import pytest from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from kasa import Module from import SmartDevice from kasa.tests.device_fixtures import get_parent_and_child_modules, parametrize fan = parametrize("has fan", component_filter="fan_control", protocol_filter={"SMART"}) @fan async def test_fan_speed(dev: SmartDevice, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test fan speed feature.""" fan = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Fan)) assert fan level_feature = fan._module_features["fan_speed_level"] assert ( level_feature.minimum_value <= level_feature.value <= level_feature.maximum_value ) call = mocker.spy(fan, "call") await fan.set_fan_speed_level(3) call.assert_called_with( "set_device_info", {"device_on": True, "fan_speed_level": 3} ) await dev.update() assert fan.fan_speed_level == 3 assert level_feature.value == 3 @fan async def test_sleep_mode(dev: SmartDevice, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test sleep mode feature.""" fan = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Fan)) assert fan sleep_feature = fan._module_features["fan_sleep_mode"] assert isinstance(sleep_feature.value, bool) call = mocker.spy(fan, "call") await fan.set_sleep_mode(True) call.assert_called_with("set_device_info", {"fan_sleep_mode_on": True}) await dev.update() assert fan.sleep_mode is True assert sleep_feature.value is True @fan async def test_fan_module(dev: SmartDevice, mocker: MockerFixture): """Test fan speed on device interface.""" assert isinstance(dev, SmartDevice) fan = next(get_parent_and_child_modules(dev, Module.Fan)) assert fan device = fan._device await fan.set_fan_speed_level(1) await dev.update() assert fan.fan_speed_level == 1 assert device.is_on # Check that if the device is off the speed level is 0. await device.set_state(False) await dev.update() assert fan.fan_speed_level == 0 await fan.set_fan_speed_level(4) await dev.update() assert fan.fan_speed_level == 4 await fan.set_fan_speed_level(0) await dev.update() assert not device.is_on with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid level"): await fan.set_fan_speed_level(-1) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid level"): await fan.set_fan_speed_level(5)