self._pwd_hash = None self._local_nonce = None