"""Credentials class for username / passwords.""" from __future__ import annotations import base64 from dataclasses import dataclass, field @dataclass class Credentials: """Credentials for authentication.""" #: Username (email address) of the cloud account username: str = field(default="", repr=False) #: Password of the cloud account password: str = field(default="", repr=False) def get_default_credentials(tuple: tuple[str, str]) -> Credentials: """Return decoded default credentials.""" un = base64.b64decode(tuple[0].encode()).decode() pw = base64.b64decode(tuple[1].encode()).decode() return Credentials(un, pw) DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS = { "KASA": ("a2FzYUB0cC1saW5rLm5ldA==", "a2FzYVNldHVw"), "KASACAMERA": ("YWRtaW4=", "MjEyMzJmMjk3YTU3YTVhNzQzODk0YTBlNGE4MDFmYzM="), "TAPO": ("dGVzdEB0cC1saW5rLm5ldA==", "dGVzdA=="), "TAPOCAMERA": ("YWRtaW4=", "YWRtaW4="), }