"""python-kasa cli tool.""" from __future__ import annotations import ast import asyncio import json import logging import re import sys from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from datetime import datetime from functools import singledispatch, wraps from pprint import pformat as pf from typing import Any, cast import asyncclick as click from pydantic.v1 import ValidationError from kasa import ( AuthenticationError, Credentials, Device, DeviceConfig, DeviceConnectionParameters, DeviceEncryptionType, DeviceFamily, Discover, Feature, KasaException, Module, UnsupportedDeviceError, ) from kasa.discover import DiscoveryResult from kasa.iot import ( IotBulb, IotDevice, IotDimmer, IotLightStrip, IotPlug, IotStrip, IotWallSwitch, ) from kasa.iot.modules import Usage from kasa.smart import SmartDevice try: from rich import print as _do_echo except ImportError: # Strip out rich formatting if rich is not installed # but only lower case tags to avoid stripping out # raw data from the device that is printed from # the device state. rich_formatting = re.compile(r"\[/?[a-z]+]") def _strip_rich_formatting(echo_func): """Strip rich formatting from messages.""" @wraps(echo_func) def wrapper(message=None, *args, **kwargs): if message is not None: message = rich_formatting.sub("", message) echo_func(message, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper _do_echo = _strip_rich_formatting(click.echo) # echo is set to _do_echo so that it can be reset to _do_echo later after # --json has set it to _nop_echo echo = _do_echo def error(msg: str): """Print an error and exit.""" echo(f"[bold red]{msg}[/bold red]") sys.exit(1) TYPE_TO_CLASS = { "plug": IotPlug, "switch": IotWallSwitch, "bulb": IotBulb, "dimmer": IotDimmer, "strip": IotStrip, "lightstrip": IotLightStrip, "iot.plug": IotPlug, "iot.switch": IotWallSwitch, "iot.bulb": IotBulb, "iot.dimmer": IotDimmer, "iot.strip": IotStrip, "iot.lightstrip": IotLightStrip, "smart.plug": SmartDevice, "smart.bulb": SmartDevice, } ENCRYPT_TYPES = [encrypt_type.value for encrypt_type in DeviceEncryptionType] DEVICE_FAMILY_TYPES = [device_family_type.value for device_family_type in DeviceFamily] # Block list of commands which require no update SKIP_UPDATE_COMMANDS = ["raw-command", "command"] click.anyio_backend = "asyncio" pass_dev = click.make_pass_decorator(Device) def CatchAllExceptions(cls): """Capture all exceptions and prints them nicely. Idea from https://stackoverflow.com/a/44347763 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52213375 """ def _handle_exception(debug, exc): if isinstance(exc, click.ClickException): raise # Handle exit request from click. if isinstance(exc, click.exceptions.Exit): sys.exit(exc.exit_code) echo(f"Raised error: {exc}") if debug: raise echo("Run with --debug enabled to see stacktrace") sys.exit(1) class _CommandCls(cls): _debug = False async def make_context(self, info_name, args, parent=None, **extra): self._debug = any( [arg for arg in args if arg in ["--debug", "-d", "--verbose", "-v"]] ) try: return await super().make_context( info_name, args, parent=parent, **extra ) except Exception as exc: _handle_exception(self._debug, exc) async def invoke(self, ctx): try: return await super().invoke(ctx) except Exception as exc: _handle_exception(self._debug, exc) return _CommandCls def json_formatter_cb(result, **kwargs): """Format and output the result as JSON, if requested.""" if not kwargs.get("json"): return @singledispatch def to_serializable(val): """Regular obj-to-string for json serialization. The singledispatch trick is from hynek: https://hynek.me/articles/serialization/ """ return str(val) @to_serializable.register(Device) def _device_to_serializable(val: Device): """Serialize smart device data, just using the last update raw payload.""" return val.internal_state json_content = json.dumps(result, indent=4, default=to_serializable) print(json_content) @click.group( invoke_without_command=True, cls=CatchAllExceptions(click.Group), result_callback=json_formatter_cb, ) @click.option( "--host", envvar="KASA_HOST", required=False, help="The host name or IP address of the device to connect to.", ) @click.option( "--port", envvar="KASA_PORT", required=False, type=int, help="The port of the device to connect to.", ) @click.option( "--alias", envvar="KASA_NAME", required=False, help="The device name, or alias, of the device to connect to.", ) @click.option( "--target", envvar="KASA_TARGET", default="", required=False, show_default=True, help="The broadcast address to be used for discovery.", ) @click.option( "-v", "--verbose", envvar="KASA_VERBOSE", required=False, default=False, is_flag=True, help="Be more verbose on output", ) @click.option( "-d", "--debug", envvar="KASA_DEBUG", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Print debug output", ) @click.option( "--type", envvar="KASA_TYPE", default=None, type=click.Choice(list(TYPE_TO_CLASS), case_sensitive=False), ) @click.option( "--json/--no-json", envvar="KASA_JSON", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output raw device response as JSON.", ) @click.option( "--encrypt-type", envvar="KASA_ENCRYPT_TYPE", default=None, type=click.Choice(ENCRYPT_TYPES, case_sensitive=False), ) @click.option( "--device-family", envvar="KASA_DEVICE_FAMILY", default=None, type=click.Choice(DEVICE_FAMILY_TYPES, case_sensitive=False), ) @click.option( "--login-version", envvar="KASA_LOGIN_VERSION", default=None, type=int, ) @click.option( "--timeout", envvar="KASA_TIMEOUT", default=5, required=False, show_default=True, help="Timeout for device communications.", ) @click.option( "--discovery-timeout", envvar="KASA_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT", default=5, required=False, show_default=True, help="Timeout for discovery.", ) @click.option( "--username", default=None, required=False, envvar="KASA_USERNAME", help="Username/email address to authenticate to device.", ) @click.option( "--password", default=None, required=False, envvar="KASA_PASSWORD", help="Password to use to authenticate to device.", ) @click.option( "--credentials-hash", default=None, required=False, envvar="KASA_CREDENTIALS_HASH", help="Hashed credentials used to authenticate to the device.", ) @click.version_option(package_name="python-kasa") @click.pass_context async def cli( ctx, host, port, alias, target, verbose, debug, type, encrypt_type, device_family, login_version, json, timeout, discovery_timeout, username, password, credentials_hash, ): """A tool for controlling TP-Link smart home devices.""" # noqa # no need to perform any checks if we are just displaying the help if "--help" in sys.argv: # Context object is required to avoid crashing on sub-groups ctx.obj = object() return # If JSON output is requested, disable echo global echo if json: def _nop_echo(*args, **kwargs): pass echo = _nop_echo else: # Set back to default is required if running tests with CliRunner global _do_echo echo = _do_echo logging_config: dict[str, Any] = { "level": logging.DEBUG if debug > 0 else logging.INFO } try: from rich.logging import RichHandler rich_config = { "show_time": False, } logging_config["handlers"] = [RichHandler(**rich_config)] logging_config["format"] = "%(message)s" except ImportError: pass # The configuration should be converted to use dictConfig, # but this keeps mypy happy for now logging.basicConfig(**logging_config) # type: ignore if ctx.invoked_subcommand == "discover": return if alias is not None and host is not None: raise click.BadOptionUsage("alias", "Use either --alias or --host, not both.") if alias is not None and host is None: echo(f"Alias is given, using discovery to find host {alias}") host = await find_host_from_alias(alias=alias, target=target) if host: echo(f"Found hostname is {host}") else: echo(f"No device with name {alias} found") return if bool(password) != bool(username): raise click.BadOptionUsage( "username", "Using authentication requires both --username and --password" ) if username: credentials = Credentials(username=username, password=password) else: credentials = None if host is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand and ctx.invoked_subcommand != "discover": error("Only discover is available without --host or --alias") echo("No host name given, trying discovery..") return await ctx.invoke(discover) device_updated = False if type is not None: dev = TYPE_TO_CLASS[type](host) elif device_family and encrypt_type: ctype = DeviceConnectionParameters( DeviceFamily(device_family), DeviceEncryptionType(encrypt_type), login_version, ) config = DeviceConfig( host=host, port_override=port, credentials=credentials, credentials_hash=credentials_hash, timeout=timeout, connection_type=ctype, ) dev = await Device.connect(config=config) device_updated = True else: if device_family or encrypt_type: echo( "--device-family and --encrypt-type options must both be " "provided or they are ignored\n" f"discovering for {discovery_timeout} seconds.." ) else: echo( "No --type or --device-family and --encrypt-type defined, " + f"discovering for {discovery_timeout} seconds.." ) dev = await Discover.discover_single( host, port=port, credentials=credentials, timeout=timeout, discovery_timeout=discovery_timeout, ) # Skip update on specific commands, or if device factory, # that performs an update was used for the device. if ctx.invoked_subcommand not in SKIP_UPDATE_COMMANDS and not device_updated: await dev.update() @asynccontextmanager async def async_wrapped_device(device: Device): try: yield device finally: await device.disconnect() ctx.obj = await ctx.with_async_resource(async_wrapped_device(dev)) if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: return await ctx.invoke(state) @cli.group() @pass_dev def wifi(dev): """Commands to control wifi settings.""" @wifi.command() @pass_dev async def scan(dev): """Scan for available wifi networks.""" echo("Scanning for wifi networks, wait a second..") devs = await dev.wifi_scan() echo(f"Found {len(devs)} wifi networks!") for dev in devs: echo(f"\t {dev}") return devs @wifi.command() @click.argument("ssid") @click.option("--keytype", prompt=True) @click.option("--password", prompt=True, hide_input=True) @pass_dev async def join(dev: Device, ssid: str, password: str, keytype: str): """Join the given wifi network.""" echo(f"Asking the device to connect to {ssid}..") res = await dev.wifi_join(ssid, password, keytype=keytype) echo( f"Response: {res} - if the device is not able to join the network, " f"it will revert back to its previous state." ) return res @cli.command() @click.pass_context async def discover(ctx): """Discover devices in the network.""" target = ctx.parent.params["target"] username = ctx.parent.params["username"] password = ctx.parent.params["password"] discovery_timeout = ctx.parent.params["discovery_timeout"] timeout = ctx.parent.params["timeout"] port = ctx.parent.params["port"] credentials = Credentials(username, password) if username and password else None sem = asyncio.Semaphore() discovered = dict() unsupported = [] auth_failed = [] async def print_unsupported(unsupported_exception: UnsupportedDeviceError): unsupported.append(unsupported_exception) async with sem: if unsupported_exception.discovery_result: echo("== Unsupported device ==") _echo_discovery_info(unsupported_exception.discovery_result) echo() else: echo("== Unsupported device ==") echo(f"\t{unsupported_exception}") echo() echo(f"Discovering devices on {target} for {discovery_timeout} seconds") async def print_discovered(dev: Device): async with sem: try: await dev.update() except AuthenticationError: auth_failed.append(dev._discovery_info) echo("== Authentication failed for device ==") _echo_discovery_info(dev._discovery_info) echo() else: ctx.parent.obj = dev await ctx.parent.invoke(state) discovered[dev.host] = dev.internal_state echo() discovered_devices = await Discover.discover( target=target, discovery_timeout=discovery_timeout, on_discovered=print_discovered, on_unsupported=print_unsupported, port=port, timeout=timeout, credentials=credentials, ) for device in discovered_devices.values(): await device.protocol.close() echo(f"Found {len(discovered)} devices") if unsupported: echo(f"Found {len(unsupported)} unsupported devices") if auth_failed: echo(f"Found {len(auth_failed)} devices that failed to authenticate") return discovered def _echo_dictionary(discovery_info: dict): echo("\t[bold]== Discovery information ==[/bold]") for key, value in discovery_info.items(): key_name = " ".join(x.capitalize() or "_" for x in key.split("_")) key_name_and_spaces = "{:<15}".format(key_name + ":") echo(f"\t{key_name_and_spaces}{value}") def _echo_discovery_info(discovery_info): # We don't have discovery info when all connection params are passed manually if discovery_info is None: return if "system" in discovery_info and "get_sysinfo" in discovery_info["system"]: _echo_dictionary(discovery_info["system"]["get_sysinfo"]) return try: dr = DiscoveryResult(**discovery_info) except ValidationError: _echo_dictionary(discovery_info) return echo("\t[bold]== Discovery Result ==[/bold]") echo(f"\tDevice Type: {dr.device_type}") echo(f"\tDevice Model: {dr.device_model}") echo(f"\tIP: {dr.ip}") echo(f"\tMAC: {dr.mac}") echo(f"\tDevice Id (hash): {dr.device_id}") echo(f"\tOwner (hash): {dr.owner}") echo(f"\tHW Ver: {dr.hw_ver}") echo(f"\tSupports IOT Cloud: {dr.is_support_iot_cloud}") echo(f"\tOBD Src: {dr.obd_src}") echo(f"\tFactory Default: {dr.factory_default}") echo(f"\tEncrypt Type: {dr.mgt_encrypt_schm.encrypt_type}") echo(f"\tSupports HTTPS: {dr.mgt_encrypt_schm.is_support_https}") echo(f"\tHTTP Port: {dr.mgt_encrypt_schm.http_port}") echo(f"\tLV (Login Level): {dr.mgt_encrypt_schm.lv}") async def find_host_from_alias(alias, target="", timeout=1, attempts=3): """Discover a device identified by its alias.""" for _attempt in range(1, attempts): found_devs = await Discover.discover(target=target, timeout=timeout) for _ip, dev in found_devs.items(): if dev.alias.lower() == alias.lower(): host = dev.host return host return None @cli.command() @pass_dev async def sysinfo(dev): """Print out full system information.""" echo("== System info ==") echo(pf(dev.sys_info)) return dev.sys_info def _echo_features( features: dict[str, Feature], title: str, category: Feature.Category | None = None, verbose: bool = False, indent: str = "\t", ): """Print out a listing of features and their values.""" if category is not None: features = { id_: feat for id_, feat in features.items() if feat.category == category } if not features: return echo(f"[bold]{title}[/bold]") for _, feat in features.items(): try: echo(f"{indent}{feat}") if verbose: echo(f"{indent}\tType: {feat.type}") echo(f"{indent}\tCategory: {feat.category}") echo(f"{indent}\tIcon: {feat.icon}") except Exception as ex: echo(f"{indent}{feat.name} ({feat.id}): [red]got exception ({ex})[/red]") def _echo_all_features(features, *, verbose=False, title_prefix=None): """Print out all features by category.""" if title_prefix is not None: echo(f"[bold]\n\t == {title_prefix} ==[/bold]") _echo_features( features, title="\n\t== Primary features ==", category=Feature.Category.Primary, verbose=verbose, ) _echo_features( features, title="\n\t== Information ==", category=Feature.Category.Info, verbose=verbose, ) _echo_features( features, title="\n\t== Configuration ==", category=Feature.Category.Config, verbose=verbose, ) _echo_features( features, title="\n\t== Debug ==", category=Feature.Category.Debug, verbose=verbose, ) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.pass_context async def state(ctx, dev: Device): """Print out device state and versions.""" verbose = ctx.parent.params.get("verbose", False) if ctx.parent else False echo(f"[bold]== {dev.alias} - {dev.model} ==[/bold]") echo(f"\tHost: {dev.host}") echo(f"\tPort: {dev.port}") echo(f"\tDevice state: {dev.is_on}") if dev.children: echo("\t== Children ==") for child in dev.children: _echo_all_features( child.features, title_prefix=f"{child.alias} ({child.model}, {child.device_type})", verbose=verbose, ) echo() echo("\t[bold]== Generic information ==[/bold]") echo(f"\tTime: {dev.time} (tz: {dev.timezone}") echo(f"\tHardware: {dev.hw_info['hw_ver']}") echo(f"\tSoftware: {dev.hw_info['sw_ver']}") echo(f"\tMAC (rssi): {dev.mac} ({dev.rssi})") echo(f"\tLocation: {dev.location}") _echo_all_features(dev.features, verbose=verbose) echo("\n\t[bold]== Modules ==[/bold]") for module in dev.modules.values(): echo(f"\t[green]+ {module}[/green]") if verbose: echo("\n\t[bold]== Protocol information ==[/bold]") echo(f"\tCredentials hash: {dev.credentials_hash}") echo() _echo_discovery_info(dev._discovery_info) return dev.internal_state @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.argument("new_alias", required=False, default=None) @click.option("--index", type=int) async def alias(dev, new_alias, index): """Get or set the device (or plug) alias.""" if index is not None: if not dev.is_strip: echo("Index can only used for power strips!") return dev = dev.get_plug_by_index(index) if new_alias is not None: echo(f"Setting alias to {new_alias}") res = await dev.set_alias(new_alias) return res echo(f"Alias: {dev.alias}") if dev.is_strip: for plug in dev.children: echo(f" * {plug.alias}") return dev.alias @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.pass_context @click.argument("module") @click.argument("command") @click.argument("parameters", default=None, required=False) async def raw_command(ctx, dev: Device, module, command, parameters): """Run a raw command on the device.""" logging.warning("Deprecated, use 'kasa command --module %s %s'", module, command) return await ctx.forward(cmd_command) @cli.command(name="command") @pass_dev @click.option("--module", required=False, help="Module for IOT protocol.") @click.option("--child", required=False, help="Child ID for controlling sub-devices") @click.argument("command") @click.argument("parameters", default=None, required=False) async def cmd_command(dev: Device, module, child, command, parameters): """Run a raw command on the device.""" if parameters is not None: parameters = ast.literal_eval(parameters) if child: # The way child devices are accessed requires a ChildDevice to # wrap the communications. Doing this properly would require creating # a common interfaces for both IOT and SMART child devices. # As a stop-gap solution, we perform an update instead. await dev.update() dev = dev.get_child_device(child) if isinstance(dev, IotDevice): res = await dev._query_helper(module, command, parameters) elif isinstance(dev, SmartDevice): res = await dev._query_helper(command, parameters) else: raise KasaException("Unexpected device type %s.", dev) echo(json.dumps(res)) return res @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.option("--index", type=int, required=False) @click.option("--name", type=str, required=False) @click.option("--year", type=click.DateTime(["%Y"]), default=None, required=False) @click.option("--month", type=click.DateTime(["%Y-%m"]), default=None, required=False) @click.option("--erase", is_flag=True) async def emeter(dev: Device, index: int, name: str, year, month, erase): """Query emeter for historical consumption. Daily and monthly data provided in CSV format. """ if index is not None or name is not None: if not dev.is_strip: error("Index and name are only for power strips!") return if index is not None: dev = dev.get_plug_by_index(index) elif name: dev = dev.get_plug_by_name(name) echo("[bold]== Emeter ==[/bold]") if not dev.has_emeter: error("Device has no emeter") return if (year or month or erase) and not isinstance(dev, IotDevice): error("Device has no historical statistics") return else: dev = cast(IotDevice, dev) if erase: echo("Erasing emeter statistics..") return await dev.erase_emeter_stats() if year: echo(f"== For year {year.year} ==") echo("Month, usage (kWh)") usage_data = await dev.get_emeter_monthly(year=year.year) elif month: echo(f"== For month {month.month} of {month.year} ==") echo("Day, usage (kWh)") usage_data = await dev.get_emeter_daily(year=month.year, month=month.month) else: # Call with no argument outputs summary data and returns if index is not None or name is not None: emeter_status = await dev.get_emeter_realtime() else: emeter_status = dev.emeter_realtime echo("Current: %s A" % emeter_status["current"]) echo("Voltage: %s V" % emeter_status["voltage"]) echo("Power: %s W" % emeter_status["power"]) echo("Total consumption: %s kWh" % emeter_status["total"]) echo("Today: %s kWh" % dev.emeter_today) echo("This month: %s kWh" % dev.emeter_this_month) return emeter_status # output any detailed usage data for index, usage in usage_data.items(): echo(f"{index}, {usage}") return usage_data @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.option("--year", type=click.DateTime(["%Y"]), default=None, required=False) @click.option("--month", type=click.DateTime(["%Y-%m"]), default=None, required=False) @click.option("--erase", is_flag=True) async def usage(dev: Device, year, month, erase): """Query usage for historical consumption. Daily and monthly data provided in CSV format. """ echo("[bold]== Usage ==[/bold]") usage = cast(Usage, dev.modules["usage"]) if erase: echo("Erasing usage statistics..") return await usage.erase_stats() if year: echo(f"== For year {year.year} ==") echo("Month, usage (minutes)") usage_data = await usage.get_monthstat(year=year.year) elif month: echo(f"== For month {month.month} of {month.year} ==") echo("Day, usage (minutes)") usage_data = await usage.get_daystat(year=month.year, month=month.month) else: # Call with no argument outputs summary data and returns echo("Today: %s minutes" % usage.usage_today) echo("This month: %s minutes" % usage.usage_this_month) return usage # output any detailed usage data for index, usage in usage_data.items(): echo(f"{index}, {usage}") return usage_data @cli.command() @click.argument("brightness", type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=None, required=False) @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev async def brightness(dev: Device, brightness: int, transition: int): """Get or set brightness.""" if not (light := dev.modules.get(Module.Light)) or not light.is_dimmable: error("This device does not support brightness.") return if brightness is None: echo(f"Brightness: {light.brightness}") return light.brightness else: echo(f"Setting brightness to {brightness}") return await light.set_brightness(brightness, transition=transition) @cli.command() @click.argument( "temperature", type=click.IntRange(2500, 9000), default=None, required=False ) @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev async def temperature(dev: Device, temperature: int, transition: int): """Get or set color temperature.""" if not (light := dev.modules.get(Module.Light)) or not light.is_variable_color_temp: error("Device does not support color temperature") return if temperature is None: echo(f"Color temperature: {light.color_temp}") valid_temperature_range = light.valid_temperature_range if valid_temperature_range != (0, 0): echo("(min: {}, max: {})".format(*valid_temperature_range)) else: echo( "Temperature range unknown, please open a github issue" f" or a pull request for model '{dev.model}'" ) return light.valid_temperature_range else: echo(f"Setting color temperature to {temperature}") return await light.set_color_temp(temperature, transition=transition) @cli.command() @click.argument("effect", type=click.STRING, default=None, required=False) @click.pass_context @pass_dev async def effect(dev: Device, ctx, effect): """Set an effect.""" if not (light_effect := dev.modules.get(Module.LightEffect)): error("Device does not support effects") return if effect is None: echo( f"Light effect: {light_effect.effect}\n" + f"Available Effects: {light_effect.effect_list}" ) return light_effect.effect if effect not in light_effect.effect_list: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( f"Effect must be one of: {light_effect.effect_list}", ctx ) echo(f"Setting Effect: {effect}") return await light_effect.set_effect(effect) @cli.command() @click.argument("h", type=click.IntRange(0, 360), default=None, required=False) @click.argument("s", type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=None, required=False) @click.argument("v", type=click.IntRange(0, 100), default=None, required=False) @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @click.pass_context @pass_dev async def hsv(dev: Device, ctx, h, s, v, transition): """Get or set color in HSV.""" if not (light := dev.modules.get(Module.Light)) or not light.is_color: error("Device does not support colors") return if h is None and s is None and v is None: echo(f"Current HSV: {light.hsv}") return light.hsv elif s is None or v is None: raise click.BadArgumentUsage("Setting a color requires 3 values.", ctx) else: echo(f"Setting HSV: {h} {s} {v}") return await light.set_hsv(h, s, v, transition=transition) @cli.command() @click.argument("state", type=bool, required=False) @pass_dev async def led(dev: Device, state): """Get or set (Plug's) led state.""" if not (led := dev.modules.get(Module.Led)): error("Device does not support led.") return if state is not None: echo(f"Turning led to {state}") return await led.set_led(state) else: echo(f"LED state: {led.led}") return led.led @cli.group(invoke_without_command=True) @click.pass_context async def time(ctx: click.Context): """Get and set time.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.invoke(time_get) @time.command(name="get") @pass_dev async def time_get(dev: Device): """Get the device time.""" res = dev.time echo(f"Current time: {res}") return res @time.command(name="sync") @pass_dev async def time_sync(dev: SmartDevice): """Set the device time to current time.""" if not isinstance(dev, SmartDevice): raise NotImplementedError("setting time currently only implemented on smart") if (time := dev.modules.get(Module.Time)) is None: echo("Device does not have time module") return echo("Old time: %s" % time.time) local_tz = datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo await time.set_time(datetime.now(tz=local_tz)) await dev.update() echo("New time: %s" % time.time) @cli.command() @click.option("--index", type=int, required=False) @click.option("--name", type=str, required=False) @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev async def on(dev: Device, index: int, name: str, transition: int): """Turn the device on.""" if index is not None or name is not None: if not dev.children: error("Index and name are only for devices with children.") return if index is not None: dev = dev.get_plug_by_index(index) elif name: dev = dev.get_plug_by_name(name) echo(f"Turning on {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_on(transition=transition) @cli.command() @click.option("--index", type=int, required=False) @click.option("--name", type=str, required=False) @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev async def off(dev: Device, index: int, name: str, transition: int): """Turn the device off.""" if index is not None or name is not None: if not dev.children: error("Index and name are only for devices with children.") return if index is not None: dev = dev.get_plug_by_index(index) elif name: dev = dev.get_plug_by_name(name) echo(f"Turning off {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_off(transition=transition) @cli.command() @click.option("--index", type=int, required=False) @click.option("--name", type=str, required=False) @click.option("--transition", type=int, required=False) @pass_dev async def toggle(dev: Device, index: int, name: str, transition: int): """Toggle the device on/off.""" if index is not None or name is not None: if not dev.children: error("Index and name are only for devices with children.") return if index is not None: dev = dev.get_plug_by_index(index) elif name: dev = dev.get_plug_by_name(name) if dev.is_on: echo(f"Turning off {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_off(transition=transition) echo(f"Turning on {dev.alias}") return await dev.turn_on(transition=transition) @cli.command() @click.option("--delay", default=1) @pass_dev async def reboot(plug, delay): """Reboot the device.""" echo("Rebooting the device..") return await plug.reboot(delay) @cli.group() @pass_dev async def schedule(dev): """Scheduling commands.""" @schedule.command(name="list") @pass_dev @click.argument("type", default="schedule") def _schedule_list(dev, type): """Return the list of schedule actions for the given type.""" sched = dev.modules[type] for rule in sched.rules: print(rule) else: error(f"No rules of type {type}") return sched.rules @schedule.command(name="delete") @pass_dev @click.option("--id", type=str, required=True) async def delete_rule(dev, id): """Delete rule from device.""" schedule = dev.modules["schedule"] rule_to_delete = next(filter(lambda rule: (rule.id == id), schedule.rules), None) if rule_to_delete: echo(f"Deleting rule id {id}") return await schedule.delete_rule(rule_to_delete) else: error(f"No rule with id {id} was found") @cli.group(invoke_without_command=True) @click.pass_context async def presets(ctx): """List and modify bulb setting presets.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: return await ctx.invoke(presets_list) @presets.command(name="list") @pass_dev def presets_list(dev: IotBulb): """List presets.""" if not dev.is_bulb or not isinstance(dev, IotBulb): error("Presets only supported on iot bulbs") return for preset in dev.presets: echo(preset) return dev.presets @presets.command(name="modify") @click.argument("index", type=int) @click.option("--brightness", type=int) @click.option("--hue", type=int) @click.option("--saturation", type=int) @click.option("--temperature", type=int) @pass_dev async def presets_modify(dev: IotBulb, index, brightness, hue, saturation, temperature): """Modify a preset.""" for preset in dev.presets: if preset.index == index: break else: error(f"No preset found for index {index}") return if brightness is not None: preset.brightness = brightness if hue is not None: preset.hue = hue if saturation is not None: preset.saturation = saturation if temperature is not None: preset.color_temp = temperature echo(f"Going to save preset: {preset}") return await dev.save_preset(preset) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.option("--type", type=click.Choice(["soft", "hard"], case_sensitive=False)) @click.option("--last", is_flag=True) @click.option("--preset", type=int) async def turn_on_behavior(dev: IotBulb, type, last, preset): """Modify bulb turn-on behavior.""" if not dev.is_bulb or not isinstance(dev, IotBulb): error("Presets only supported on iot bulbs") return settings = await dev.get_turn_on_behavior() echo(f"Current turn on behavior: {settings}") # Return if we are not setting the value if not type and not last and not preset: return settings # If we are setting the value, the type has to be specified if (last or preset) and type is None: echo("To set the behavior, you need to define --type") return behavior = getattr(settings, type) if last: echo(f"Going to set {type} to last") behavior.preset = None elif preset is not None: echo(f"Going to set {type} to preset {preset}") behavior.preset = preset return await dev.set_turn_on_behavior(settings) @cli.command() @pass_dev @click.option( "--username", required=True, prompt=True, help="New username to set on the device" ) @click.option( "--password", required=True, prompt=True, help="New password to set on the device" ) async def update_credentials(dev, username, password): """Update device credentials for authenticated devices.""" if not isinstance(dev, SmartDevice): error("Credentials can only be updated on authenticated devices.") click.confirm("Do you really want to replace the existing credentials?", abort=True) return await dev.update_credentials(username, password) @cli.command() @pass_dev async def shell(dev: Device): """Open interactive shell.""" echo("Opening shell for %s" % dev) from ptpython.repl import embed logging.getLogger("parso").setLevel(logging.WARNING) # prompt parsing logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.WARNING) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: await embed( globals=globals(), locals=locals(), return_asyncio_coroutine=True, patch_stdout=True, ) except EOFError: loop.stop() @cli.command(name="feature") @click.argument("name", required=False) @click.argument("value", required=False) @click.option("--child", required=False) @pass_dev async def feature(dev: Device, child: str, name: str, value): """Access and modify features. If no *name* is given, lists available features and their values. If only *name* is given, the value of named feature is returned. If both *name* and *value* are set, the described setting is changed. """ if child is not None: echo(f"Targeting child device {child}") dev = dev.get_child_device(child) if not name: _echo_features(dev.features, "\n[bold]== Features ==[/bold]\n", indent="") if dev.children: for child_dev in dev.children: _echo_features( child_dev.features, f"\n[bold]== Child {child_dev.alias} ==\n", indent="", ) return if name not in dev.features: error(f"No feature by name '{name}'") return feat = dev.features[name] if value is None: unit = f" {feat.unit}" if feat.unit else "" echo(f"{feat.name} ({name}): {feat.value}{unit}") return feat.value value = ast.literal_eval(value) echo(f"Changing {name} from {feat.value} to {value}") response = await dev.features[name].set_value(value) await dev.update() echo(f"New state: {feat.value}") return response if __name__ == "__main__": cli()