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# Releasing
## Requirements
* [github client](
* [gitchub_changelog_generator](
* [github access token](
## Export changelog token
## Set release information
0.3.5 should always be the previous release as it's the last pyhs100 release in which is the changelog prior to github release notes.
export NEW_RELEASE=x.x.x.devx
## Normal releases from master
### Create a branch for the release
git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git rebase upstream/master
git checkout -b release/$NEW_RELEASE
### Update the version number
sed -i "0,/version = /{s/version = .*/version = \"${NEW_RELEASE}\"/}" pyproject.toml
### Update dependencies
uv sync --all-extras
uv lock --upgrade
Prepare 0.7.7 (#1229) ## [0.7.7]( (2024-11-04) [Full Changelog]( **Release summary:** - Bugfix for child device device creation error with credentials_hash - PIR support for iot dimmers and wall switches. - Various small enhancements and project improvements. **Implemented enhancements:** - Add PIR&LAS for wall switches mentioning PIR support [\#1227]( (@rytilahti) - Expose ambient light setting for iot dimmers [\#1210]( (@rytilahti) - Expose PIR enabled setting for iot dimmers [\#1174]( (@rytilahti) - Add childprotection module [\#1141]( (@rytilahti) - Initial trigger logs implementation [\#900]( (@rytilahti) **Fixed bugs:** - Fix AES child device creation error [\#1220]( (@sdb9696) **Project maintenance:** - Update TC65 fixture [\#1225]( (@rytilahti) - Update smartcamera fixtures from latest dump\_devinfo [\#1224]( (@sdb9696) - Add component queries to smartcamera devices [\#1223]( (@sdb9696) - Update try\_connect\_all to be more efficient and report attempts [\#1222]( (@sdb9696) - Use stacklevel=2 for warnings to report on callsites [\#1219]( (@rytilahti) - parse\_pcap\_klap: various code cleanups [\#1138]( (@rytilahti)
2024-11-04 15:57:43 +00:00
uv sync --all-extras
### Run pre-commit and tests
uv run pre-commit run --all-files
Prepare 0.7.4 (#1135) ## [0.7.4]( (2024-09-27) [Full Changelog]( **Release summary:** - KL135 color temp range corrected to 9000k max - Minor enhancements and project maintenance **Implemented enhancements:** - Add factory\_reset\(\) to iotdevice [\#1125]( (@rytilahti) - Add reboot\(\) to the device interface [\#1124]( (@rytilahti) - Add factory-reset command to cli [\#1108]( (@rytilahti) **Fixed bugs:** - Extend KL135 ct range up to 9000K [\#1123]( (@rytilahti) - Fix cli command for device off [\#1121]( (@sdb9696) **Project maintenance:** - Use pytest-socket to ensure no tests are performing io [\#1133]( (@sdb9696) - Enable ruff lint pycodestyle warnings [\#1132]( (@sdb9696) - Add autouse fixture to patch asyncio.sleep [\#1131]( (@sdb9696) - Mock asyncio.sleep for klapprotocol tests [\#1130]( (@rytilahti) - Add fixture for T110 fw 1.9.0 [\#1129]( (@rytilahti) - Speed up and simplify github workflows [\#1128]( (@sdb9696) - Add KS200M\(US\) fw 1.0.12 fixture [\#1127]( (@GatorEG) - Add stale PR/Issue github workflow [\#1126]( (@sdb9696) - Add fixture for KL135\(US\) fw 1.0.15 [\#1122]( (@rytilahti)
2024-09-27 17:28:58 +00:00
uv run pytest -n auto
### Create release summary (skip for dev releases)
Write a short and understandable summary for the release. Can include images.
#### Create $NEW_RELEASE milestone in github
If not already created
#### Create new issue linked to the milestone
Prepare 0.7.2 (#1107) ## [0.7.2]( (2024-08-30) [Full Changelog]( **Release summary:** - **Breaking** change to disable including the check for the latest firmware for tapo devices and newer kasa devices in the standard update cycle. To check for the latest firmware call `check_latest_firmware` on the firmware module or run the `check_latest_firmware` feature. - Minor bugfixes and improvements. **Breaking changes:** - Disable automatic updating of latest firmware [\#1103]( (@sdb9696) **Implemented enhancements:** - Improve performance of dict merge code [\#1097]( (@bdraco) **Fixed bugs:** - Fix logging in iotdevice when a module is module not supported [\#1100]( (@bdraco) **Documentation updates:** - Fix incorrect docs link in [\#1099]( (@sdb9696) **Project maintenance:** - Add flake8-pytest-style \(PT\) for ruff [\#1105]( (@rytilahti) - Add flake8-logging \(LOG\) and flake8-logging-format \(G\) for ruff [\#1104]( (@rytilahti) - Add missing typing\_extensions dependency [\#1101]( (@sdb9696) - Remove top level await xdoctest fixture [\#1098]( (@sdb9696) - Enable python 3.13, allow pre-releases for CI [\#1086]( (@rytilahti)
2024-08-30 17:55:36 +00:00
gh issue create --label "release-summary" --milestone $NEW_RELEASE --title "$NEW_RELEASE Release Summary" --body "**Release summary:**"
You can exclude the --body option to get an interactive editor or go into the issue on github and edit there.
#### Close the issue
Either via github or:
gh issue close ISSUE_NUMBER
### Generate changelog
Configuration settings are in `.github_changelog_generator`
#### For pre-release
EXCLUDE_TAGS will exclude all dev tags except for the current release dev tags.
Regex should be something like this `^((?!0\.7\.0)(.*dev\d))+`. The first match group negative matches on the current release and the second matches on releases ending with dev.
github_changelog_generator --future-release $NEW_RELEASE --exclude-tags-regex "$EXCLUDE_TAGS"
#### For production
github_changelog_generator --future-release $NEW_RELEASE --exclude-tags-regex 'dev\d$'
You can ignore warnings about missing PR commits like below as these relate to PRs to branches other than master:
Warning: PR 908 merge commit was not found in the release branch or tagged git history and no rebased SHA comment was found
### Export new release notes to variable
export RELEASE_NOTES=$(grep -Poz '(?<=\# Changelog\n\n)(.|\n)+?(?=\#\#)' | tr '\0' '\n' )
echo "$RELEASE_NOTES" # Check the output and copy paste if neccessary
### Commit and push the changed files
git commit --all --verbose -m "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE"
git push upstream release/$NEW_RELEASE -u
### Create a PR for the release, merge it, and re-fetch the master
#### Create the PR
gh pr create --title "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE" --body "$RELEASE_NOTES" --label release-prep --base master
#### Merge the PR once the CI passes
Create a squash commit and add the markdown from the PR description to the commit description.
gh pr merge --squash --body "$RELEASE_NOTES"
### Rebase local master
git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git rebase upstream/master
### Create a release tag
Note, add changelog release notes as the tag commit message so `gh release create --notes-from-tag` can be used to create a release draft.
git tag --annotate $NEW_RELEASE -m "$RELEASE_NOTES"
git push upstream $NEW_RELEASE
### Create release
#### Pre-releases
gh release create "$NEW_RELEASE" --verify-tag --notes-from-tag --title "$NEW_RELEASE" --draft --latest=false --prerelease
#### Production release
gh release create "$NEW_RELEASE" --verify-tag --notes-from-tag --title "$NEW_RELEASE" --draft --latest=true
### Manually publish the release
Go to the linked URL, verify the contents, and click "release" button to trigger the release CI.
## Patch releases
This requires git commit signing to be enabled.
### Create release branch
#### For the first patch release since a new release only
export NEW_RELEASE=x.x.x.x
export CURRENT_RELEASE=x.x.x
git fetch upstream $CURRENT_RELEASE
git checkout patch
git fetch upstream patch
git rebase upstream/patch
git fetch upstream $CURRENT_RELEASE
git merge $CURRENT_RELEASE --ff-only
git push upstream patch -u
git checkout -b release/$NEW_RELEASE
#### For subsequent patch releases
export NEW_RELEASE=x.x.x.x
git checkout patch
git fetch upstream patch
git rebase upstream/patch
git checkout -b release/$NEW_RELEASE
### Cherry pick required commits
git cherry-pick commitSHA1 -S
git cherry-pick commitSHA2 -S
### Update the version number
sed -i "0,/version = /{s/version = .*/version = \"${NEW_RELEASE}\"/}" pyproject.toml
### Manually edit the changelog
github_changlog generator_does not work with patch releases so manually add the section for the new release to
### Export new release notes to variable
export RELEASE_NOTES=$(grep -Poz '(?<=\# Changelog\n\n)(.|\n)+?(?=\#\#)' | tr '\0' '\n' )
echo "$RELEASE_NOTES" # Check the output and copy paste if neccessary
### Commit and push the changed files
git commit --all --verbose -m "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE" -S
git push upstream release/$NEW_RELEASE -u
### Create a PR for the release, merge it, and re-fetch patch
#### Create the PR
gh pr create --title "$NEW_RELEASE" --body "$RELEASE_NOTES" --label release-prep --base patch
#### Merge the PR once the CI passes
Create a **merge** commit and add the markdown from the PR description to the commit description.
gh pr merge --merge --body "$RELEASE_NOTES"
### Rebase local patch
git checkout patch
git fetch upstream patch
git rebase upstream/patch
### Create a release tag
git tag -s --annotate $NEW_RELEASE -m "$RELEASE_NOTES"
git push upstream $NEW_RELEASE
### Create release
gh release create "$NEW_RELEASE" --verify-tag --notes-from-tag --title "$NEW_RELEASE" --draft --latest=true
Then go into github, review and release
### Merge patch back to master
git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git rebase upstream/master
git checkout -b janitor/merge_patch
git fetch upstream patch
git merge upstream/patch --no-commit
# If there are any merge conflicts run the following command which will simply make master win
# Do not run it if there are no conflicts as it will end up checking out upstream/master
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | xargs git checkout upstream/master
# Check the diff is as expected
git diff --staged
# The only diff should be the version in pyproject.toml and uv.lock, and
# unless a change made on patch that was not part of a cherry-pick commit
# If there are any other unexpected diffs `git checkout upstream/master [thefilename]`
git commit -m "Merge patch into local master" -S
git push upstream janitor/merge_patch -u
gh pr create --title "Merge patch into master" --body '' --label release-prep --base master
#### Temporarily allow merge commits to master
1. Open [repository settings](
2. From the left select `Rules` > `Rulesets`
3. Open `master` ruleset, under `Bypass list` select `+ Add bypass`
4. Check `Repository admin` > `Add selected`, select `Save changes`
#### Merge commit the PR
gh pr merge --merge --body ""
#### Revert allow merge commits
1. Under `Bypass list` select `...` next to `Repository admins`
2. `Delete bypass`, select `Save changes`