from datetime import datetime import pytest from freezegun.api import FrozenDateTimeFactory from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo from kasa import Device, LightState, Module from kasa.tests.device_fixtures import ( bulb_iot, bulb_smart, dimmable_iot, dimmer_iot, get_parent_and_child_modules, lightstrip_iot, parametrize, parametrize_combine, plug_iot, variable_temp_iot, ) led_smart = parametrize( "has led smart", component_filter="led", protocol_filter={"SMART"} ) led = parametrize_combine([led_smart, plug_iot]) light_effect_smart = parametrize( "has light effect smart", component_filter="light_effect", protocol_filter={"SMART"} ) light_strip_effect_smart = parametrize( "has light strip effect smart", component_filter="light_strip_lighting_effect", protocol_filter={"SMART"}, ) light_effect = parametrize_combine( [light_effect_smart, light_strip_effect_smart, lightstrip_iot] ) dimmable_smart = parametrize( "dimmable smart", component_filter="brightness", protocol_filter={"SMART"} ) dimmable = parametrize_combine([dimmable_smart, dimmer_iot, dimmable_iot]) variable_temp_smart = parametrize( "variable temp smart", component_filter="color_temperature", protocol_filter={"SMART"}, ) variable_temp = parametrize_combine([variable_temp_iot, variable_temp_smart]) light_preset_smart = parametrize( "has light preset smart", component_filter="preset", protocol_filter={"SMART"} ) light_preset = parametrize_combine([light_preset_smart, bulb_iot]) light = parametrize_combine([bulb_smart, bulb_iot, dimmable]) @led async def test_led_module(dev: Device, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test fan speed feature.""" led_module = dev.modules.get(Module.Led) assert led_module feat = dev.features["led"] call = mocker.spy(led_module, "call") await led_module.set_led(True) assert call.call_count == 1 await dev.update() assert led_module.led is True assert feat.value is True await led_module.set_led(False) assert call.call_count == 2 await dev.update() assert led_module.led is False assert feat.value is False await feat.set_value(True) assert call.call_count == 3 await dev.update() assert feat.value is True assert led_module.led is True @light_effect async def test_light_effect_module(dev: Device, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test fan speed feature.""" light_effect_module = dev.modules[Module.LightEffect] assert light_effect_module feat = dev.features["light_effect"] call = mocker.spy(dev, "_query_helper") effect_list = light_effect_module.effect_list assert "Off" in effect_list assert effect_list.index("Off") == 0 assert len(effect_list) > 1 assert effect_list == feat.choices assert light_effect_module.has_custom_effects is not None await light_effect_module.set_effect("Off") call.assert_called() await dev.update() assert light_effect_module.effect == "Off" assert feat.value == "Off" call.reset_mock() second_effect = effect_list[1] await light_effect_module.set_effect(second_effect) call.assert_called() await dev.update() assert light_effect_module.effect == second_effect assert feat.value == second_effect call.reset_mock() last_effect = effect_list[len(effect_list) - 1] await light_effect_module.set_effect(last_effect) call.assert_called() await dev.update() assert light_effect_module.effect == last_effect assert feat.value == last_effect call.reset_mock() # Test feature set await feat.set_value(second_effect) call.assert_called() await dev.update() assert light_effect_module.effect == second_effect assert feat.value == second_effect call.reset_mock() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The effect foobar is not a built in effect."): await light_effect_module.set_effect("foobar") call.assert_not_called() @light_effect async def test_light_effect_brightness(dev: Device, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test that light module uses light_effect for brightness when active.""" light_module = dev.modules[Module.Light] light_effect = dev.modules[Module.LightEffect] await light_effect.set_effect(light_effect.LIGHT_EFFECTS_OFF) await light_module.set_brightness(50) await dev.update() assert light_effect.effect == light_effect.LIGHT_EFFECTS_OFF assert light_module.brightness == 50 await light_effect.set_effect(light_effect.effect_list[1]) await dev.update() # assert light_module.brightness == 100 await light_module.set_brightness(75) await dev.update() assert light_module.brightness == 75 await light_effect.set_effect(light_effect.LIGHT_EFFECTS_OFF) await dev.update() assert light_module.brightness == 50 @dimmable async def test_light_brightness(dev: Device): """Test brightness setter and getter.""" assert isinstance(dev, Device) light = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Light)) assert light # Test getting the value feature = light._device.features["brightness"] assert feature.minimum_value == 0 assert feature.maximum_value == 100 await light.set_brightness(10) await dev.update() assert light.brightness == 10 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid brightness value: "): await light.set_brightness(feature.minimum_value - 10) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid brightness value: "): await light.set_brightness(feature.maximum_value + 10) @variable_temp async def test_light_color_temp(dev: Device): """Test color temp setter and getter.""" assert isinstance(dev, Device) light = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Light)) assert light if not light.is_variable_color_temp: pytest.skip( "Some smart light strips have color_temperature" " component but min and max are the same" ) # Test getting the value feature = light._device.features["color_temperature"] assert isinstance(feature.minimum_value, int) assert isinstance(feature.maximum_value, int) await light.set_color_temp(feature.minimum_value + 10) await dev.update() assert light.color_temp == feature.minimum_value + 10 # Test setting brightness with color temp await light.set_brightness(50) await dev.update() assert light.brightness == 50 await light.set_color_temp(feature.minimum_value + 20, brightness=60) await dev.update() assert light.color_temp == feature.minimum_value + 20 assert light.brightness == 60 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Temperature should be between \d+ and \d+"): await light.set_color_temp(feature.minimum_value - 10) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Temperature should be between \d+ and \d+"): await light.set_color_temp(feature.maximum_value + 10) @light async def test_light_set_state(dev: Device): """Test brightness setter and getter.""" assert isinstance(dev, Device) light = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Light)) assert light # For fixtures that have a light effect active switch off if light_effect := light._device.modules.get(Module.LightEffect): await light_effect.set_effect(light_effect.LIGHT_EFFECTS_OFF) await light.set_state(LightState(light_on=False)) await dev.update() assert light.state.light_on is False await light.set_state(LightState(light_on=True)) await dev.update() assert light.state.light_on is True await light.set_state(LightState(brightness=0)) await dev.update() assert light.state.light_on is False await light.set_state(LightState(brightness=50)) await dev.update() assert light.state.light_on is True @light_preset async def test_light_preset_module(dev: Device, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test light preset module.""" preset_mod = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.LightPreset)) assert preset_mod light_mod = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Light)) assert light_mod feat = preset_mod._device.features["light_preset"] preset_list = preset_mod.preset_list assert "Not set" in preset_list assert preset_list.index("Not set") == 0 assert preset_list == feat.choices assert preset_mod.has_save_preset is True await light_mod.set_brightness(33) # Value that should not be a preset await dev.update() assert preset_mod.preset == "Not set" assert feat.value == "Not set" if len(preset_list) == 1: return call = mocker.spy(light_mod, "set_state") second_preset = preset_list[1] await preset_mod.set_preset(second_preset) assert call.call_count == 1 await dev.update() assert preset_mod.preset == second_preset assert feat.value == second_preset last_preset = preset_list[len(preset_list) - 1] await preset_mod.set_preset(last_preset) assert call.call_count == 2 await dev.update() assert preset_mod.preset == last_preset assert feat.value == last_preset # Test feature set await feat.set_value(second_preset) assert call.call_count == 3 await dev.update() assert preset_mod.preset == second_preset assert feat.value == second_preset with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="foobar is not a valid preset"): await preset_mod.set_preset("foobar") assert call.call_count == 3 @light_preset async def test_light_preset_save(dev: Device, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test saving a new preset value.""" preset_mod = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.LightPreset)) assert preset_mod preset_list = preset_mod.preset_list if len(preset_list) == 1: return second_preset = preset_list[1] if preset_mod.preset_states_list[0].hue is None: new_preset = LightState(brightness=52) else: new_preset = LightState(brightness=52, color_temp=3000, hue=20, saturation=30) await preset_mod.save_preset(second_preset, new_preset) await dev.update() new_preset_state = preset_mod.preset_states_list[0] assert new_preset_state.brightness == new_preset.brightness assert new_preset_state.hue == new_preset.hue assert new_preset_state.saturation == new_preset.saturation assert new_preset_state.color_temp == new_preset.color_temp async def test_set_time(dev: Device, freezer: FrozenDateTimeFactory): """Test setting the device time.""" freezer.move_to("2021-01-09 12:00:00+00:00") time_mod = dev.modules[Module.Time] tz_info = time_mod.timezone now = now = now.replace(microsecond=0) assert time_mod.time != now await time_mod.set_time(now) await dev.update() assert time_mod.time == now zone = ZoneInfo("Europe/Berlin") now = now = now.replace(microsecond=0) await time_mod.set_time(now) await dev.update() assert time_mod.time == now