"""Python interface for TP-Link's smart home devices. All common, shared functionalities are available through `SmartDevice` class:: x = SmartDevice("") print(x.sys_info) For device type specific actions `SmartBulb`, `SmartPlug`, or `SmartStrip` should be used instead. Module-specific errors are raised as `SmartDeviceException` and are expected to be handled by the user of the library. """ from importlib.metadata import version from kasa.credentials import Credentials from kasa.discover import Discover from kasa.emeterstatus import EmeterStatus from kasa.exceptions import ( AuthenticationException, SmartDeviceException, UnsupportedDeviceException, ) from kasa.protocol import TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol from kasa.smartbulb import SmartBulb, SmartBulbPreset, TurnOnBehavior, TurnOnBehaviors from kasa.smartdevice import DeviceType, SmartDevice from kasa.smartdimmer import SmartDimmer from kasa.smartlightstrip import SmartLightStrip from kasa.smartplug import SmartPlug from kasa.smartstrip import SmartStrip __version__ = version("python-kasa") __all__ = [ "Discover", "TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol", "SmartBulb", "SmartBulbPreset", "TurnOnBehaviors", "TurnOnBehavior", "DeviceType", "EmeterStatus", "SmartDevice", "SmartDeviceException", "SmartPlug", "SmartStrip", "SmartDimmer", "SmartLightStrip", "AuthenticationException", "UnsupportedDeviceException", "Credentials", ]