import asyncio import glob import json import os from os.path import basename from pathlib import Path, PurePath from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest # type: ignore # see from kasa import ( Discover, SmartBulb, SmartDimmer, SmartLightStrip, SmartPlug, SmartStrip, ) from .newfakes import FakeTransportProtocol SUPPORTED_DEVICES = glob.glob( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/fixtures/*.json" ) LIGHT_STRIPS = {"KL430"} BULBS = {"KL60", "LB100", "LB120", "LB130", "KL120", "KL130", *LIGHT_STRIPS} VARIABLE_TEMP = {"LB120", "LB130", "KL120", "KL130", "KL430", *LIGHT_STRIPS} COLOR_BULBS = {"LB130", "KL130", *LIGHT_STRIPS} PLUGS = {"HS100", "HS103", "HS105", "HS110", "HS200", "HS210"} STRIPS = {"HS107", "HS300", "KP303", "KP400"} DIMMERS = {"HS220"} DIMMABLE = {*BULBS, *DIMMERS} WITH_EMETER = {"HS110", "HS300", *BULBS, *STRIPS} ALL_DEVICES = BULBS.union(PLUGS).union(STRIPS).union(DIMMERS) def filter_model(desc, filter): filtered = list() for dev in SUPPORTED_DEVICES: for filt in filter: if filt in basename(dev): filtered.append(dev) filtered_basenames = [basename(f) for f in filtered] print(f"{desc}: {filtered_basenames}") return filtered def parametrize(desc, devices, ids=None): # if ids is None: # ids = ["on", "off"] return pytest.mark.parametrize( "dev", filter_model(desc, devices), indirect=True, ids=ids ) has_emeter = parametrize("has emeter", WITH_EMETER) no_emeter = parametrize("no emeter", ALL_DEVICES - WITH_EMETER) def name_for_filename(x): from os.path import basename return basename(x) bulb = parametrize("bulbs", BULBS, ids=name_for_filename) plug = parametrize("plugs", PLUGS, ids=name_for_filename) strip = parametrize("strips", STRIPS, ids=name_for_filename) dimmer = parametrize("dimmers", DIMMERS, ids=name_for_filename) lightstrip = parametrize("lightstrips", LIGHT_STRIPS, ids=name_for_filename) # This ensures that every single file inside fixtures/ is being placed in some category categorized_fixtures = set( dimmer.args[1] + strip.args[1] + plug.args[1] + bulb.args[1] + lightstrip.args[1] ) diff = set(SUPPORTED_DEVICES) - set(categorized_fixtures) if diff: for file in diff: print( "No category for file %s, add to the corresponding set (BULBS, PLUGS, ..)" % file ) raise Exception("Missing category for %s" % diff) # bulb types dimmable = parametrize("dimmable", DIMMABLE) non_dimmable = parametrize("non-dimmable", BULBS - DIMMABLE) variable_temp = parametrize("variable color temp", VARIABLE_TEMP) non_variable_temp = parametrize("non-variable color temp", BULBS - VARIABLE_TEMP) color_bulb = parametrize("color bulbs", COLOR_BULBS) non_color_bulb = parametrize("non-color bulbs", BULBS - COLOR_BULBS) # Parametrize tests to run with device both on and off turn_on = pytest.mark.parametrize("turn_on", [True, False]) async def handle_turn_on(dev, turn_on): if turn_on: await dev.turn_on() else: await dev.turn_off() # to avoid adding this for each async function separately pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio def device_for_file(model): for d in STRIPS: if d in model: return SmartStrip for d in PLUGS: if d in model: return SmartPlug # Light strips are recognized also as bulbs, so this has to go first for d in LIGHT_STRIPS: if d in model: return SmartLightStrip for d in BULBS: if d in model: return SmartBulb for d in DIMMERS: if d in model: return SmartDimmer raise Exception("Unable to find type for %s", model) def get_device_for_file(file): # if the wanted file is not an absolute path, prepend the fixtures directory p = Path(file) if not p.is_absolute(): p = Path(__file__).parent / "fixtures" / file with open(p) as f: sysinfo = json.load(f) model = basename(file) p = device_for_file(model)(host="") p.protocol = FakeTransportProtocol(sysinfo) return p @pytest.fixture(params=SUPPORTED_DEVICES) def dev(request): """Device fixture. Provides a device (given --ip) or parametrized fixture for the supported devices. The initial update is called automatically before returning the device. """ file = request.param ip = request.config.getoption("--ip") if ip: d = if d.model in file: return d raise Exception("Unable to find type for %s" % ip) return get_device_for_file(file) def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--ip", action="store", default=None, help="run against device") def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): if not config.getoption("--ip"): print("Testing against fixtures.") return else: print("Running against ip %s" % config.getoption("--ip")) # allow mocks to be awaited # async def async_magic(): pass MagicMock.__await__ = lambda x: async_magic().__await__()