import os import re from utils.consoleoutput import oColors from utils.web_request import doAPIRequest from handlers.handle_config import checkConfig from handlers.handle_sftp import createSFTPConnection, sftp_listAll from plugin.plugin_downloader import getSpecificPackage def createPluginList(): global INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST = [] return INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST def addToPluginList(pluginId, versionId, plugin_latest_version, plugin_is_outdated): INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST.append([pluginId, versionId, plugin_latest_version, plugin_is_outdated]) def getFileName(pluginName): pluginNameFull = pluginName pluginVersion ='([\d.]+[.jar]+)', pluginNameFull) try: pluginVersionFull = except AttributeError: pluginVersionFull = pluginVersion pluginNameOnlyy = pluginNameFull.replace(pluginVersionFull, '') pluginNameOnly = re.sub(r'(\-$)', '', pluginNameOnlyy) pluginNameOnlyy = re.sub(r'(\-v$)', '', pluginNameOnly) return pluginNameOnlyy def getFileVersion(pluginName): pluginNameFull = pluginName pluginVersion ='([\d.]+[.jar]+)', pluginNameFull) pluginVersionFull = pluginVersionString = pluginVersionFull.replace('.jar', '') return pluginVersionString def getLatestPluginVersion(pluginId): url = f"{pluginId}/versions/latest" latestUpdateSearch = doAPIRequest(url) versionLatestUpdate = latestUpdateSearch["name"] return versionLatestUpdate def compareVersions(plugin_latest_version, pluginVersion): if pluginVersion < plugin_latest_version: plugin_is_outdated = True else: plugin_is_outdated = False return plugin_is_outdated def checkInstalledPackage(inputSelectedObject="all"): createPluginList() if not checkConfig().localPluginFolder: sftp = createSFTPConnection() pluginList = sftp_listAll(sftp) else: pluginList = os.listdir(checkConfig().pathToPluginFolder) i = 0 oldPackages = 0 print(f"Checking: {inputSelectedObject}") print("Index | Name | Installed V. | Latest V. | Update available") try: for plugin in pluginList: try: fileName = getFileName(plugin) fileVersion = getFileVersion(plugin) pluginId = getInstalledPlugin(fileName, fileVersion) except TypeError: continue pluginIdStr = str(pluginId) if fileVersion == '': fileVersion = 'N/A' try: pluginLatestVersion = INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST[i][2] except IndexError: pluginLatestVersion = 'N/A' if pluginLatestVersion == None: pluginLatestVersion = 'N/A' try: pluginIsOutdated = INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST[i][3] except IndexError: pluginIsOutdated = 'N/A' if pluginIsOutdated == None: pluginIsOutdated = 'N/A' if pluginIsOutdated == True: oldPackages = oldPackages + 1 if inputSelectedObject != "*" and inputSelectedObject != "all": if inputSelectedObject == pluginIdStr or, fileName, re.IGNORECASE): print(f" [{1}]".ljust(8), end='') print(f"{fileName}".ljust(33), end='') print(f"{fileVersion}".ljust(15), end='') print(f"{pluginLatestVersion}".ljust(12), end='') print(f" {pluginIsOutdated}".ljust(5)) break else: print(f" [{i+1}]".ljust(8), end='') print(f"{fileName}".ljust(33), end='') print(f"{fileVersion}".ljust(15), end='') print(f"{pluginLatestVersion}".ljust(12), end='') print(f" {pluginIsOutdated}".ljust(5)) i = i + 1 except TypeError: print(oColors.brightRed + "Aborted checking for plugins." + oColors.standardWhite) print(oColors.brightYellow + f"Old packages: [{oldPackages}/{i}]" + oColors.standardWhite) def updateInstalledPackage(inputSelectedObject='all'): createPluginList() if not checkConfig().localPluginFolder: sftp = createSFTPConnection() pluginList = sftp_listAll(sftp) else: pluginList = os.listdir(checkConfig().pathToPluginFolder) i = 0 pluginsUpdated = 0 print(f"Updating: {inputSelectedObject}") print("Index | Name | Old V. | New V.") try: for plugin in pluginList: try: fileName = getFileName(plugin) fileVersion = getFileVersion(plugin) pluginId = getInstalledPlugin(fileName, fileVersion) latestVersion = getLatestPluginVersion(pluginId) except TypeError: continue except ValueError: continue pluginIdStr = str(pluginId) if pluginId == None: print(oColors.brightRed + "Couldn't find plugin id. Sorry :(" + oColors.standardWhite) continue if inputSelectedObject == pluginIdStr or, fileName, re.IGNORECASE): if INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST[i][3] == True: print(f" [{pluginsUpdated+1}]".ljust(8), end='') print(f"{fileName}".ljust(30), end='') print(f"{fileVersion}".ljust(8), end='') print(" ", end='') print(f"{latestVersion}".ljust(8)) if not checkConfig().localPluginFolder: pluginPath = checkConfig().sftp_folderPath pluginPath = f"{pluginPath}\\{plugin}" sftp = createSFTPConnection() sftp.remove(pluginPath) getSpecificPackage(pluginId, checkConfig().sftp_folderPath) pluginsUpdated += 1 else: pluginPath = checkConfig().pathToPluginFolder pluginPath = f"{pluginPath}\\{plugin}" os.remove(pluginPath) getSpecificPackage(pluginId, checkConfig().pathToPluginFolder) pluginsUpdated += 1 break else: print(f"{fileName} is already on {latestVersion}") print(oColors.brightRed + "Aborting the update process."+ oColors.standardWhite) break if inputSelectedObject == 'all': if INSTALLEDPLUGINLIST[i][3] == True: print(f" [{pluginsUpdated+1}]".ljust(8), end='') print(f"{fileName}".ljust(30), end='') print(f"{fileVersion}".ljust(8), end='') print(" ", end='') print(f"{latestVersion}".ljust(8)) if not checkConfig().localPluginFolder: pluginPath = checkConfig().sftp_folderPath pluginPath = f"{pluginPath}\\{plugin}" sftp = createSFTPConnection() sftp.remove(pluginPath) getSpecificPackage(pluginId, checkConfig().sftp_folderPath) pluginsUpdated += 1 else: pluginPath = checkConfig().pathToPluginFolder pluginPath = f"{pluginPath}\\{plugin}" os.remove(pluginPath) getSpecificPackage(pluginId, checkConfig().pathToPluginFolder) pluginsUpdated += 1 i = i + 1 except TypeError: print(oColors.brightRed + "Aborted updating for plugins." + oColors.standardWhite) print(f"[{pluginsUpdated}/{i}] Plugins updated") if inputSelectedObject =='all' and pluginsUpdated == 0: print(oColors.brightGreen + "All plugins are on the latest version!" + oColors.standardWhite) def getInstalledPlugin(localFileName, localFileVersion): url = "" + localFileName + "?field=name&sort=-downloads" packageName = doAPIRequest(url) i = 1 plugin_match_found = False pluginID = None for ressource in packageName: if plugin_match_found == True: break pID = ressource["id"] url2 = f"{pID}/versions?size=100&sort=-name" packageVersions = doAPIRequest(url2) for updates in packageVersions: updateVersion = updates["name"] if localFileVersion in updateVersion: plugin_match_found = True pluginID = pID updateId = updates["id"] plugin_latest_version = getLatestPluginVersion(pID) plugin_is_outdated = compareVersions(plugin_latest_version, updateVersion) addToPluginList(pID, updateId, plugin_latest_version , plugin_is_outdated) break i = i + 1 else: pID = None updateId = None plugin_latest_version = None plugin_is_outdated = None addToPluginList(pID, updateId, plugin_latest_version , plugin_is_outdated) return pluginID # start query # get id # search with id for all version upates # get version that matches installed version # if match then download latest update # else get second query