"""Module for light strips (KL430)."""

from __future__ import annotations

from ..device_type import DeviceType
from ..deviceconfig import DeviceConfig
from ..module import Module
from ..protocols import BaseProtocol
from .iotbulb import IotBulb
from .iotdevice import requires_update
from .modules.lighteffect import LightEffect

class IotLightStrip(IotBulb):
    """Representation of a TP-Link Smart light strip.

    Light strips work similarly to bulbs, but use a different service for controlling,
    and expose some extra information (such as length and active effect).
    This class extends :class:`SmartBulb` interface.

        >>> import asyncio
        >>> strip = IotLightStrip("")
        >>> asyncio.run(strip.update())
        >>> print(strip.alias)
        Bedroom Lightstrip

        Getting the length of the strip:

        >>> strip.length

        Currently active effect:

        >>> strip.effect
        {'brightness': 100, 'custom': 0, 'enable': 0,
        'id': 'bCTItKETDFfrKANolgldxfgOakaarARs', 'name': 'Flicker'}

    .. note::
        The device supports some features that are not currently implemented,
        feel free to find out how to control them and create a PR!

    See :class:`SmartBulb` for more examples.

    LIGHT_SERVICE = "smartlife.iot.lightStrip"
    SET_LIGHT_METHOD = "set_light_state"

    def __init__(
        host: str,
        config: DeviceConfig | None = None,
        protocol: BaseProtocol | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(host=host, config=config, protocol=protocol)
        self._device_type = DeviceType.LightStrip

    async def _initialize_modules(self) -> None:
        """Initialize modules not added in init."""
        await super()._initialize_modules()
            LightEffect(self, "smartlife.iot.lighting_effect"),

    @property  # type: ignore
    def length(self) -> int:
        """Return length of the strip."""
        return self.sys_info["length"]