"""Python interface for TP-Link's smart home devices. All common, shared functionalities are available through `SmartDevice` class:: x = SmartDevice("") print(x.sys_info) For device type specific actions `SmartBulb`, `SmartPlug`, or `SmartStrip` should be used instead. Module-specific errors are raised as `KasaException` and are expected to be handled by the user of the library. """ from importlib.metadata import version from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from warnings import warn from kasa.bulb import Bulb from kasa.credentials import Credentials from kasa.device import Device from kasa.device_type import DeviceType from kasa.deviceconfig import ( ConnectionType, DeviceConfig, DeviceFamilyType, EncryptType, ) from kasa.discover import Discover from kasa.emeterstatus import EmeterStatus from kasa.exceptions import ( AuthenticationError, DeviceError, KasaException, TimeoutError, UnsupportedDeviceError, ) from kasa.feature import Feature from kasa.iot.iotbulb import BulbPreset, TurnOnBehavior, TurnOnBehaviors from kasa.iotprotocol import ( IotProtocol, _deprecated_TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol, # noqa: F401 ) from kasa.plug import Plug from kasa.protocol import BaseProtocol from kasa.smartprotocol import SmartProtocol __version__ = version("python-kasa") __all__ = [ "Discover", "BaseProtocol", "IotProtocol", "SmartProtocol", "BulbPreset", "TurnOnBehaviors", "TurnOnBehavior", "DeviceType", "Feature", "EmeterStatus", "Device", "Bulb", "Plug", "KasaException", "AuthenticationError", "DeviceError", "UnsupportedDeviceError", "TimeoutError", "Credentials", "DeviceConfig", "ConnectionType", "EncryptType", "DeviceFamilyType", ] from . import iot deprecated_names = ["TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol"] deprecated_smart_devices = { "SmartDevice": iot.IotDevice, "SmartPlug": iot.IotPlug, "SmartBulb": iot.IotBulb, "SmartLightStrip": iot.IotLightStrip, "SmartStrip": iot.IotStrip, "SmartDimmer": iot.IotDimmer, "SmartBulbPreset": BulbPreset, } deprecated_exceptions = { "SmartDeviceException": KasaException, "UnsupportedDeviceException": UnsupportedDeviceError, "AuthenticationException": AuthenticationError, "TimeoutException": TimeoutError, } def __getattr__(name): if name in deprecated_names: warn(f"{name} is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) return globals()[f"_deprecated_{name}"] if name in deprecated_smart_devices: new_class = deprecated_smart_devices[name] package_name = ".".join(new_class.__module__.split(".")[:-1]) warn( f"{name} is deprecated, use {new_class.__name__} " + f"from package {package_name} instead or use Discover.discover_single()" + " and Device.connect() to support new protocols", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) return new_class if name in deprecated_exceptions: new_class = deprecated_exceptions[name] msg = f"{name} is deprecated, use {new_class.__name__} instead" warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) return new_class raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}") if TYPE_CHECKING: SmartDevice = Device SmartBulb = iot.IotBulb SmartPlug = iot.IotPlug SmartLightStrip = iot.IotLightStrip SmartStrip = iot.IotStrip SmartDimmer = iot.IotDimmer SmartBulbPreset = BulbPreset SmartDeviceException = KasaException UnsupportedDeviceException = UnsupportedDeviceError AuthenticationException = AuthenticationError TimeoutException = TimeoutError # Instanstiate all classes so the type checkers catch abstract issues from . import smart smart.SmartDevice("") iot.IotDevice("") iot.IotPlug("") iot.IotBulb("") iot.IotLightStrip("") iot.IotStrip("") iot.IotDimmer("")