To resolve issues with the calls to the tplink cloud to get the latest firmware.
Disables the automatic calling of `get_latest_fw` and requires firmware update checks to be triggered manually.
Expose reboot through the feature interface.
This can be useful in situations where one wants to reboot the device,
e.g., in recent cases where frequent update calls will render the device
unresponsive after a specific amount of time.
Adds username and password arguments to discovery to remove the need to import Credentials.
Creates TypeAliases in Device for connection configuration classes and DeviceType.
Using the API with these changes will only require importing either Discover or Device
depending on whether using or Device.connect() to
initialize and interact with the API.
Starts structuring the documentation library usage into Tutorials, Guides, Explanations and Reference.
Continues migrating new docs from rst to markdown.
Extends the test framework discovery mocks to allow easy writing and testing of code examples.
Adds light preset common module for switching to presets and saving presets.
Deprecates the `presets` attribute and `save_preset` method from the `bulb`
interface in favour of the modular approach. Allows setting preset for `iot`
which was not previously supported.
Add a tutorial module with examples that can be tested with `doctest`.
In order to simplify the examples they can be run with doctest allowing
top level await statements by adding a fixture to patch the builtins
that xdoctest uses to test code.
Co-authored-by: Teemu R. <>