import sys import click import logging from click_datetime import Datetime from pprint import pformat as pf if sys.version_info < (3, 4): print("To use this script you need python 3.4 or newer! got %s" % sys.version_info) sys.exit(1) from pyHS100 import (SmartDevice, SmartPlug, SmartBulb, Discover) # noqa: E402 pass_dev = click.make_pass_decorator(SmartDevice) @click.option('--ip', envvar="PYHS100_IP", required=False, help='The IP address of the device to connect to. This option ' 'is deprecated and will be removed in the future; use --host ' 'instead.') @click.option('--host', envvar="PYHS100_HOST", required=False, help='The host name or IP address of the device to connect to.') @click.option('--debug/--normal', default=False) @click.option('--bulb', default=False, is_flag=True) @click.option('--plug', default=False, is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, ip, host, debug, bulb, plug): """A cli tool for controlling TP-Link smart home plugs.""" if debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "discover": return if ip is not None and host is None: host = ip if host is None: click.echo("No host name given, trying discovery..") ctx.invoke(discover) return else: if not bulb and not plug: click.echo("No --bulb nor --plug given, discovering..") dev = Discover.discover_single(host) elif bulb: dev = SmartBulb(host) elif plug: dev = SmartPlug(host) else: click.echo("Unable to detect type, use --bulb or --plug!") return ctx.obj = dev if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: ctx.invoke(state) @cli.command() @click.option('--timeout', default=3, required=False) @click.option('--discover-only', default=False) @click.pass_context def discover(ctx, timeout, discover_only): """Discover devices in the network.""" click.echo("Discovering devices for %s seconds" % timeout) found_devs = if not discover_only: for ip, dev in found_devs: ctx.obj = dev ctx.invoke(state) print() return found_devs @cli.command() @pass_dev def sysinfo(dev): """Print out full system information.""" click.echo("== System info ==", bold=True)) click.echo(pf(dev.sys_info)) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.pass_context def state(ctx, dev): """Print out device state and versions.""" click.echo("== %s - %s ==" % (dev.alias, dev.model), bold=True)) click.echo("Device state: %s" % "ON" if dev.is_on else "OFF", fg="green" if dev.is_on else "red")) click.echo("Host/IP: %s" % for k, v in dev.state_information.items(): click.echo("%s: %s" % (k, v)) click.echo("== Generic information ==", bold=True)) click.echo("Time: %s" % dev.time) click.echo("Hardware: %s" % dev.hw_info["hw_ver"]) click.echo("Software: %s" % dev.hw_info["sw_ver"]) click.echo("MAC (rssi): %s (%s)" % (dev.mac, dev.rssi)) click.echo("Location: %s" % dev.location) ctx.invoke(emeter) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.option('--year', type=Datetime(format='%Y'), default=None, required=False) @click.option('--month', type=Datetime(format='%Y-%m'), default=None, required=False) @click.option('--erase', is_flag=True) def emeter(dev, year, month, erase): """Query emeter for historical consumption.""" click.echo("== Emeter ==", bold=True)) if not dev.has_emeter: click.echo("Device has no emeter") return if erase: click.echo("Erasing emeter statistics..") dev.erase_emeter_stats() return click.echo("Current state: %s" % dev.get_emeter_realtime()) if year: click.echo("== For year %s ==" % year.year) click.echo(dev.get_emeter_monthly(year.year)) elif month: click.echo("== For month %s of %s ==" % (month.month, month.year)) dev.get_emeter_daily(year=month.year, month=month.month) @cli.command() @click.argument("brightness", type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=None, required=False) @pass_dev def brightness(dev, brightness): """Get or set brightness. (Bulb Only)""" if brightness is None: click.echo("Brightness: %s" % dev.brightness) else: click.echo("Setting brightness to %s" % brightness) dev.brightness = brightness @cli.command() @click.argument("temperature", type=click.IntRange(2500, 9000), default=None, required=False) @pass_dev def temperature(dev, temperature): """Get or set color temperature. (Bulb only)""" if temperature is None: click.echo("Color temperature: %s" % dev.color_temp) if dev.valid_temperature_range != (0, 0): click.echo("(min: %s, max: %s)" % dev.valid_temperature_range) else: click.echo("Setting color temperature to %s" % temperature) dev.color_temp = temperature @cli.command() @click.argument("h", type=click.IntRange(0, 360), default=None) @click.argument("s", type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=None) @click.argument("v", type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=None) @pass_dev def hsv(dev, h, s, v): """Get or set color in HSV. (Bulb only)""" if h is None or s is None or v is None: click.echo("Current HSV: %s" % dev.hsv) else: click.echo("Setting HSV: %s %s %s" % (h, s, v)) dev.hsv = (h, s, v) @cli.command() @click.argument('state', type=bool, required=False) @pass_dev def led(dev, state): """Get or set led state. (Plug only)""" if state is not None: click.echo("Turning led to %s" % state) dev.led = state else: click.echo("LED state: %s" % dev.led) @cli.command() @pass_dev def time(dev): """Get the device time.""" click.echo(dev.time) @cli.command() @pass_dev def on(plug): """Turn the device on.""" click.echo("Turning on..") plug.turn_on() @cli.command() @pass_dev def off(plug): """Turn the device off.""" click.echo("Turning off..") plug.turn_off() if __name__ == "__main__": cli()