"""Module for cli device commands.""" from __future__ import annotations from pprint import pformat as pf import asyncclick as click from kasa import ( Device, Module, ) from kasa.smart import SmartDevice from .common import ( echo, error, pass_dev, pass_dev_or_child, ) @click.group() @pass_dev_or_child def device(dev): """Commands to control basic device settings.""" @device.command() @pass_dev_or_child @click.pass_context async def state(ctx, dev: Device): """Print out device state and versions.""" from .feature import _echo_all_features verbose = ctx.parent.params.get("verbose", False) if ctx.parent else False echo(f"[bold]== {dev.alias} - {dev.model} ==[/bold]") echo(f"Host: {dev.host}") echo(f"Port: {dev.port}") echo(f"Device state: {dev.is_on}") echo(f"Time: {dev.time} (tz: {dev.timezone}") echo(f"Hardware: {dev.hw_info['hw_ver']}") echo(f"Software: {dev.hw_info['sw_ver']}") echo(f"MAC (rssi): {dev.mac} ({dev.rssi})") if verbose: echo(f"Location: {dev.location}") echo() _echo_all_features(dev.features, verbose=verbose) if verbose: echo("\n[bold]== Modules ==[/bold]") for module in dev.modules.values(): echo(f"[green]+ {module}[/green]") if dev.children: echo("\n[bold]== Children ==[/bold]") for child in dev.children: _echo_all_features( child.features, title_prefix=f"{child.alias} ({child.model})", verbose=verbose, indent="\t", ) if verbose: echo(f"\n\t[bold]== Child {child.alias} Modules ==[/bold]") for module in child.modules.values(): echo(f"\t[green]+ {module}[/green]") echo() if verbose: echo("\n\t[bold]== Protocol information ==[/bold]") echo(f"\tCredentials hash: {dev.credentials_hash}") echo() from .discover import _echo_discovery_info _echo_discovery_info(dev._discovery_info) return dev.internal_state @device.command() @pass_dev_or_child async def sysinfo(dev): """Print out full system information.""" echo("== System info ==") echo(pf(dev.sys_info)) return dev.sys_info @device.command() @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev_or_child async def on(dev: Device, transition: int): """Turn the device on.""" echo(f"Turning on {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_on(transition=transition) @device.command @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev_or_child async def off(dev: Device, transition: int): """Turn the device off.""" echo(f"Turning off {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_off(transition=transition) @device.command() @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev_or_child async def toggle(dev: Device, transition: int): """Toggle the device on/off.""" if dev.is_on: echo(f"Turning off {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_off(transition=transition) echo(f"Turning on {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_on(transition=transition) @device.command() @click.argument("state", type=bool, required=False) @pass_dev_or_child async def led(dev: Device, state): """Get or set (Plug's) led state.""" if not (led := dev.modules.get(Module.Led)): error("Device does not support led.") return if state is not None: echo(f"Turning led to {state}") return await led.set_led(state) else: echo(f"LED state: {led.led}") return led.led @device.command() @click.argument("new_alias", required=False, default=None) @pass_dev_or_child async def alias(dev, new_alias): """Get or set the device (or plug) alias.""" if new_alias is not None: echo(f"Setting alias to {new_alias}") res = await dev.set_alias(new_alias) await dev.update() echo(f"Alias set to: {dev.alias}") return res echo(f"Alias: {dev.alias}") if dev.children: for plug in dev.children: echo(f" * {plug.alias}") return dev.alias @device.command() @click.option("--delay", default=1) @pass_dev async def reboot(plug, delay): """Reboot the device.""" echo("Rebooting the device..") return await plug.reboot(delay) @device.command() @pass_dev async def factory_reset(plug): """Reset device to factory settings.""" click.confirm( "Do you really want to reset the device to factory settings?", abort=True ) return await plug.factory_reset() @device.command() @pass_dev @click.option( "--username", required=True, prompt=True, help="New username to set on the device" ) @click.option( "--password", required=True, prompt=True, help="New password to set on the device" ) async def update_credentials(dev, username, password): """Update device credentials for authenticated devices.""" if not isinstance(dev, SmartDevice): error("Credentials can only be updated on authenticated devices.") click.confirm("Do you really want to replace the existing credentials?", abort=True) return await dev.update_credentials(username, password)