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name = "python-kasa"
Prepare 0.6.1 (#709) [Full Changelog]( Release highlights: * Support for tapo wall switches * Support for unprovisioned devices * Performance and stability improvements **Implemented enhancements:** - Add support for tapo wall switches \(S500D\) [\#704]( (@bdraco) - Add new cli command 'command' to execute arbitrary commands [\#692]( (@rytilahti) - Allow raw-command and wifi without update [\#688]( (@rytilahti) - Generate AES KeyPair lazily [\#687]( (@sdb9696) - Add reboot and factory\_reset to tapodevice [\#686]( (@rytilahti) - Try default tapo credentials for klap and aes [\#685]( (@sdb9696) - Sleep between discovery packets [\#656]( (@sdb9696) **Fixed bugs:** - Do not crash on missing geolocation [\#701]( (@rytilahti) - Fix P100 error getting conn closed when trying default login after login failure [\#690]( (@sdb9696) **Documentation updates:** - Add protocol and transport documentation [\#663]( (@sdb9696) - Document authenticated provisioning [\#634]( (@rytilahti) **Closed issues:** - Consider handshake as still valid on ServerDisconnectedError [\#676]( - AES Transport creates the key even if the device is offline [\#675]( - how to provision new Tapo plug devices? [\#565]( - Space out discovery requests [\#229]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add additional L900-10 fixture [\#707]( (@bdraco) - Replace rich formatting stripper [\#706]( (@bdraco) - Add support for the S500 [\#705]( (@bdraco) - Fix overly greedy \_strip\_rich\_formatting [\#703]( (@bdraco) - Ensure login token is only sent if aes state is ESTABLISHED [\#702]( (@bdraco) - Update readme fixture checker and readme [\#699]( (@rytilahti) - Fix test\_klapprotocol test duration [\#698]( (@sdb9696) - Renew the handshake session 20 minutes before we think it will expire [\#697]( (@bdraco) - Add --batch-size hint to timeout errors in dump\_devinfo [\#696]( (@sdb9696) - Add L930-5 fixture [\#694]( (@bdraco) - Add fixtures for L510E [\#693]( (@bdraco) - Refactor aestransport to use a state enum [\#691]( (@bdraco) - Update transport close/reset behaviour [\#689]( (@sdb9696) - Check README for supported models [\#684]( (@rytilahti) - Add P100 test fixture [\#683]( (@bdraco) - Make dump\_devinfo request batch size configurable [\#681]( (@sdb9696) - Add updated L920 fixture [\#680]( (@bdraco) - Update fixtures from test devices [\#679]( (@bdraco) - Show discovery data for state with verbose [\#678]( (@rytilahti) - Add L530E\(US\) fixture [\#674]( (@bdraco) - Add P135 fixture [\#673]( (@bdraco) - Rename base TPLinkProtocol to BaseProtocol [\#669]( (@sdb9696) - Add 1003 \(TRANSPORT\_UNKNOWN\_CREDENTIALS\_ERROR\) [\#667]( (@rytilahti)
2024-01-25 09:32:45 +01:00
version = "0.6.1"
description = "Python API for TP-Link Kasa Smarthome devices"
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later"
2023-02-18 22:40:42 +01:00
authors = ["python-kasa developers"]
repository = ""
readme = ""
packages = [
{ include = "kasa" }
include = [
{ path= "", format = "sdist" }
"Bug Tracker" = ""
"Documentation" = ""
kasa = "kasa.cli:cli"
python = "^3.8"
anyio = "*" # see
2022-04-05 18:36:57 +02:00
asyncclick = ">=8"
pydantic = ">=1"
cryptography = ">=1.9"
async-timeout = ">=3.0.0"
aiohttp = ">=3"
# speed ups
orjson = { "version" = ">=3.9.1", optional = true }
kasa-crypt = { "version" = ">=0.2.0", optional = true }
# required only for docs
sphinx = { version = "^5", optional = true }
sphinx_rtd_theme = { version = "^0", optional = true }
sphinxcontrib-programoutput = { version = "^0", optional = true }
myst-parser = { version = "*", optional = true }
docutils = { version = ">=0.17", optional = true }
pytest = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"
pytest-asyncio = "*"
pytest-sugar = "*"
pre-commit = "*"
voluptuous = "*"
toml = "*"
tox = "*"
pytest-mock = "*"
codecov = "*"
xdoctest = "*"
coverage = {version = "*", extras = ["toml"]}
docs = ["sphinx", "sphinx_rtd_theme", "sphinxcontrib-programoutput", "myst-parser", "docutils"]
speedups = ["orjson", "kasa-crypt"]
source = ["kasa"]
branch = true
omit = ["kasa/tests/*"]
exclude_lines = [
# Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code:
"raise AssertionError",
"raise NotImplementedError",
# Don't complain about missing debug-only code:
"def __repr__",
# Have to re-enable the standard pragma
"pragma: no cover",
# TYPE_CHECKING and @overload blocks are never executed during pytest run
markers = [
"requires_dummy: test requires dummy data to pass, skipped on real devices",
asyncio_mode = "auto"
paths = ["docs"]
ignore = ["D001"]
ignore-path-errors = ["docs/source/index.rst;D000"]
2021-10-02 00:51:16 +02:00
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
target-version = "py38"
select = [
"E", # pycodestyle
"D", # pydocstyle
"F", # pyflakes
"UP", # pyupgrade
"B", # flake8-bugbear
"SIM", # flake8-simplify
"I", # isort
"S", # bandit
ignore = [
"D105", # Missing docstring in magic method
"D107", # Missing docstring in `__init__`
convention = "pep257"
"kasa/tests/*.py" = [
"S101", # allow asserts
"E501", # ignore line-too-longs
"docs/source/" = [