""" pyHS100 Python library supporting TP-Link Smart Plugs/Switches (HS100/HS110/Hs200). The communication protocol was reverse engineered by Lubomir Stroetmann and Tobias Esser in 'Reverse Engineering the TP-Link HS110': https://www.softscheck.com/en/reverse-engineering-tp-link-hs110/ This library reuses codes and concepts of the TP-Link WiFi SmartPlug Client at https://github.com/softScheck/tplink-smartplug, developed by Lubomir Stroetmann which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 """ # python2 compatibility from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str import datetime import logging import socket from pyHS100.protocol import TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SmartPlugException(Exception): """ SmartPlugException gets raised for errors reported by the plug. """ pass class SmartPlug(object): """Representation of a TP-Link Smart Switch. Usage example when used as library: p = SmartPlug("") # print the devices alias print(p.alias) # change state of plug p.state = "ON" p.state = "OFF" # query and print current state of plug print(p.state) Errors reported by the device are raised as SmartPlugExceptions, and should be handled by the user of the library. Note: The library references the same structure as defined for the D-Link Switch """ # switch states SWITCH_STATE_ON = 'ON' SWITCH_STATE_OFF = 'OFF' SWITCH_STATE_UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN' # possible device features FEATURE_ENERGY_METER = 'ENE' FEATURE_TIMER = 'TIM' ALL_FEATURES = (FEATURE_ENERGY_METER, FEATURE_TIMER) def __init__(self, ip_address, protocol=None): """ Create a new SmartPlug instance, identified through its IP address. :param str ip_address: ip address on which the device listens :raises SmartPlugException: when unable to communicate with the device """ socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip_address) self.ip_address = ip_address if not protocol: protocol = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol() self.protocol = protocol self._sys_info = None def _fetch_sysinfo(self): """ Fetches the system information from the device. This should be called when the state of the plug is changed. :raises: SmartPlugException: on error """ self._sys_info = self.get_sysinfo() def _query_helper(self, target, cmd, arg={}): """ Helper returning unwrapped result object and doing error handling. :param target: Target system {system, time, emeter, ..} :param cmd: Command to execute :param arg: JSON object passed as parameter to the command, defaults to {} :return: Unwrapped result for the call. :rtype: dict :raises SmartPlugException: if command was not executed correctly """ try: response = self.protocol.query( host=self.ip_address, request={target: {cmd: arg}} ) except Exception as ex: raise SmartPlugException(ex) from ex if target not in response: raise SmartPlugException("No required {} in response: {}".format(target, response)) result = response[target] if "err_code" in result and result["err_code"] != 0: raise SmartPlugException("Error on {}.{}: {}".format(target, cmd, result)) result = result[cmd] del result["err_code"] return result @property def sys_info(self): if not self._sys_info: self._fetch_sysinfo() return self._sys_info @property def state(self): """ Retrieve the switch state :returns: one of SWITCH_STATE_ON SWITCH_STATE_OFF SWITCH_STATE_UNKNOWN :rtype: str """ relay_state = self.sys_info['relay_state'] if relay_state == 0: return SmartPlug.SWITCH_STATE_OFF elif relay_state == 1: return SmartPlug.SWITCH_STATE_ON else: _LOGGER.warning("Unknown state %s returned.", relay_state) return SmartPlug.SWITCH_STATE_UNKNOWN @state.setter def state(self, value): """ Set the new switch state :param value: one of SWITCH_STATE_ON SWITCH_STATE_OFF :raises ValueError: on invalid state :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise ValueError("State must be str, not of %s.", type(value)) elif value.upper() == SmartPlug.SWITCH_STATE_ON: self.turn_on() elif value.upper() == SmartPlug.SWITCH_STATE_OFF: self.turn_off() else: raise ValueError("State %s is not valid.", value) self._fetch_sysinfo() def get_sysinfo(self): """ Retrieve system information. :return: sysinfo :rtype dict :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ return self._query_helper("system", "get_sysinfo") @property def is_on(self): """ Returns whether device is on. :return: True if device is on, False otherwise """ return bool(self.sys_info['relay_state']) @property def is_off(self): """ Returns whether device is off. :return: True if device is off, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return not self.is_on def turn_on(self): """ Turn the switch on. :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ self._query_helper("system", "set_relay_state", {"state": 1}) self._fetch_sysinfo() def turn_off(self): """ Turn the switch off. :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ self._query_helper("system", "set_relay_state", {"state": 0}) self._fetch_sysinfo() @property def has_emeter(self): """ Checks feature list for energey meter support. :return: True if energey meter is available False if energymeter is missing """ return SmartPlug.FEATURE_ENERGY_METER in self.features def get_emeter_realtime(self): """ Retrive current energy readings from device. :returns: current readings or False :rtype: dict, False False if device has no energy meter or error occured :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ if not self.has_emeter: return False return self._query_helper("emeter", "get_realtime") def get_emeter_daily(self, year=None, month=None): """ Retrieve daily statistics for a given month :param year: year for which to retrieve statistics (default: this year) :param month: month for which to retrieve statistcs (default: this month) :return: mapping of day of month to value False if device has no energy meter or error occured :rtype: dict :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ if not self.has_emeter: return False if year is None: year = datetime.datetime.now().year if month is None: month = datetime.datetime.now().month response = self._query_helper("emeter", "get_daystat", {'month': month, 'year': year}) return {entry['day']: entry['energy'] for entry in response['day_list']} def get_emeter_monthly(self, year=datetime.datetime.now().year): """ Retrieve monthly statistics for a given year. :param year: year for which to retrieve statistics (default: this year) :return: dict: mapping of month to value False if device has no energy meter :rtype: dict :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ if not self.has_emeter: return False response = self._query_helper("emeter", "get_monthstat", {'year': year}) return {entry['month']: entry['energy'] for entry in response['month_list']} def erase_emeter_stats(self): """ Erase energy meter statistics :return: True if statistics were deleted False if device has no energy meter. :rtype: bool :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ if not self.has_emeter: return False self._query_helper("emeter", "erase_emeter_stat", None) self._fetch_sysinfo() # As query_helper raises exception in case of failure, we have succeeded when we are this far. return True def current_consumption(self): """ Get the current power consumption in Watt. :return: the current power consumption in Watt. False if device has no energy meter. :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ if not self.has_emeter: return False response = self.get_emeter_realtime() return response['power'] def identify(self): """ Query device information to identify model and featureset :return: (alias, model, list of supported features) :rtype: tuple """ return self.alias, self.model, self.features @property def model(self): """ Get model of the device :return: device model :rtype: str :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ return self.sys_info['model'] @property def features(self): """ Returns features of the devices :return: list of features :rtype: list """ features = self.sys_info['feature'].split(':') for feature in features: if feature not in SmartPlug.ALL_FEATURES: _LOGGER.warning("Unknown feature %s on device %s.", feature, self.model) return features @property def alias(self): """ Get current device alias (name) :return: Device name aka alias. :rtype: str """ return self.sys_info['alias'] @alias.setter def alias(self, alias): """ Sets the device name aka alias. :param alias: New alias (name) :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ self._query_helper("system", "set_dev_alias", {"alias": alias}) self._fetch_sysinfo() @property def led(self): """ Returns the state of the led. :return: True if led is on, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return bool(1 - self.sys_info["led_off"]) @led.setter def led(self, state): """ Sets the state of the led (night mode) :param bool state: True to set led on, False to set led off :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ self._query_helper("system", "set_led_off", {"off": int(not state)}) self._fetch_sysinfo() @property def icon(self): """ Returns device icon Note: not working on HS110, but is always empty. :return: icon and its hash :rtype: dict :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ return self._query_helper("system", "get_dev_icon") @icon.setter def icon(self, icon): """ Content for hash and icon are unknown. :param str icon: Icon path(?) :raises NotImplementedError: when not implemented :raises SmartPlugError: on error """ raise NotImplementedError("Values for this call are unknown at this point.") # here just for the sake of completeness # self._query_helper("system", "set_dev_icon", {"icon": "", "hash": ""}) # self.initialize() @property def time(self): """ Returns current time from the device. :return: datetime for device's time :rtype: datetime.datetime :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ res = self._query_helper("time", "get_time") return datetime.datetime(res["year"], res["month"], res["mday"], res["hour"], res["min"], res["sec"]) @time.setter def time(self, ts): """ Sets time based on datetime object. Note: this calls set_timezone() for setting. :param datetime.datetime ts: New date and time :return: result :type: dict :raises NotImplemented: when not implemented. :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ raise NotImplementedError("Fails with err_code == 0 with HS110.") """ here just for the sake of completeness / if someone figures out why it doesn't work. ts_obj = { "index": self.timezone["index"], "hour": ts.hour, "min": ts.minute, "sec": ts.second, "year": ts.year, "month": ts.month, "mday": ts.day, } response = self._query_helper("time", "set_timezone", ts_obj) self.initialize() return response """ @property def timezone(self): """ Returns timezone information :return: Timezone information :rtype: dict :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ return self._query_helper("time", "get_timezone") @property def hw_info(self): """ Returns information about hardware :return: Information about hardware :rtype: dict """ keys = ["sw_ver", "hw_ver", "mac", "hwId", "fwId", "oemId", "dev_name"] return {key: self.sys_info[key] for key in keys} @property def on_since(self): """ Returns pretty-printed on-time :return: datetime for on since :rtype: datetime """ return datetime.datetime.now() - \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.sys_info["on_time"]) @property def location(self): """ Location of the device, as read from sysinfo :return: latitude and longitude :rtype: dict """ return {"latitude": self.sys_info["latitude"], "longitude": self.sys_info["longitude"]} @property def rssi(self): """ Returns WiFi signal strenth (rssi) :return: rssi :rtype: int """ return self.sys_info["rssi"] @property def mac(self): """ Returns mac address :return: mac address in hexadecimal with colons, e.g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab :rtype: str """ return self.sys_info["mac"] @mac.setter def mac(self, mac): """ Sets new mac address :param str mac: mac in hexadecimal with colons, e.g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab :raises SmartPlugException: on error """ self._query_helper("system", "set_mac_addr", {"mac": mac}) self._fetch_sysinfo()