"""Interact with a TPLink Light Effect. >>> from kasa import Discover, Module, LightState >>> >>> dev = await Discover.discover_single( >>> "", >>> username="user@example.com", >>> password="great_password" >>> ) >>> await dev.update() >>> print(dev.alias) Living Room Bulb Light effects are accessed via the LightPreset module. To list available presets >>> light_effect = dev.modules[Module.LightEffect] >>> light_effect.effect_list ['Off', 'Party', 'Relax'] To view the currently selected effect: >>> light_effect.effect Off To activate a light effect: >>> await light_effect.set_effect("Party") >>> await dev.update() >>> light_effect.effect Party If the device supports it you can set custom effects: >>> if light_effect.has_custom_effects: >>> effect_list = { "brightness", 50 } >>> await light_effect.set_custom_effect(effect_list) >>> light_effect.has_custom_effects # The device in this examples does not support \ custom effects False """ from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from ..feature import Feature from ..module import Module class LightEffect(Module, ABC): """Interface to represent a light effect module.""" LIGHT_EFFECTS_OFF = "Off" def _initialize_features(self) -> None: """Initialize features.""" device = self._device self._add_feature( Feature( device, id="light_effect", name="Light effect", container=self, attribute_getter="effect", attribute_setter="set_effect", category=Feature.Category.Primary, type=Feature.Type.Choice, choices_getter="effect_list", ) ) @property @abstractmethod def has_custom_effects(self) -> bool: """Return True if the device supports setting custom effects.""" @property @abstractmethod def effect(self) -> str: """Return effect state or name.""" @property @abstractmethod def effect_list(self) -> list[str]: """Return built-in effects list. Example: ['Aurora', 'Bubbling Cauldron', ...] """ @abstractmethod async def set_effect( self, effect: str, *, brightness: int | None = None, transition: int | None = None, ) -> dict: """Set an effect on the device. If brightness or transition is defined, its value will be used instead of the effect-specific default. See :meth:`effect_list` for available effects, or use :meth:`set_custom_effect` for custom effects. :param str effect: The effect to set :param int brightness: The wanted brightness :param int transition: The wanted transition time """ @abstractmethod async def set_custom_effect( self, effect_dict: dict, ) -> dict: """Set a custom effect on the device. :param str effect_dict: The custom effect dict to set """