"""Main module for cli tool.""" from __future__ import annotations import ast import asyncio import json import logging import sys from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import asyncclick as click if TYPE_CHECKING: from kasa import Device from kasa.deviceconfig import DeviceEncryptionType from .common import ( SKIP_UPDATE_COMMANDS, CatchAllExceptions, echo, error, json_formatter_cb, pass_dev_or_child, ) from .lazygroup import LazyGroup TYPES = [ "plug", "switch", "bulb", "dimmer", "strip", "lightstrip", "smart", "camera", ] ENCRYPT_TYPES = [encrypt_type.value for encrypt_type in DeviceEncryptionType] DEFAULT_TARGET = "" def _legacy_type_to_class(_type: str) -> Any: from kasa.iot import ( IotBulb, IotDimmer, IotLightStrip, IotPlug, IotStrip, IotWallSwitch, ) TYPE_TO_CLASS = { "plug": IotPlug, "switch": IotWallSwitch, "bulb": IotBulb, "dimmer": IotDimmer, "strip": IotStrip, "lightstrip": IotLightStrip, } return TYPE_TO_CLASS[_type] @click.group( invoke_without_command=True, cls=CatchAllExceptions(LazyGroup), lazy_subcommands={ "discover": None, "device": None, "feature": None, "light": None, "wifi": None, "time": None, "schedule": None, "usage": None, # device commands runnnable at top level "state": "device", "on": "device", "off": "device", "toggle": "device", "led": "device", "alias": "device", "reboot": "device", "update_credentials": "device", "sysinfo": "device", # light commands runnnable at top level "presets": "light", "brightness": "light", "hsv": "light", "temperature": "light", "effect": "light", }, result_callback=json_formatter_cb, ) @click.option( "--host", envvar="KASA_HOST", required=False, help="The host name or IP address of the device to connect to.", ) @click.option( "--port", envvar="KASA_PORT", required=False, type=int, help="The port of the device to connect to.", ) @click.option( "--alias", envvar="KASA_NAME", required=False, help="The device name, or alias, of the device to connect to.", ) @click.option( "--target", envvar="KASA_TARGET", default=DEFAULT_TARGET, required=False, show_default=True, help="The broadcast address to be used for discovery.", ) @click.option( "-v", "--verbose", envvar="KASA_VERBOSE", required=False, default=False, is_flag=True, help="Be more verbose on output", ) @click.option( "-d", "--debug", envvar="KASA_DEBUG", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Print debug output", ) @click.option( "--type", envvar="KASA_TYPE", default=None, type=click.Choice(TYPES, case_sensitive=False), help="The device type in order to bypass discovery. Use `smart` for newer devices", ) @click.option( "--json/--no-json", envvar="KASA_JSON", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output raw device response as JSON.", ) @click.option( "-e", "--encrypt-type", envvar="KASA_ENCRYPT_TYPE", default=None, type=click.Choice(ENCRYPT_TYPES, case_sensitive=False), ) @click.option( "-df", "--device-family", envvar="KASA_DEVICE_FAMILY", default="SMART.TAPOPLUG", help="Device family type, e.g. `SMART.KASASWITCH`. Deprecated use `--type smart`", ) @click.option( "-lv", "--login-version", envvar="KASA_LOGIN_VERSION", default=2, type=int, help="The login version for device authentication. Defaults to 2", ) @click.option( "--https/--no-https", envvar="KASA_HTTPS", default=False, is_flag=True, type=bool, help="Set flag if the device encryption uses https.", ) @click.option( "--timeout", envvar="KASA_TIMEOUT", default=5, required=False, show_default=True, help="Timeout for device communications.", ) @click.option( "--discovery-timeout", envvar="KASA_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT", default=10, required=False, show_default=True, help="Timeout for discovery.", ) @click.option( "--username", default=None, required=False, envvar="KASA_USERNAME", help="Username/email address to authenticate to device.", ) @click.option( "--password", default=None, required=False, envvar="KASA_PASSWORD", help="Password to use to authenticate to device.", ) @click.option( "--credentials-hash", default=None, required=False, envvar="KASA_CREDENTIALS_HASH", help="Hashed credentials used to authenticate to the device.", ) @click.version_option(package_name="python-kasa") @click.pass_context async def cli( ctx, host, port, alias, target, verbose, debug, type, encrypt_type, https, device_family, login_version, json, timeout, discovery_timeout, username, password, credentials_hash, ): """A tool for controlling TP-Link smart home devices.""" # noqa # no need to perform any checks if we are just displaying the help if "--help" in sys.argv: # Context object is required to avoid crashing on sub-groups ctx.obj = object() return if target != DEFAULT_TARGET and host: error("--target is not a valid option for single host discovery") logging_config: dict[str, Any] = { "level": logging.DEBUG if debug > 0 else logging.INFO } try: from rich.logging import RichHandler rich_config = { "show_time": False, } logging_config["handlers"] = [RichHandler(**rich_config)] logging_config["format"] = "%(message)s" except ImportError: pass # The configuration should be converted to use dictConfig, # but this keeps mypy happy for now logging.basicConfig(**logging_config) # type: ignore if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "discover": return if alias is not None and host is not None: raise click.BadOptionUsage("alias", "Use either --alias or --host, not both.") if alias is not None and host is None: echo(f"Alias is given, using discovery to find host {alias}") from .discover import find_host_from_alias host = await find_host_from_alias(alias=alias, target=target) if host: echo(f"Found hostname is {host}") else: echo(f"No device with name {alias} found") return if bool(password) != bool(username): raise click.BadOptionUsage( "username", "Using authentication requires both --username and --password" ) if username: from kasa.credentials import Credentials credentials = Credentials(username=username, password=password) else: credentials = None if host is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand and ctx.invoked_subcommand != "discover": error("Only discover is available without --host or --alias") echo("No host name given, trying discovery..") from .discover import discover return await ctx.invoke(discover) device_updated = False if type is not None and type not in {"smart", "camera"}: from kasa.deviceconfig import DeviceConfig config = DeviceConfig(host=host, port_override=port, timeout=timeout) dev = _legacy_type_to_class(type)(host, config=config) elif type in {"smart", "camera"} or (device_family and encrypt_type): if type == "camera": encrypt_type = "AES" https = True device_family = "SMART.IPCAMERA" from kasa.device import Device from kasa.deviceconfig import ( DeviceConfig, DeviceConnectionParameters, DeviceEncryptionType, DeviceFamily, ) if not encrypt_type: encrypt_type = "KLAP" ctype = DeviceConnectionParameters( DeviceFamily(device_family), DeviceEncryptionType(encrypt_type), login_version, https, ) config = DeviceConfig( host=host, port_override=port, credentials=credentials, credentials_hash=credentials_hash, timeout=timeout, connection_type=ctype, ) dev = await Device.connect(config=config) device_updated = True else: from .discover import discover dev = await ctx.invoke(discover) if not dev: error(f"Unable to create device for {host}") # Skip update on specific commands, or if device factory, # that performs an update was used for the device. if ctx.invoked_subcommand not in SKIP_UPDATE_COMMANDS and not device_updated: await dev.update() @asynccontextmanager async def async_wrapped_device(device: Device): try: yield device finally: await device.disconnect() ctx.obj = await ctx.with_async_resource(async_wrapped_device(dev)) if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: from .device import state return await ctx.invoke(state) @cli.command() @pass_dev_or_child async def shell(dev: Device) -> None: """Open interactive shell.""" echo(f"Opening shell for {dev}") from ptpython.repl import embed logging.getLogger("parso").setLevel(logging.WARNING) # prompt parsing logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.WARNING) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: await embed( # type: ignore[func-returns-value] globals=globals(), locals=locals(), return_asyncio_coroutine=True, patch_stdout=True, ) except EOFError: loop.stop() @cli.command() @click.pass_context @click.argument("module") @click.argument("command") @click.argument("parameters", default=None, required=False) async def raw_command(ctx, module, command, parameters): """Run a raw command on the device.""" logging.warning("Deprecated, use 'kasa command --module %s %s'", module, command) return await ctx.forward(cmd_command) @cli.command(name="command") @click.option("--module", required=False, help="Module for IOT protocol.") @click.argument("command") @click.argument("parameters", default=None, required=False) @pass_dev_or_child async def cmd_command(dev: Device, module, command, parameters): """Run a raw command on the device.""" if parameters is not None: parameters = ast.literal_eval(parameters) from kasa import KasaException from kasa.iot import IotDevice from kasa.smart import SmartDevice if isinstance(dev, IotDevice): res = await dev._query_helper(module, command, parameters) elif isinstance(dev, SmartDevice): res = await dev._query_helper(command, parameters) else: raise KasaException("Unexpected device type %s.", dev) echo(json.dumps(res)) return res