"""This script generates devinfo files for the test suite. If you have new, yet unsupported device or a device with no devinfo file under tests/fixtures, feel free to run this script and create a PR to add the file to the repository. Executing this script will several modules and methods one by one, and finally execute a query to query all of them at once. """ from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses import json import logging import re import sys import traceback from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from collections.abc import Callable from pathlib import Path from pprint import pprint from typing import Any import asyncclick as click from devtools.helpers.smartcamrequests import SMARTCAM_REQUESTS from devtools.helpers.smartrequests import SmartRequest, get_component_requests from kasa import ( AuthenticationError, Credentials, Device, DeviceConfig, DeviceConnectionParameters, Discover, KasaException, TimeoutError, ) from kasa.device_factory import get_protocol from kasa.deviceconfig import DeviceEncryptionType, DeviceFamily from kasa.discover import ( NEW_DISCOVERY_REDACTORS, DiscoveredRaw, DiscoveryResult, ) from kasa.exceptions import SmartErrorCode from kasa.protocols import IotProtocol from kasa.protocols.iotprotocol import REDACTORS as IOT_REDACTORS from kasa.protocols.protocol import redact_data from kasa.protocols.smartcamprotocol import ( SmartCamProtocol, _ChildCameraProtocolWrapper, ) from kasa.protocols.smartprotocol import REDACTORS as SMART_REDACTORS from kasa.protocols.smartprotocol import SmartProtocol, _ChildProtocolWrapper from kasa.smart import SmartChildDevice, SmartDevice from kasa.smartcam import SmartCamDevice Call = namedtuple("Call", "module method") FixtureResult = namedtuple("FixtureResult", "filename, folder, data") SMART_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/smart/" SMARTCAM_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/smartcam/" SMART_CHILD_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/smart/child/" IOT_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/iot/" ENCRYPT_TYPES = [encrypt_type.value for encrypt_type in DeviceEncryptionType] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SMART_SINGLE_ONLY_CALLS = { "getConnectStatus", } def _wrap_redactors(redactors: dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any] | None]): """Wrap the redactors for dump_devinfo. Will replace all partial REDACT_ values with zeros. If the data item is already scrubbed by dump_devinfo will leave as-is. """ def _wrap(key: str) -> Any: def _wrapped(redactor: Callable[[Any], Any] | None) -> Any | None: if redactor is None: return lambda x: "**SCRUBBED**" def _redact_to_zeros(x: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(x, str) and "REDACT" in x: return re.sub(r"\w", "0", x) if isinstance(x, dict): for k, v in x.items(): x[k] = _redact_to_zeros(v) return x def _scrub(x: Any) -> Any: if key in {"ip", "local_ip"}: return "" # Already scrubbed by dump_devinfo if isinstance(x, str) and "SCRUBBED" in x: return x default = redactor(x) return _redact_to_zeros(default) return _scrub return _wrapped(redactors[key]) return {key: _wrap(key) for key in redactors} @dataclasses.dataclass class SmartCall: """Class for smart and smartcam calls.""" module: str request: dict should_succeed: bool child_device_id: str supports_multiple: bool = True def default_to_regular(d): """Convert nested defaultdicts to regular ones. From https://stackoverflow.com/a/26496899 """ if isinstance(d, defaultdict): d = {k: default_to_regular(v) for k, v in d.items()} return d async def handle_device( basedir, autosave, protocol, *, discovery_info=None, batch_size: int ): """Create a fixture for a single device instance.""" if isinstance(protocol, SmartProtocol): fixture_results: list[FixtureResult] = await get_smart_fixtures( protocol, discovery_info=discovery_info, batch_size=batch_size ) else: fixture_results = [ await get_legacy_fixture(protocol, discovery_info=discovery_info) ] for fixture_result in fixture_results: save_filename = Path(basedir) / fixture_result.folder / fixture_result.filename pprint(fixture_result.data) if autosave: save = "y" else: save = click.prompt( f"Do you want to save the above content to {save_filename} (y/n)" ) if save == "y": click.echo(f"Saving info to {save_filename}") with save_filename.open("w") as f: json.dump(fixture_result.data, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) f.write("\n") else: click.echo("Not saving.") @click.command() @click.option("--host", required=False, help="Target host.") @click.option( "--target", required=False, default="", help="Target network for discovery.", ) @click.option( "--username", default="", required=False, envvar="KASA_USERNAME", help="Username/email address to authenticate to device.", ) @click.option( "--password", default="", required=False, envvar="KASA_PASSWORD", help="Password to use to authenticate to device.", ) @click.option("--basedir", help="Base directory for the git repository", default=".") @click.option("--autosave", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Save without prompting") @click.option( "--batch-size", default=5, help="Number of batched requests to send at once" ) @click.option("-d", "--debug", is_flag=True) @click.option( "-di", "--discovery-info", help=( "Bypass discovery by passing an accurate discovery result json escaped string." + " Do not use this flag unless you are sure you know what it means." ), ) @click.option( "--discovery-timeout", envvar="KASA_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT", default=10, required=False, show_default=True, help="Timeout for discovery.", ) @click.option( "-e", "--encrypt-type", envvar="KASA_ENCRYPT_TYPE", default=None, type=click.Choice(ENCRYPT_TYPES, case_sensitive=False), ) @click.option( "-df", "--device-family", envvar="KASA_DEVICE_FAMILY", default="SMART.TAPOPLUG", help="Device family type, e.g. `SMART.KASASWITCH`.", ) @click.option( "-lv", "--login-version", envvar="KASA_LOGIN_VERSION", default=2, type=int, help="The login version for device authentication. Defaults to 2", ) @click.option( "--https/--no-https", envvar="KASA_HTTPS", default=False, is_flag=True, type=bool, help="Set flag if the device encryption uses https.", ) @click.option( "--timeout", required=False, default=15, help="Timeout for queries.", ) @click.option("--port", help="Port override", type=int) async def cli( host, target, basedir, autosave, debug, username, discovery_timeout, password, batch_size, discovery_info, encrypt_type, https, device_family, login_version, port, timeout, ): """Generate devinfo files for devices. Use --host (for a single device) or --target (for a complete network). """ if debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) raw_discovery = {} def capture_raw(discovered: DiscoveredRaw): raw_discovery[discovered["meta"]["ip"]] = discovered["discovery_response"] credentials = Credentials(username=username, password=password) if host is not None: if discovery_info: click.echo(f"Host and discovery info given, trying connect on {host}.") di = json.loads(discovery_info) dr = DiscoveryResult.from_dict(di) connection_type = DeviceConnectionParameters.from_values( dr.device_type, dr.mgt_encrypt_schm.encrypt_type, dr.mgt_encrypt_schm.lv, ) dc = DeviceConfig( host=host, connection_type=connection_type, port_override=port, credentials=credentials, timeout=timeout, ) device = await Device.connect(config=dc) await handle_device( basedir, autosave, device.protocol, discovery_info=dr.to_dict(), batch_size=batch_size, ) elif device_family and encrypt_type: ctype = DeviceConnectionParameters( DeviceFamily(device_family), DeviceEncryptionType(encrypt_type), login_version, https, ) config = DeviceConfig( host=host, port_override=port, credentials=credentials, connection_type=ctype, timeout=timeout, ) if protocol := get_protocol(config): await handle_device(basedir, autosave, protocol, batch_size=batch_size) else: raise KasaException( "Could not find a protocol for the given parameters." ) else: click.echo(f"Host given, performing discovery on {host}.") device = await Discover.discover_single( host, credentials=credentials, port=port, discovery_timeout=discovery_timeout, timeout=timeout, on_discovered_raw=capture_raw, ) discovery_info = raw_discovery[device.host] if decrypted_data := device._discovery_info.get("decrypted_data"): discovery_info["result"]["decrypted_data"] = decrypted_data await handle_device( basedir, autosave, device.protocol, discovery_info=discovery_info, batch_size=batch_size, ) else: click.echo( "No --host given, performing discovery on" f" {target}. Use --target to override." ) devices = await Discover.discover( target=target, credentials=credentials, discovery_timeout=discovery_timeout, timeout=timeout, on_discovered_raw=capture_raw, ) click.echo(f"Detected {len(devices)} devices") for dev in devices.values(): discovery_info = raw_discovery[dev.host] if decrypted_data := dev._discovery_info.get("decrypted_data"): discovery_info["result"]["decrypted_data"] = decrypted_data await handle_device( basedir, autosave, dev.protocol, discovery_info=discovery_info, batch_size=batch_size, ) async def get_legacy_fixture( protocol: IotProtocol, *, discovery_info: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None ) -> FixtureResult: """Get fixture for legacy IOT style protocol.""" items = [ Call(module="system", method="get_sysinfo"), Call(module="emeter", method="get_realtime"), Call(module="cnCloud", method="get_info"), Call(module="cnCloud", method="get_intl_fw_list"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.common.cloud", method="get_info"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.common.cloud", method="get_intl_fw_list"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.common.schedule", method="get_next_action"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.common.schedule", method="get_rules"), Call(module="schedule", method="get_next_action"), Call(module="schedule", method="get_rules"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.dimmer", method="get_dimmer_parameters"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.dimmer", method="get_default_behavior"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.common.emeter", method="get_realtime"), Call( module="smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice", method="get_light_state" ), Call( module="smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice", method="get_default_behavior", ), Call( module="smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice", method="get_light_details" ), Call(module="smartlife.iot.lightStrip", method="get_default_behavior"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.lightStrip", method="get_light_state"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.lightStrip", method="get_light_details"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.LAS", method="get_config"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.LAS", method="get_current_brt"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.LAS", method="get_dark_status"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.LAS", method="get_adc_value"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.PIR", method="get_config"), Call(module="smartlife.iot.PIR", method="get_adc_value"), ] successes = [] for test_call in items: try: click.echo(f"Testing {test_call}..", nl=False) info = await protocol.query({test_call.module: {test_call.method: {}}}) resp = info[test_call.module] except Exception as ex: click.echo(click.style(f"FAIL {ex}", fg="red")) else: if "err_msg" in resp: click.echo(click.style(f"FAIL {resp['err_msg']}", fg="red")) else: click.echo(click.style("OK", fg="green")) successes.append((test_call, info)) finally: await protocol.close() final_query: dict = defaultdict(defaultdict) final: dict = defaultdict(defaultdict) for succ, resp in successes: final_query[succ.module][succ.method] = {} final[succ.module][succ.method] = resp final = default_to_regular(final) try: final = await protocol.query(final_query) except Exception as ex: _echo_error(f"Unable to query all successes at once: {ex}") finally: await protocol.close() final = redact_data(final, _wrap_redactors(IOT_REDACTORS)) # Scrub the child device ids if children := final.get("system", {}).get("get_sysinfo", {}).get("children"): for index, child in enumerate(children): if "id" not in child: _LOGGER.error("Could not find a device for the child device: %s", child) else: child["id"] = f"SCRUBBED_CHILD_DEVICE_ID_{index + 1}" if discovery_info and not discovery_info.get("system"): final["discovery_result"] = redact_data( discovery_info, _wrap_redactors(NEW_DISCOVERY_REDACTORS) ) click.echo(f"Got {len(successes)} successes") click.echo(click.style("## device info file ##", bold=True)) sysinfo = final["system"]["get_sysinfo"] model = sysinfo["model"] hw_version = sysinfo["hw_ver"] sw_version = sysinfo["sw_ver"] sw_version = sw_version.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[0] save_filename = f"{model}_{hw_version}_{sw_version}.json" copy_folder = IOT_FOLDER return FixtureResult(filename=save_filename, folder=copy_folder, data=final) def _echo_error(msg: str): click.echo( click.style( msg, bold=True, fg="red", ) ) def format_exception(e): """Print full exception stack as if it hadn't been caught. https://stackoverflow.com/a/12539332 """ exception_list = traceback.format_stack() exception_list = exception_list[:-2] exception_list.extend(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) exception_list.extend( traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) ) exception_str = "Traceback (most recent call last):\n" exception_str += "".join(exception_list) # Removing the last \n exception_str = exception_str[:-1] return exception_str async def _make_final_calls( protocol: SmartProtocol, calls: list[SmartCall], name: str, batch_size: int, *, child_device_id: str, ) -> dict[str, dict]: """Call all successes again. After trying each call individually make the calls again either as a multiple request or as single requests for those that don't support multiple queries. """ multiple_requests = { key: smartcall.request[key] for smartcall in calls if smartcall.supports_multiple and (key := next(iter(smartcall.request))) } final = await _make_requests_or_exit( protocol, multiple_requests, name + " - multiple", batch_size, child_device_id=child_device_id, ) single_calls = [smartcall for smartcall in calls if not smartcall.supports_multiple] for smartcall in single_calls: final[smartcall.module] = await _make_requests_or_exit( protocol, smartcall.request, f"{name} + {smartcall.module}", batch_size, child_device_id=child_device_id, ) return final async def _make_requests_or_exit( protocol: SmartProtocol, requests: dict, name: str, batch_size: int, *, child_device_id: str, ) -> dict[str, dict]: final = {} # Calling close on child protocol wrappers is a noop protocol_to_close = protocol if child_device_id: if isinstance(protocol, SmartCamProtocol): protocol = _ChildCameraProtocolWrapper(child_device_id, protocol) else: protocol = _ChildProtocolWrapper(child_device_id, protocol) try: end = len(requests) step = batch_size # Break the requests down as there seems to be a size limit keys = [key for key in requests] for i in range(0, end, step): x = i requests_step = {key: requests[key] for key in keys[x : x + step]} responses = await protocol.query(requests_step) for method, result in responses.items(): final[method] = result return final except AuthenticationError as ex: _echo_error( f"Unable to query the device due to an authentication error: {ex}", ) exit(1) except KasaException as ex: _echo_error( f"Unable to query {name} at once: {ex}", ) if isinstance(ex, TimeoutError): _echo_error( "Timeout, try reducing the batch size via --batch-size option.", ) exit(1) except Exception as ex: _echo_error( f"Unexpected exception querying {name} at once: {ex}", ) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _echo_error(format_exception(ex)) exit(1) finally: await protocol_to_close.close() async def get_smart_camera_test_calls(protocol: SmartProtocol): """Get the list of test calls to make.""" test_calls: list[SmartCall] = [] successes: list[SmartCall] = [] test_calls = [] for request in SMARTCAM_REQUESTS: method = next(iter(request)) if method == "get": module = method + "_" + next(iter(request[method])) else: module = method test_calls.append( SmartCall( module=module, request=request, should_succeed=True, child_device_id="", supports_multiple=( method != "get" and method[:3] == "get" and method not in SMART_SINGLE_ONLY_CALLS ), ) ) # Now get the child device requests child_request = { "getChildDeviceList": {"childControl": {"start_index": 0}}, } try: child_response = await protocol.query(child_request) except Exception: _LOGGER.debug("Device does not have any children.") else: successes.append( SmartCall( module="getChildDeviceList", request=child_request, should_succeed=True, child_device_id="", supports_multiple=True, ) ) child_list = child_response["getChildDeviceList"]["child_device_list"] for child in child_list: child_id = child.get("device_id") or child.get("dev_id") if not child_id: _LOGGER.error("Could not find child device id in %s", child) # If category is in the child device map the protocol is smart. if ( category := child.get("category") ) and category in SmartChildDevice.CHILD_DEVICE_TYPE_MAP: child_protocol = _ChildCameraProtocolWrapper(child_id, protocol) try: nego_response = await child_protocol.query({"component_nego": None}) except Exception as ex: _LOGGER.error("Error calling component_nego: %s", ex) continue if "component_nego" not in nego_response: _LOGGER.error( "Could not find component_nego in device response: %s", nego_response, ) continue successes.append( SmartCall( module="component_nego", request={"component_nego": None}, should_succeed=True, child_device_id=child_id, ) ) child_components = { item["id"]: item["ver_code"] for item in nego_response["component_nego"]["component_list"] } for component_id, ver_code in child_components.items(): if ( requests := get_component_requests(component_id, ver_code) ) is not None: component_test_calls = [ SmartCall( module=component_id, request={key: val}, should_succeed=True, child_device_id=child_id, ) for key, val in requests.items() ] test_calls.extend(component_test_calls) else: click.echo(f"Skipping {component_id}..", nl=False) click.echo(click.style("UNSUPPORTED", fg="yellow")) else: # Not a smart protocol device so assume camera protocol for request in SMARTCAM_REQUESTS: method = next(iter(request)) if method == "get": method = method + "_" + next(iter(request[method])) test_calls.append( SmartCall( module=method, request=request, should_succeed=True, child_device_id=child_id, ) ) finally: await protocol.close() return test_calls, successes async def get_smart_test_calls(protocol: SmartProtocol): """Get the list of test calls to make.""" test_calls = [] successes = [] child_device_components = {} extra_test_calls = [ SmartCall( module="temp_humidity_records", request=SmartRequest.get_raw_request("get_temp_humidity_records").to_dict(), should_succeed=False, child_device_id="", ), ] click.echo("Testing component_nego call ..", nl=False) responses = await _make_requests_or_exit( protocol, SmartRequest.component_nego().to_dict(), "component_nego call", batch_size=1, child_device_id="", ) component_info_response = responses["component_nego"] click.echo(click.style("OK", fg="green")) successes.append( SmartCall( module="component_nego", request=SmartRequest("component_nego").to_dict(), should_succeed=True, child_device_id="", ) ) components = { item["id"]: item["ver_code"] for item in component_info_response["component_list"] } if "child_device" in components: child_components = await _make_requests_or_exit( protocol, SmartRequest.get_child_device_component_list().to_dict(), "child device component list", batch_size=1, child_device_id="", ) successes.append( SmartCall( module="child_component_list", request=SmartRequest.get_child_device_component_list().to_dict(), should_succeed=True, child_device_id="", ) ) test_calls.append( SmartCall( module="child_device_list", request=SmartRequest.get_child_device_list().to_dict(), should_succeed=True, child_device_id="", ) ) # Get list of child components to call if "control_child" in components: child_device_components = { child_component_list["device_id"]: { item["id"]: item["ver_code"] for item in child_component_list["component_list"] } for child_component_list in child_components[ "get_child_device_component_list" ]["child_component_list"] } # Get component calls for component_id, ver_code in components.items(): if component_id == "child_device": continue if (requests := get_component_requests(component_id, ver_code)) is not None: component_test_calls = [ SmartCall( module=component_id, request={key: val}, should_succeed=True, child_device_id="", ) for key, val in requests.items() ] test_calls.extend(component_test_calls) else: click.echo(f"Skipping {component_id}..", nl=False) click.echo(click.style("UNSUPPORTED", fg="yellow")) test_calls.extend(extra_test_calls) # Child component calls for child_device_id, child_components in child_device_components.items(): test_calls.append( SmartCall( module="component_nego", request=SmartRequest("component_nego").to_dict(), should_succeed=True, child_device_id=child_device_id, ) ) for component_id, ver_code in child_components.items(): if (requests := get_component_requests(component_id, ver_code)) is not None: component_test_calls = [ SmartCall( module=component_id, request={key: val}, should_succeed=True, child_device_id=child_device_id, ) for key, val in requests.items() ] test_calls.extend(component_test_calls) else: click.echo(f"Skipping {component_id}..", nl=False) click.echo(click.style("UNSUPPORTED", fg="yellow")) # Add the extra calls for each child for extra_call in extra_test_calls: extra_child_call = dataclasses.replace( extra_call, child_device_id=child_device_id ) test_calls.append(extra_child_call) return test_calls, successes def get_smart_child_fixture(response): """Get a seperate fixture for the child device.""" model_info = SmartDevice._get_device_info(response, None) hw_version = model_info.hardware_version fw_version = model_info.firmware_version model = model_info.long_name if model_info.region is not None: model = f"{model}({model_info.region})" save_filename = f"{model}_{hw_version}_{fw_version}.json" return FixtureResult( filename=save_filename, folder=SMART_CHILD_FOLDER, data=response ) async def get_smart_fixtures( protocol: SmartProtocol, *, discovery_info: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None, batch_size: int, ) -> list[FixtureResult]: """Get fixture for new TAPO style protocol.""" if isinstance(protocol, SmartCamProtocol): test_calls, successes = await get_smart_camera_test_calls(protocol) child_wrapper: type[_ChildProtocolWrapper | _ChildCameraProtocolWrapper] = ( _ChildCameraProtocolWrapper ) else: test_calls, successes = await get_smart_test_calls(protocol) child_wrapper = _ChildProtocolWrapper for test_call in test_calls: click.echo(f"Testing {test_call.module}..", nl=False) try: click.echo(f"Testing {test_call}..", nl=False) if test_call.child_device_id == "": response = await protocol.query(test_call.request) else: cp = child_wrapper(test_call.child_device_id, protocol) response = await cp.query(test_call.request) except AuthenticationError as ex: _echo_error( f"Unable to query the device due to an authentication error: {ex}", ) exit(1) except Exception as ex: if ( not test_call.should_succeed and hasattr(ex, "error_code") and ex.error_code in [ SmartErrorCode.UNKNOWN_METHOD_ERROR, SmartErrorCode.TRANSPORT_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR, SmartErrorCode.UNSPECIFIC_ERROR, ] ): click.echo(click.style("FAIL - EXPECTED", fg="green")) else: click.echo(click.style(f"FAIL {ex}", fg="red")) else: if not response: click.echo(click.style("FAIL no response", fg="red")) else: if not test_call.should_succeed: click.echo(click.style("OK - EXPECTED FAIL", fg="red")) else: click.echo(click.style("OK", fg="green")) successes.append(test_call) finally: await protocol.close() device_requests: dict[str, list[SmartCall]] = {} for success in successes: device_request = device_requests.setdefault(success.child_device_id, []) device_request.append(success) scrubbed_device_ids = { device_id: f"SCRUBBED_CHILD_DEVICE_ID_{index}" for index, device_id in enumerate(device_requests.keys()) if device_id != "" } final = await _make_final_calls( protocol, device_requests[""], "All successes", batch_size, child_device_id="" ) fixture_results = [] for child_device_id, requests in device_requests.items(): if child_device_id == "": continue response = await _make_final_calls( protocol, requests, "All child successes", batch_size, child_device_id=child_device_id, ) scrubbed = scrubbed_device_ids[child_device_id] if "get_device_info" in response and "device_id" in response["get_device_info"]: response["get_device_info"]["device_id"] = scrubbed # If the child is a different model to the parent create a seperate fixture if "get_device_info" in final: parent_model = final["get_device_info"]["model"] elif "getDeviceInfo" in final: parent_model = final["getDeviceInfo"]["device_info"]["basic_info"][ "device_model" ] else: raise KasaException("Cannot determine parent device model.") if ( "component_nego" in response and "get_device_info" in response and (child_model := response["get_device_info"].get("model")) and child_model != parent_model ): response = redact_data(response, _wrap_redactors(SMART_REDACTORS)) fixture_results.append(get_smart_child_fixture(response)) else: cd = final.setdefault("child_devices", {}) cd[scrubbed] = response # Scrub the device ids in the parent for smart protocol if gc := final.get("get_child_device_component_list"): for child in gc["child_component_list"]: device_id = child["device_id"] child["device_id"] = scrubbed_device_ids[device_id] for child in final["get_child_device_list"]["child_device_list"]: device_id = child["device_id"] child["device_id"] = scrubbed_device_ids[device_id] # Scrub the device ids in the parent for the smart camera protocol if gc := final.get("getChildDeviceComponentList"): for child in gc["child_component_list"]: device_id = child["device_id"] child["device_id"] = scrubbed_device_ids[device_id] for child in final["getChildDeviceList"]["child_device_list"]: if device_id := child.get("device_id"): child["device_id"] = scrubbed_device_ids[device_id] continue elif dev_id := child.get("dev_id"): child["dev_id"] = scrubbed_device_ids[dev_id] continue _LOGGER.error("Could not find a device for the child device: %s", child) final = redact_data(final, _wrap_redactors(SMART_REDACTORS)) discovery_result = None if discovery_info: final["discovery_result"] = redact_data( discovery_info, _wrap_redactors(NEW_DISCOVERY_REDACTORS) ) discovery_result = discovery_info["result"] click.echo(f"Got {len(successes)} successes") click.echo(click.style("## device info file ##", bold=True)) if "get_device_info" in final: # smart protocol model_info = SmartDevice._get_device_info(final, discovery_result) copy_folder = SMART_FOLDER else: # smart camera protocol model_info = SmartCamDevice._get_device_info(final, discovery_result) copy_folder = SMARTCAM_FOLDER hw_version = model_info.hardware_version sw_version = model_info.firmware_version model = model_info.long_name if model_info.region is not None: model = f"{model}({model_info.region})" save_filename = f"{model}_{hw_version}_{sw_version}.json" fixture_results.insert( 0, FixtureResult(filename=save_filename, folder=copy_folder, data=final) ) return fixture_results if __name__ == "__main__": cli()