"""Implementation of the TP-Link Klap Home Protocol. Encryption/Decryption methods based on the works of Simon Wilkinson and Chris Weeldon Klap devices that have never been connected to the kasa cloud should work with blank credentials. Devices that have been connected to the kasa cloud will switch intermittently between the users cloud credentials and default kasa credentials that are hardcoded. This appears to be an issue with the devices. The protocol works by doing a two stage handshake to obtain and encryption key and session id cookie. Authentication uses an auth_hash which is md5(md5(username),md5(password)) handshake1: client sends a random 16 byte local_seed to the device and receives a random 16 bytes remote_seed, followed by sha256(local_seed + auth_hash). It also returns a TP_SESSIONID in the cookie header. This implementation then checks this value against the possible auth_hashes described above (user cloud, kasa hardcoded, blank). If it finds a match it moves onto handshake2 handshake2: client sends sha25(remote_seed + auth_hash) to the device along with the TP_SESSIONID. Device responds with 200 if succesful. It generally will be because this implemenation checks the auth_hash it recevied during handshake1 encryption: local_seed, remote_seed and auth_hash are now used for encryption. The last 4 bytes of the initialisation vector are used as a sequence number that increments every time the client calls encrypt and this sequence number is sent as a url parameter to the device along with the encrypted payload https://gist.github.com/chriswheeldon/3b17d974db3817613c69191c0480fe55 https://github.com/python-kasa/python-kasa/pull/117 """ import asyncio import datetime import hashlib import logging import secrets import time from pprint import pformat as pf from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple import httpx from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from .credentials import Credentials from .exceptions import AuthenticationException, SmartDeviceException from .json import loads as json_loads from .protocol import BaseTransport, md5 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.getLogger("httpx").propagate = False def _sha256(payload: bytes) -> bytes: digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256()) # noqa: S303 digest.update(payload) hash = digest.finalize() return hash def _sha1(payload: bytes) -> bytes: digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA1()) # noqa: S303 digest.update(payload) return digest.finalize() class KlapTransport(BaseTransport): """Implementation of the KLAP encryption protocol. KLAP is the name used in device discovery for TP-Link's new encryption protocol, used by newer firmware versions. """ DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5 DISCOVERY_QUERY = {"system": {"get_sysinfo": None}} KASA_SETUP_EMAIL = "kasa@tp-link.net" KASA_SETUP_PASSWORD = "kasaSetup" # noqa: S105 SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "TP_SESSIONID" def __init__( self, host: str, *, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(host=host) self._credentials = credentials or Credentials(username="", password="") self._local_seed: Optional[bytes] = None self._local_auth_hash = self.generate_auth_hash(self._credentials) self._local_auth_owner = self.generate_owner_hash(self._credentials).hex() self._kasa_setup_auth_hash = None self._blank_auth_hash = None self._handshake_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._query_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._handshake_done = False self._encryption_session: Optional[KlapEncryptionSession] = None self._session_expire_at: Optional[float] = None self._timeout = timeout if timeout else self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self._session_cookie = None self._http_client: httpx.AsyncClient = httpx.AsyncClient() _LOGGER.debug("Created KLAP object for %s", self.host) async def client_post(self, url, params=None, data=None): """Send an http post request to the device.""" if not self._http_client: self._http_client = httpx.AsyncClient() response_data = None cookies = None if self._session_cookie: cookies = httpx.Cookies() cookies.set(self.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, self._session_cookie) self._http_client.cookies.clear() resp = await self._http_client.post( url, params=params, data=data, timeout=self._timeout, cookies=cookies, ) if resp.status_code == 200: response_data = resp.content return resp.status_code, response_data async def perform_handshake1(self) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]: """Perform handshake1.""" local_seed: bytes = secrets.token_bytes(16) # Handshake 1 has a payload of local_seed # and a response of 16 bytes, followed by # sha256(remote_seed | auth_hash) payload = local_seed url = f"http://{self.host}/app/handshake1" response_status, response_data = await self.client_post(url, data=payload) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _LOGGER.debug( "Handshake1 posted at %s. Host is %s, Response" + "status is %s, Request was %s", datetime.datetime.now(), self.host, response_status, payload.hex(), ) if response_status != 200: raise AuthenticationException( f"Device {self.host} responded with {response_status} to handshake1" ) remote_seed: bytes = response_data[0:16] server_hash = response_data[16:] if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _LOGGER.debug( "Handshake1 success at %s. Host is %s, " + "Server remote_seed is: %s, server hash is: %s", datetime.datetime.now(), self.host, remote_seed.hex(), server_hash.hex(), ) local_seed_auth_hash = self.handshake1_seed_auth_hash( local_seed, remote_seed, self._local_auth_hash ) # type: ignore # Check the response from the device with local credentials if local_seed_auth_hash == server_hash: _LOGGER.debug("handshake1 hashes match with expected credentials") return local_seed, remote_seed, self._local_auth_hash # type: ignore # Now check against the default kasa setup credentials if not self._kasa_setup_auth_hash: kasa_setup_creds = Credentials( username=self.KASA_SETUP_EMAIL, password=self.KASA_SETUP_PASSWORD, ) self._kasa_setup_auth_hash = self.generate_auth_hash(kasa_setup_creds) kasa_setup_seed_auth_hash = self.handshake1_seed_auth_hash( local_seed, remote_seed, self._kasa_setup_auth_hash, # type: ignore ) if kasa_setup_seed_auth_hash == server_hash: _LOGGER.debug( "Server response doesn't match our expected hash on ip %s" + " but an authentication with kasa setup credentials matched", self.host, ) return local_seed, remote_seed, self._kasa_setup_auth_hash # type: ignore # Finally check against blank credentials if not already blank if self._credentials != (blank_creds := Credentials(username="", password="")): if not self._blank_auth_hash: self._blank_auth_hash = self.generate_auth_hash(blank_creds) blank_seed_auth_hash = self.handshake1_seed_auth_hash( local_seed, remote_seed, self._blank_auth_hash, # type: ignore ) if blank_seed_auth_hash == server_hash: _LOGGER.debug( "Server response doesn't match our expected hash on ip %s" + " but an authentication with blank credentials matched", self.host, ) return local_seed, remote_seed, self._blank_auth_hash # type: ignore msg = f"Server response doesn't match our challenge on ip {self.host}" _LOGGER.debug(msg) raise AuthenticationException(msg) async def perform_handshake2( self, local_seed, remote_seed, auth_hash ) -> "KlapEncryptionSession": """Perform handshake2.""" # Handshake 2 has the following payload: # sha256(serverBytes | authenticator) url = f"http://{self.host}/app/handshake2" payload = self.handshake2_seed_auth_hash(local_seed, remote_seed, auth_hash) response_status, response_data = await self.client_post(url, data=payload) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _LOGGER.debug( "Handshake2 posted %s. Host is %s, Response status is %s, " + "Request was %s", datetime.datetime.now(), self.host, response_status, payload.hex(), ) if response_status != 200: raise AuthenticationException( f"Device {self.host} responded with {response_status} to handshake2" ) return KlapEncryptionSession(local_seed, remote_seed, auth_hash) @property def needs_login(self) -> bool: """Will return false as KLAP does not do a login.""" return False async def login(self, request: str) -> None: """Will raise and exception as KLAP does not do a login.""" raise SmartDeviceException( "KLAP does not perform logins and return needs_login == False" ) @property def needs_handshake(self) -> bool: """Return true if the transport needs to do a handshake.""" return not self._handshake_done or self._handshake_session_expired() async def handshake(self) -> None: """Perform the encryption handshake.""" await self.perform_handshake() async def perform_handshake(self) -> Any: """Perform handshake1 and handshake2. Sets the encryption_session if successful. """ _LOGGER.debug("Starting handshake with %s", self.host) self._handshake_done = False self._session_expire_at = None self._session_cookie = None local_seed, remote_seed, auth_hash = await self.perform_handshake1() self._session_cookie = self._http_client.cookies.get( # type: ignore self.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME ) # The device returns a TIMEOUT cookie on handshake1 which # it doesn't like to get back so we store the one we want self._session_expire_at = time.time() + 86400 self._encryption_session = await self.perform_handshake2( local_seed, remote_seed, auth_hash ) self._handshake_done = True _LOGGER.debug("Handshake with %s complete", self.host) def _handshake_session_expired(self): """Return true if session has expired.""" return ( self._session_expire_at is None or self._session_expire_at - time.time() <= 0 ) async def send(self, request: str): """Send the request.""" if self.needs_handshake: raise SmartDeviceException( "Handshake must be complete before trying to send" ) if self.needs_login: raise SmartDeviceException("Login must be complete before trying to send") # Check for mypy if self._encryption_session is not None: payload, seq = self._encryption_session.encrypt(request.encode()) url = f"http://{self.host}/app/request" response_status, response_data = await self.client_post( url, params={"seq": seq}, data=payload, ) msg = ( f"at {datetime.datetime.now()}. Host is {self.host}, " + f"Sequence is {seq}, " + f"Response status is {response_status}, Request was {request}" ) if response_status != 200: _LOGGER.error("Query failed after succesful authentication " + msg) # If we failed with a security error, force a new handshake next time. if response_status == 403: self._handshake_done = False raise AuthenticationException( f"Got a security error from {self.host} after handshake " + "completed" ) else: raise SmartDeviceException( f"Device {self.host} responded with {response_status} to" + f"request with seq {seq}" ) else: _LOGGER.debug("Query posted " + msg) # Check for mypy if self._encryption_session is not None: decrypted_response = self._encryption_session.decrypt(response_data) json_payload = json_loads(decrypted_response) _LOGGER.debug( "%s << %s", self.host, _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and pf(json_payload), ) return json_payload async def close(self) -> None: """Close the transport.""" client = self._http_client self._http_client = None self._handshake_done = False if client: await client.aclose() @staticmethod def generate_auth_hash(creds: Credentials): """Generate an md5 auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" un = creds.username or "" pw = creds.password or "" return md5(md5(un.encode()) + md5(pw.encode())) @staticmethod def handshake1_seed_auth_hash( local_seed: bytes, remote_seed: bytes, auth_hash: bytes ): """Generate an md5 auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" return _sha256(local_seed + auth_hash) @staticmethod def handshake2_seed_auth_hash( local_seed: bytes, remote_seed: bytes, auth_hash: bytes ): """Generate an md5 auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" return _sha256(remote_seed + auth_hash) @staticmethod def generate_owner_hash(creds: Credentials): """Return the MD5 hash of the username in this object.""" un = creds.username or "" return md5(un.encode()) class TPlinkKlapTransportV2(KlapTransport): """Implementation of the KLAP encryption protocol with v2 hanshake hashes.""" @staticmethod def generate_auth_hash(creds: Credentials): """Generate an md5 auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" un = creds.username or "" pw = creds.password or "" return _sha256(_sha1(un.encode()) + _sha1(pw.encode())) @staticmethod def handshake1_seed_auth_hash( local_seed: bytes, remote_seed: bytes, auth_hash: bytes ): """Generate an md5 auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" return _sha256(local_seed + remote_seed + auth_hash) @staticmethod def handshake2_seed_auth_hash( local_seed: bytes, remote_seed: bytes, auth_hash: bytes ): """Generate an md5 auth hash for the protocol on the supplied credentials.""" return _sha256(remote_seed + local_seed + auth_hash) class KlapEncryptionSession: """Class to represent an encryption session and it's internal state. i.e. sequence number which the device expects to increment. """ def __init__(self, local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash): self.local_seed = local_seed self.remote_seed = remote_seed self.user_hash = user_hash self._key = self._key_derive(local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash) (self._iv, self._seq) = self._iv_derive(local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash) self._sig = self._sig_derive(local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash) def _key_derive(self, local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash): payload = b"lsk" + local_seed + remote_seed + user_hash return hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()[:16] def _iv_derive(self, local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash): # iv is first 16 bytes of sha256, where the last 4 bytes forms the # sequence number used in requests and is incremented on each request payload = b"iv" + local_seed + remote_seed + user_hash fulliv = hashlib.sha256(payload).digest() seq = int.from_bytes(fulliv[-4:], "big", signed=True) return (fulliv[:12], seq) def _sig_derive(self, local_seed, remote_seed, user_hash): # used to create a hash with which to prefix each request payload = b"ldk" + local_seed + remote_seed + user_hash return hashlib.sha256(payload).digest()[:28] def _iv_seq(self): seq = self._seq.to_bytes(4, "big", signed=True) iv = self._iv + seq return iv def encrypt(self, msg): """Encrypt the data and increment the sequence number.""" self._seq = self._seq + 1 if isinstance(msg, str): msg = msg.encode("utf-8") cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(self._key), modes.CBC(self._iv_seq())) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() padder = padding.PKCS7(128).padder() padded_data = padder.update(msg) + padder.finalize() ciphertext = encryptor.update(padded_data) + encryptor.finalize() digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256()) digest.update( self._sig + self._seq.to_bytes(4, "big", signed=True) + ciphertext ) signature = digest.finalize() return (signature + ciphertext, self._seq) def decrypt(self, msg): """Decrypt the data.""" cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(self._key), modes.CBC(self._iv_seq())) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() dp = decryptor.update(msg[32:]) + decryptor.finalize() unpadder = padding.PKCS7(128).unpadder() plaintextbytes = unpadder.update(dp) + unpadder.finalize() return plaintextbytes.decode()