"""Discovery module for TP-Link Smart Home devices.""" import asyncio import json import logging import socket from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Type, Union, cast from kasa.protocol import TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol from kasa.smartbulb import SmartBulb from kasa.smartdevice import SmartDevice, SmartDeviceException from kasa.smartdimmer import SmartDimmer from kasa.smartlightstrip import SmartLightStrip from kasa.smartplug import SmartPlug from kasa.smartstrip import SmartStrip _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) OnDiscoveredCallable = Callable[[SmartDevice], Awaitable[None]] class _DiscoverProtocol(asyncio.DatagramProtocol): """Implementation of the discovery protocol handler. This is internal class, use :func:`Discover.discover`: instead. """ discovered_devices: Dict[str, SmartDevice] discovered_devices_raw: Dict[str, Dict] def __init__( self, *, on_discovered: OnDiscoveredCallable = None, target: str = "", timeout: int = 5, discovery_packets: int = 3, interface: Optional[str] = None, ): self.transport = None self.tries = discovery_packets self.timeout = timeout self.interface = interface self.on_discovered = on_discovered self.protocol = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol() self.target = (target, Discover.DISCOVERY_PORT) self.discovered_devices = {} self.discovered_devices_raw = {} def connection_made(self, transport) -> None: """Set socket options for broadcasting.""" self.transport = transport sock = transport.get_extra_info("socket") sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if self.interface is not None: sock.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BINDTODEVICE, self.interface.encode() ) self.do_discover() def do_discover(self) -> None: """Send number of discovery datagrams.""" req = json.dumps(Discover.DISCOVERY_QUERY) _LOGGER.debug("[DISCOVERY] %s >> %s", self.target, Discover.DISCOVERY_QUERY) encrypted_req = self.protocol.encrypt(req) for i in range(self.tries): self.transport.sendto(encrypted_req[4:], self.target) # type: ignore def datagram_received(self, data, addr) -> None: """Handle discovery responses.""" ip, port = addr if ip in self.discovered_devices: return info = json.loads(self.protocol.decrypt(data)) _LOGGER.debug("[DISCOVERY] %s << %s", ip, info) device_class = Discover._get_device_class(info) device = device_class(ip) asyncio.ensure_future(device.update()) self.discovered_devices[ip] = device self.discovered_devices_raw[ip] = info if device_class is not None: if self.on_discovered is not None: asyncio.ensure_future(self.on_discovered(device)) else: _LOGGER.error("Received invalid response: %s", info) def error_received(self, ex): """Handle asyncio.Protocol errors.""" _LOGGER.error("Got error: %s", ex) def connection_lost(self, ex): """NOP implementation of connection lost.""" class Discover: """Discover TPLink Smart Home devices. The main entry point for this library is :func:`Discover.discover()`, which returns a dictionary of the found devices. The key is the IP address of the device and the value contains ready-to-use, SmartDevice-derived device object. :func:`discover_single()` can be used to initialize a single device given its IP address. If the type of the device and its IP address is already known, you can initialize the corresponding device class directly without this. The protocol uses UDP broadcast datagrams on port 9999 for discovery. Examples: Discovery returns a list of discovered devices: >>> import asyncio >>> found_devices = asyncio.run(Discover.discover()) >>> [dev.alias for dev in found_devices] ['TP-LINK_Power Strip_CF69'] Discovery can also be targeted to a specific broadcast address instead of the >>> asyncio.run(Discover.discover(target="")) It is also possible to pass a coroutine to be executed for each found device: >>> async def print_alias(dev): >>> print(f"Discovered {dev.alias}") >>> devices = asyncio.run(Discover.discover(on_discovered=print_alias)) """ DISCOVERY_PORT = 9999 DISCOVERY_QUERY = { "system": {"get_sysinfo": None}, "emeter": {"get_realtime": None}, "smartlife.iot.dimmer": {"get_dimmer_parameters": None}, "smartlife.iot.common.emeter": {"get_realtime": None}, "smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice": {"get_light_state": None}, } @staticmethod async def discover( *, target="", on_discovered=None, timeout=5, discovery_packets=3, return_raw=False, interface=None, ) -> Mapping[str, Union[SmartDevice, Dict]]: """Discover supported devices. Sends discovery message to in order to detect available supported devices in the local network, and waits for given timeout for answers from devices. If given, `on_discovered` coroutine will get passed with the :class:`SmartDevice`-derived object as parameter. The results of the discovery are returned either as a list of :class:`SmartDevice`-derived objects or as raw response dictionaries objects (if `return_raw` is True). :param target: The target broadcast address (e.g. 192.168.xxx.255). :param on_discovered: coroutine to execute on discovery :param timeout: How long to wait for responses, defaults to 5 :param discovery_packets: Number of discovery packets are broadcasted. :param return_raw: True to return JSON objects instead of Devices. :return: """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() transport, protocol = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint( lambda: _DiscoverProtocol( target=target, on_discovered=on_discovered, timeout=timeout, discovery_packets=discovery_packets, interface=interface, ), local_addr=("", 0), ) protocol = cast(_DiscoverProtocol, protocol) try: _LOGGER.debug("Waiting %s seconds for responses...", timeout) await asyncio.sleep(5) finally: transport.close() _LOGGER.debug("Discovered %s devices", len(protocol.discovered_devices)) if return_raw: return protocol.discovered_devices_raw return protocol.discovered_devices @staticmethod async def discover_single(host: str) -> SmartDevice: """Discover a single device by the given IP address. :param host: Hostname of device to query :rtype: SmartDevice :return: Object for querying/controlling found device. """ protocol = TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol() info = await protocol.query(host, Discover.DISCOVERY_QUERY) device_class = Discover._get_device_class(info) if device_class is not None: dev = device_class(host) await dev.update() return dev raise SmartDeviceException("Unable to discover device, received: %s" % info) @staticmethod def _get_device_class(info: dict) -> Type[SmartDevice]: """Find SmartDevice subclass for device described by passed data.""" if "system" in info and "get_sysinfo" in info["system"]: sysinfo = info["system"]["get_sysinfo"] if "type" in sysinfo: type_ = sysinfo["type"] elif "mic_type" in sysinfo: type_ = sysinfo["mic_type"] else: raise SmartDeviceException("Unable to find the device type field!") else: raise SmartDeviceException("No 'system' nor 'get_sysinfo' in response") if ( "smartlife.iot.dimmer" in info and "get_dimmer_parameters" in info["smartlife.iot.dimmer"] ): return SmartDimmer elif "smartplug" in type_.lower() and "children" in sysinfo: return SmartStrip elif "smartplug" in type_.lower(): if "children" in sysinfo: return SmartStrip return SmartPlug elif "smartbulb" in type_.lower(): if "length" in sysinfo: # strips have length return SmartLightStrip return SmartBulb raise SmartDeviceException("Unknown device type: %s", type_) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def _on_device(dev): await dev.update() _LOGGER.info("Got device: %s", dev) devices = loop.run_until_complete(Discover.discover(on_discovered=_on_device)) for ip, dev in devices.items(): print(f"[{ip}] {dev}")