import json import logging import struct import sys import pytest from ..exceptions import SmartDeviceException from ..protocol import TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol from .conftest import pytestmark @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_count", [1, 3, 5]) async def test_protocol_retries(mocker, retry_count): def aio_mock_writer(_, __): reader = mocker.patch("asyncio.StreamReader") writer = mocker.patch("asyncio.StreamWriter") mocker.patch( "asyncio.StreamWriter.write", side_effect=Exception("dummy exception") ) return reader, writer conn = mocker.patch("asyncio.open_connection", side_effect=aio_mock_writer) with pytest.raises(SmartDeviceException): await TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol("").query({}, retry_count=retry_count) assert conn.call_count == retry_count + 1 @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 8), reason="3.8 is first one with asyncmock") @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_count", [1, 3, 5]) async def test_protocol_reconnect(mocker, retry_count): remaining = retry_count encrypted = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.encrypt('{"great":"success"}')[ TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.BLOCK_SIZE : ] def _fail_one_less_than_retry_count(*_): nonlocal remaining remaining -= 1 if remaining: raise Exception("Simulated write failure") async def _mock_read(byte_count): nonlocal encrypted if byte_count == TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.BLOCK_SIZE: return struct.pack(">I", len(encrypted)) if byte_count == len(encrypted): return encrypted raise ValueError(f"No mock for {byte_count}") def aio_mock_writer(_, __): reader = mocker.patch("asyncio.StreamReader") writer = mocker.patch("asyncio.StreamWriter") mocker.patch.object(writer, "write", _fail_one_less_than_retry_count) mocker.patch.object(reader, "readexactly", _mock_read) return reader, writer protocol = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol("") mocker.patch("asyncio.open_connection", side_effect=aio_mock_writer) response = await protocol.query({}, retry_count=retry_count) assert response == {"great": "success"} @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 8), reason="3.8 is first one with asyncmock") @pytest.mark.parametrize("log_level", [logging.WARNING, logging.DEBUG]) async def test_protocol_logging(mocker, caplog, log_level): caplog.set_level(log_level) logging.getLogger("kasa").setLevel(log_level) encrypted = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.encrypt('{"great":"success"}')[ TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.BLOCK_SIZE : ] async def _mock_read(byte_count): nonlocal encrypted if byte_count == TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.BLOCK_SIZE: return struct.pack(">I", len(encrypted)) if byte_count == len(encrypted): return encrypted raise ValueError(f"No mock for {byte_count}") def aio_mock_writer(_, __): reader = mocker.patch("asyncio.StreamReader") writer = mocker.patch("asyncio.StreamWriter") mocker.patch.object(reader, "readexactly", _mock_read) return reader, writer protocol = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol("") mocker.patch("asyncio.open_connection", side_effect=aio_mock_writer) response = await protocol.query({}) assert response == {"great": "success"} if log_level == logging.DEBUG: assert "success" in caplog.text else: assert "success" not in caplog.text def test_encrypt(): d = json.dumps({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}) encrypted = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.encrypt(d) # encrypt adds a 4 byte header encrypted = encrypted[4:] assert d == TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.decrypt(encrypted) def test_encrypt_unicode(): d = "{'snowman': '\u2603'}" e = bytes( [ 208, 247, 132, 234, 133, 242, 159, 254, 144, 183, 141, 173, 138, 104, 240, 115, 84, 41, ] ) encrypted = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.encrypt(d) # encrypt adds a 4 byte header encrypted = encrypted[4:] assert e == encrypted def test_decrypt_unicode(): e = bytes( [ 208, 247, 132, 234, 133, 242, 159, 254, 144, 183, 141, 173, 138, 104, 240, 115, 84, 41, ] ) d = "{'snowman': '\u2603'}" assert d == TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol.decrypt(e)