"""Module for bulbs (LB*, KL*, KB*)."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, cast

from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Field, root_validator

from ..device_type import DeviceType
from ..deviceconfig import DeviceConfig
from ..interfaces.light import HSV, ColorTempRange
from ..module import Module
from ..protocol import BaseProtocol
from .iotdevice import IotDevice, KasaException, requires_update
from .modules import (

class BehaviorMode(str, Enum):
    """Enum to present type of turn on behavior."""

    #: Return to the last state known state.
    Last = "last_status"
    #: Use chosen preset.
    Preset = "customize_preset"

class TurnOnBehavior(BaseModel):
    """Model to present a single turn on behavior.

    :param int preset: the index number of wanted preset.
    :param BehaviorMode mode: last status or preset mode.
     If you are changing existing settings, you should not set this manually.

    To change the behavior, it is only necessary to change the :attr:`preset` field
    to contain either the preset index, or ``None`` for the last known state.

    #: Index of preset to use, or ``None`` for the last known state.
    preset: Optional[int] = Field(alias="index", default=None)  # noqa: UP007
    #: Wanted behavior
    mode: BehaviorMode

    def _mode_based_on_preset(cls, values):
        """Set the mode based on the preset value."""
        if values["preset"] is not None:
            values["mode"] = BehaviorMode.Preset
            values["mode"] = BehaviorMode.Last

        return values

    class Config:
        """Configuration to make the validator run when changing the values."""

        validate_assignment = True

class TurnOnBehaviors(BaseModel):
    """Model to contain turn on behaviors."""

    #: The behavior when the bulb is turned on programmatically.
    soft: TurnOnBehavior = Field(alias="soft_on")
    #: The behavior when the bulb has been off from mains power.
    hard: TurnOnBehavior = Field(alias="hard_on")

    "LB130": ColorTempRange(2500, 9000),
    "LB120": ColorTempRange(2700, 6500),
    "LB230": ColorTempRange(2500, 9000),
    "KB130": ColorTempRange(2500, 9000),
    "KL130": ColorTempRange(2500, 9000),
    "KL125": ColorTempRange(2500, 6500),
    "KL135": ColorTempRange(2500, 6500),
    r"KL120\(EU\)": ColorTempRange(2700, 6500),
    r"KL120\(US\)": ColorTempRange(2700, 5000),
    r"KL430": ColorTempRange(2500, 9000),

NON_COLOR_MODE_FLAGS = {"transition_period", "on_off"}

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class IotBulb(IotDevice):
    r"""Representation of a TP-Link Smart Bulb.

    To initialize, you have to await :func:`update()` at least once.
    This will allow accessing the properties using the exposed properties.

    All changes to the device are done using awaitable methods,
    which will not change the cached values,
    so you must await :func:`update()` to fetch updates values from the device.

    Errors reported by the device are raised as
    :class:`KasaException <kasa.exceptions.KasaException>`,
    and should be handled by the user of the library.

        >>> import asyncio
        >>> bulb = IotBulb("")
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.update())
        >>> print(bulb.alias)

        Bulbs, like any other supported devices, can be turned on and off:

        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.turn_off())
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.turn_on())
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.update())
        >>> print(bulb.is_on)

        You can use the ``is_``-prefixed properties to check for supported features:

        >>> bulb.is_dimmable
        >>> bulb.is_color
        >>> bulb.is_variable_color_temp

        All known bulbs support changing the brightness:

        >>> bulb.brightness
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.set_brightness(50))
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.update())
        >>> bulb.brightness

        Bulbs supporting color temperature can be queried for the supported range:

        >>> bulb.valid_temperature_range
        ColorTempRange(min=2500, max=9000)
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.set_color_temp(3000))
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.update())
        >>> bulb.color_temp

        Color bulbs can be adjusted by passing hue, saturation and value:

        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.set_hsv(180, 100, 80))
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.update())
        >>> bulb.hsv
        HSV(hue=180, saturation=100, value=80)

        If you don't want to use the default transitions,
        you can pass `transition` in milliseconds.
        All methods changing the state of the device support this parameter:

        * :func:`turn_on`
        * :func:`turn_off`
        * :func:`set_hsv`
        * :func:`set_color_temp`
        * :func:`set_brightness`

        Light strips (e.g., KL420L5) do not support this feature,
        but silently ignore the parameter.
        The following changes the brightness over a period of 10 seconds:

        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.set_brightness(100, transition=10_000))

        Bulb configuration presets can be accessed using the :func:`presets` property:

        >>> bulb.presets
        [IotLightPreset(index=0, brightness=50, hue=0, saturation=0, color_temp=2700, custom=None, id=None, mode=None), IotLightPreset(index=1, brightness=100, hue=0, saturation=75, color_temp=0, custom=None, id=None, mode=None), IotLightPreset(index=2, brightness=100, hue=120, saturation=75, color_temp=0, custom=None, id=None, mode=None), IotLightPreset(index=3, brightness=100, hue=240, saturation=75, color_temp=0, custom=None, id=None, mode=None)]

        To modify an existing preset, pass :class:`~kasa.interfaces.light.LightPreset`
        instance to :func:`save_preset` method:

        >>> preset = bulb.presets[0]
        >>> preset.brightness
        >>> preset.brightness = 100
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.save_preset(preset))
        >>> asyncio.run(bulb.update())
        >>> bulb.presets[0].brightness

    """  # noqa: E501

    LIGHT_SERVICE = "smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice"
    SET_LIGHT_METHOD = "transition_light_state"
    emeter_type = "smartlife.iot.common.emeter"

    def __init__(
        host: str,
        config: DeviceConfig | None = None,
        protocol: BaseProtocol | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(host=host, config=config, protocol=protocol)
        self._device_type = DeviceType.Bulb

    async def _initialize_modules(self):
        """Initialize modules not added in init."""
        await super()._initialize_modules()
            Module.IotSchedule, Schedule(self, "smartlife.iot.common.schedule")
        self.add_module(Module.IotUsage, Usage(self, "smartlife.iot.common.schedule"))
            Module.IotAntitheft, Antitheft(self, "smartlife.iot.common.anti_theft")
        self.add_module(Module.IotTime, Time(self, "smartlife.iot.common.timesetting"))
        self.add_module(Module.Energy, Emeter(self, self.emeter_type))
        self.add_module(Module.IotCountdown, Countdown(self, "countdown"))
        self.add_module(Module.IotCloud, Cloud(self, "smartlife.iot.common.cloud"))
        self.add_module(Module.Light, Light(self, self.LIGHT_SERVICE))
        self.add_module(Module.LightPreset, LightPreset(self, self.LIGHT_SERVICE))

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _is_color(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the bulb supports color changes."""
        sys_info = self.sys_info
        return bool(sys_info["is_color"])

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _is_dimmable(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the bulb supports brightness changes."""
        sys_info = self.sys_info
        return bool(sys_info["is_dimmable"])

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _is_variable_color_temp(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the bulb supports color temperature changes."""
        sys_info = self.sys_info
        return bool(sys_info["is_variable_color_temp"])

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _valid_temperature_range(self) -> ColorTempRange:
        """Return the device-specific white temperature range (in Kelvin).

        :return: White temperature range in Kelvin (minimum, maximum)
        if not self._is_variable_color_temp:
            raise KasaException("Color temperature not supported")

        for model, temp_range in TPLINK_KELVIN.items():
            sys_info = self.sys_info
            if re.match(model, sys_info["model"]):
                return temp_range

        _LOGGER.warning("Unknown color temperature range, fallback to 2700-5000")
        return ColorTempRange(2700, 5000)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def light_state(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        """Query the light state."""
        light_state = self.sys_info["light_state"]
        if light_state is None:
            raise KasaException(
                "The device has no light_state or you have not called update()"

        # if the bulb is off, its state is stored under a different key
        # as is_on property depends on on_off itself, we check it here manually
        is_on = light_state["on_off"]
        if not is_on:
            off_state = {**light_state["dft_on_state"], "on_off": is_on}
            return cast(dict, off_state)

        return light_state

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _has_effects(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the device supports effects."""
        return "lighting_effect_state" in self.sys_info

    async def get_light_details(self) -> dict[str, int]:
        """Return light details.


            {'lamp_beam_angle': 290, 'min_voltage': 220, 'max_voltage': 240,
             'wattage': 5, 'incandescent_equivalent': 40, 'max_lumens': 450,
              'color_rendering_index': 80}
        return await self._query_helper(self.LIGHT_SERVICE, "get_light_details")

    async def get_turn_on_behavior(self) -> TurnOnBehaviors:
        """Return the behavior for turning the bulb on."""
        return TurnOnBehaviors.parse_obj(
            await self._query_helper(self.LIGHT_SERVICE, "get_default_behavior")

    async def set_turn_on_behavior(self, behavior: TurnOnBehaviors):
        """Set the behavior for turning the bulb on.

        If you do not want to manually construct the behavior object,
        you should use :func:`get_turn_on_behavior` to get the current settings.
        return await self._query_helper(
            self.LIGHT_SERVICE, "set_default_behavior", behavior.dict(by_alias=True)

    async def get_light_state(self) -> dict[str, dict]:
        """Query the light state."""
        # TODO: add warning and refer to use light.state?
        return await self._query_helper(self.LIGHT_SERVICE, "get_light_state")

    async def _set_light_state(
        self, state: dict, *, transition: int | None = None
    ) -> dict:
        """Set the light state."""
        if transition is not None:
            state["transition_period"] = transition

        if "brightness" in state:

        # if no on/off is defined, turn on the light
        if "on_off" not in state:
            state["on_off"] = 1

        # If we are turning on without any color mode flags,
        # we do not want to set ignore_default to ensure
        # we restore the previous state.
        if state["on_off"] and NON_COLOR_MODE_FLAGS.issuperset(state):
            state["ignore_default"] = 0
            # This is necessary to allow turning on into a specific state
            state["ignore_default"] = 1

        light_state = await self._query_helper(
            self.LIGHT_SERVICE, self.SET_LIGHT_METHOD, state
        return light_state

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _hsv(self) -> HSV:
        """Return the current HSV state of the bulb.

        :return: hue, saturation and value (degrees, %, %)
        if not self._is_color:
            raise KasaException("Bulb does not support color.")

        light_state = cast(dict, self.light_state)

        hue = light_state["hue"]
        saturation = light_state["saturation"]
        value = light_state["brightness"]

        return HSV(hue, saturation, value)

    async def _set_hsv(
        hue: int,
        saturation: int,
        value: int | None = None,
        transition: int | None = None,
    ) -> dict:
        """Set new HSV.

        :param int hue: hue in degrees
        :param int saturation: saturation in percentage [0,100]
        :param int value: value in percentage [0, 100]
        :param int transition: transition in milliseconds.
        if not self._is_color:
            raise KasaException("Bulb does not support color.")

        if not isinstance(hue, int) or not (0 <= hue <= 360):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid hue value: {hue} (valid range: 0-360)")

        if not isinstance(saturation, int) or not (0 <= saturation <= 100):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid saturation value: {saturation} (valid range: 0-100%)"

        light_state = {
            "hue": hue,
            "saturation": saturation,
            "color_temp": 0,

        if value is not None:
            light_state["brightness"] = value

        return await self._set_light_state(light_state, transition=transition)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _color_temp(self) -> int:
        """Return color temperature of the device in kelvin."""
        if not self._is_variable_color_temp:
            raise KasaException("Bulb does not support colortemp.")

        light_state = self.light_state
        return int(light_state["color_temp"])

    async def _set_color_temp(
        self, temp: int, *, brightness=None, transition: int | None = None
    ) -> dict:
        """Set the color temperature of the device in kelvin.

        :param int temp: The new color temperature, in Kelvin
        :param int transition: transition in milliseconds.
        if not self._is_variable_color_temp:
            raise KasaException("Bulb does not support colortemp.")

        valid_temperature_range = self.valid_temperature_range
        if temp < valid_temperature_range[0] or temp > valid_temperature_range[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Temperature should be between {} and {}, was {}".format(
                    *valid_temperature_range, temp

        light_state = {"color_temp": temp}
        if brightness is not None:
            light_state["brightness"] = brightness

        return await self._set_light_state(light_state, transition=transition)

    def _raise_for_invalid_brightness(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, int) or not (0 <= value <= 100):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid brightness value: {value} (valid range: 0-100%)")

    @property  # type: ignore
    def _brightness(self) -> int:
        """Return the current brightness in percentage."""
        if not self._is_dimmable:  # pragma: no cover
            raise KasaException("Bulb is not dimmable.")

        light_state = self.light_state
        return int(light_state["brightness"])

    async def _set_brightness(
        self, brightness: int, *, transition: int | None = None
    ) -> dict:
        """Set the brightness in percentage.

        :param int brightness: brightness in percent
        :param int transition: transition in milliseconds.
        if not self._is_dimmable:  # pragma: no cover
            raise KasaException("Bulb is not dimmable.")


        light_state = {"brightness": brightness}
        return await self._set_light_state(light_state, transition=transition)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def is_on(self) -> bool:
        """Return whether the device is on."""
        light_state = self.light_state
        return bool(light_state["on_off"])

    async def turn_off(self, *, transition: int | None = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
        """Turn the bulb off.

        :param int transition: transition in milliseconds.
        return await self._set_light_state({"on_off": 0}, transition=transition)

    async def turn_on(self, *, transition: int | None = None, **kwargs) -> dict:
        """Turn the bulb on.

        :param int transition: transition in milliseconds.
        return await self._set_light_state({"on_off": 1}, transition=transition)

    @property  # type: ignore
    def has_emeter(self) -> bool:
        """Return that the bulb has an emeter."""
        return True

    async def set_alias(self, alias: str) -> None:
        """Set the device name (alias).

        Overridden to use a different module name.
        return await self._query_helper(
            "smartlife.iot.common.system", "set_dev_alias", {"alias": alias}

    def max_device_response_size(self) -> int:
        """Returns the maximum response size the device can safely construct."""
        return 4096