"""Base class for all module implementations."""
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict

from .device import Device
from .exceptions import KasaException
from .feature import Feature

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Module(ABC):
    """Base class implemention for all modules.

    The base classes should implement `query` to return the query they want to be
    executed during the regular update cycle.

    def __init__(self, device: "Device", module: str):
        self._device = device
        self._module = module
        self._module_features: Dict[str, Feature] = {}

    def query(self):
        """Query to execute during the update cycle.

        The inheriting modules implement this to include their wanted
        queries to the query that gets executed when Device.update() gets called.

    def data(self):
        """Return the module specific raw data from the last update."""

    def _add_feature(self, feature: Feature):
        """Add module feature."""
        feat_name = f"{self._module}_{feature.name}"
        if feat_name in self._module_features:
            raise KasaException("Duplicate name detected %s" % feat_name)
        self._module_features[feat_name] = feature

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"<Module {self.__class__.__name__} ({self._module})"
            f" for {self._device.host}>"