# handles the config and everything around it import sys import configparser import os.path from consoleoutput import oColors def checkConfig(): configAvailable = os.path.isfile("./config.ini") if not configAvailable: createConfig() print(oColors.brightRed + "Config created. Edit config before executing again!" + oColors.standardWhite) input("Press any key + enter to exit...") sys.exit() class configValues: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.sections() config.read("config.ini") localPluginFolder = config['General']['LocalPluginFolder'] pathToPluginFolder = config['General']['PathToPluginFolder'] sftp_server = config['Remote Server']['Server'] sftp_user = config['Remote Server']['Username'] sftp_password = config['Remote Server']['Password'] sftp_port = config['Remote Server']['Port'] sftp_folderPath = config['Remote Server']['PluginFolder'] sftp_port = int(sftp_port) if localPluginFolder == 'True': localPluginFolder = True else: localPluginFolder = False return configValues def createConfig(): config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config['General'] = {} config['General'][';'] = 'If a local plugin folder exists (True/False): (If false use sftp)' config['General']['LocalPluginFolder'] = 'True' config['General']['PathToPluginFolder'] = 'C:\\Users\\USER\\Desktop\\plugins' config['Remote Server'] = {} config['Remote Server']['Server'] = '' config['Remote Server']['Username'] = 'user' config['Remote Server']['Password'] = 'longpassword' config['Remote Server']['Port'] = '22' config['Remote Server']['PluginFolder'] = '.\\plugins' with open('./config.ini', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile)