"""Device creation via DeviceConfig.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import time from typing import Any from .device import Device from .device_type import DeviceType from .deviceconfig import DeviceConfig, DeviceFamily from .exceptions import KasaException, UnsupportedDeviceError from .iot import ( IotBulb, IotCamera, IotDevice, IotDimmer, IotLightStrip, IotPlug, IotStrip, IotWallSwitch, ) from .protocols import ( BaseProtocol, IotProtocol, SmartProtocol, ) from .protocols.smartcamprotocol import SmartCamProtocol from .smart import SmartDevice from .smartcam import SmartCamDevice from .transports import ( AesTransport, BaseTransport, KlapTransport, KlapTransportV2, LinkieTransportV2, SslTransport, XorTransport, ) from .transports.sslaestransport import SslAesTransport _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) GET_SYSINFO_QUERY: dict[str, dict[str, dict]] = { "system": {"get_sysinfo": {}}, } async def connect(*, host: str | None = None, config: DeviceConfig) -> Device: """Connect to a single device by the given hostname or device configuration. This method avoids the UDP based discovery process and will connect directly to the device. It is generally preferred to avoid :func:`discover_single()` and use this function instead as it should perform better when the WiFi network is congested or the device is not responding to discovery requests. Do not use this function directly, use SmartDevice.connect() :param host: Hostname of device to query :param config: Connection parameters to ensure the correct protocol and connection options are used. :rtype: SmartDevice :return: Object for querying/controlling found device. """ if host and config or (not host and not config): raise KasaException("One of host or config must be provded and not both") if host: config = DeviceConfig(host=host) if (protocol := get_protocol(config=config)) is None: raise UnsupportedDeviceError( f"Unsupported device for {config.host}: " + f"{config.connection_type.device_family.value}", host=config.host, ) try: return await _connect(config, protocol) except: await protocol.close() raise async def _connect(config: DeviceConfig, protocol: BaseProtocol) -> Device: debug_enabled = _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) if debug_enabled: start_time = time.perf_counter() def _perf_log(has_params: bool, perf_type: str) -> None: nonlocal start_time if debug_enabled: end_time = time.perf_counter() _LOGGER.debug( "Device %s with connection params %s took %.2f seconds to %s", config.host, has_params, end_time - start_time, perf_type, ) start_time = time.perf_counter() device_class: type[Device] | None device: Device | None = None if isinstance(protocol, IotProtocol) and isinstance( protocol._transport, XorTransport ): info = await protocol.query(GET_SYSINFO_QUERY) _perf_log(True, "get_sysinfo") device_class = get_device_class_from_sys_info(info) device = device_class(config.host, protocol=protocol) device.update_from_discover_info(info) await device.update() _perf_log(True, "update") return device elif device_class := get_device_class_from_family( config.connection_type.device_family.value, https=config.connection_type.https ): device = device_class(host=config.host, protocol=protocol) await device.update() _perf_log(True, "update") return device else: raise UnsupportedDeviceError( f"Unsupported device for {config.host}: " + f"{config.connection_type.device_family.value}", host=config.host, ) def get_device_class_from_sys_info(sysinfo: dict[str, Any]) -> type[IotDevice]: """Find SmartDevice subclass for device described by passed data.""" TYPE_TO_CLASS = { DeviceType.Bulb: IotBulb, DeviceType.Plug: IotPlug, DeviceType.Dimmer: IotDimmer, DeviceType.Strip: IotStrip, DeviceType.WallSwitch: IotWallSwitch, DeviceType.LightStrip: IotLightStrip, DeviceType.Camera: IotCamera, } return TYPE_TO_CLASS[IotDevice._get_device_type_from_sys_info(sysinfo)] def get_device_class_from_family( device_type: str, *, https: bool, require_exact: bool = False ) -> type[Device] | None: """Return the device class from the type name.""" supported_device_types: dict[str, type[Device]] = { "SMART.TAPOPLUG": SmartDevice, "SMART.TAPOBULB": SmartDevice, "SMART.TAPOSWITCH": SmartDevice, "SMART.KASAPLUG": SmartDevice, "SMART.TAPOHUB": SmartDevice, "SMART.TAPOHUB.HTTPS": SmartCamDevice, "SMART.KASAHUB": SmartDevice, "SMART.KASASWITCH": SmartDevice, "SMART.IPCAMERA.HTTPS": SmartCamDevice, "SMART.TAPOROBOVAC.HTTPS": SmartDevice, "IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH": IotPlug, "IOT.SMARTBULB": IotBulb, "IOT.IPCAMERA": IotCamera, } lookup_key = f"{device_type}{'.HTTPS' if https else ''}" if ( (cls := supported_device_types.get(lookup_key)) is None and device_type.startswith("SMART.") and not require_exact ): _LOGGER.debug("Unknown SMART device with %s, using SmartDevice", device_type) cls = SmartDevice return cls def get_protocol( config: DeviceConfig, ) -> BaseProtocol | None: """Return the protocol from the connection name. For cameras and vacuums the device family is a simple mapping to the protocol/transport. For other device types the transport varies based on the discovery information. """ ctype = config.connection_type protocol_name = ctype.device_family.value.split(".")[0] if ctype.device_family is DeviceFamily.SmartIpCamera: return SmartCamProtocol(transport=SslAesTransport(config=config)) if ctype.device_family is DeviceFamily.IotIpCamera: return IotProtocol(transport=LinkieTransportV2(config=config)) if ctype.device_family is DeviceFamily.SmartTapoRobovac: return SmartProtocol(transport=SslTransport(config=config)) protocol_transport_key = ( protocol_name + "." + ctype.encryption_type.value + (".HTTPS" if ctype.https else "") ) _LOGGER.debug("Finding transport for %s", protocol_transport_key) supported_device_protocols: dict[ str, tuple[type[BaseProtocol], type[BaseTransport]] ] = { "IOT.XOR": (IotProtocol, XorTransport), "IOT.KLAP": (IotProtocol, KlapTransport), "SMART.AES": (SmartProtocol, AesTransport), "SMART.KLAP": (SmartProtocol, KlapTransportV2), # H200 is device family SMART.TAPOHUB and uses SmartCamProtocol so use # https to distuingish from SmartProtocol devices "SMART.AES.HTTPS": (SmartCamProtocol, SslAesTransport), } if not (prot_tran_cls := supported_device_protocols.get(protocol_transport_key)): return None protocol_cls, transport_cls = prot_tran_cls return protocol_cls(transport=transport_cls(config=config))