import os import sys import ftplib import stat import re from utils.consoleoutput import oColors from handlers.handle_config import configurationValues def createFTPConnection(): configValues = configurationValues() ftp = ftplib.FTP(configValues.sftp_server, user=configValues.sftp_user, \ passwd=configValues.sftp_password) try: return ftp except UnboundLocalError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: Check your config.ini!" + oColors.standardWhite) print(oColors.brightRed + "Exiting program..." + oColors.standardWhite) sys.exit() def ftp_showPlugins(ftp): configValues = configurationValues() ftp.cwd(configValues.sftp_folderPath) for attr in ftp.dir(): print(attr.filename, attr) def ftp_upload_file(ftp, itemPath): configValues = configurationValues() if configValues.sftp_seperateDownloadPath is True: uploadFolderPath = configValues.sftp_pathToSeperateDownloadPath else: uploadFolderPath = configValues.sftp_folderPath try: ftp.cwd(uploadFolderPath) itemPath = os.path.relpath(itemPath, 'TempSFTPFolder/') itemPath = str(itemPath) currentDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir('TempSFTPFolder') with open (itemPath, 'rb') as plugin_file: ftp.storbinary('STOR '+ str(itemPath), plugin_file) except FileNotFoundError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: The 'plugins' folder couldn*t be found on the remote host!" + oColors.standardWhite) print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: Aborting uploading." + oColors.standardWhite) os.chdir(currentDirectory) ftp.close() def ftp_upload_server_jar(ftp, itemPath): try: ftp.cwd('.') itemPath = os.path.relpath(itemPath, 'TempSFTPFolder/') itemPath = str(itemPath) currentDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir('TempSFTPFolder') with open (itemPath, 'rb') as server_jar: ftp.storbinary('STOR '+ str(itemPath), server_jar) except FileNotFoundError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: The 'root' folder couldn*t be found on the remote host!" + oColors.standardWhite) print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: Aborting uploading." + oColors.standardWhite) os.chdir(currentDirectory) ftp.close() def ftp_listAll(ftp): configValues = configurationValues() try: ftp.cwd(configValues.sftp_folderPath) installedPlugins = ftp.nlst() except FileNotFoundError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: The 'plugins' folder couldn*t be found on the remote host!" + oColors.standardWhite) try: return installedPlugins except UnboundLocalError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: No plugins were found." + oColors.standardWhite) def ftp_listFilesInServerRoot(ftp): try: ftp.cwd('.') filesInServerRoot = ftp.nlst() except FileNotFoundError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: The 'root' folder couldn*t be found on the remote host!" + oColors.standardWhite) try: return filesInServerRoot except UnboundLocalError: print(oColors.brightRed + "[FTP]: No Serverjar was found." + oColors.standardWhite) def ftp_downloadFile(ftp, downloadPath, fileToDownload): configValues = configurationValues() ftp.cwd(configValues.sftp_folderPath) filedata = open(downloadPath,'wb') ftp.retrbinary('RETR '+fileToDownload, filedata.write) filedata.close() ftp.quit() def ftp_is_file(FTP, pluginPath): if FTP.nlst(pluginPath) == [pluginPath]: return True else: return False def ftp_validateFileAttributes(ftp, pluginPath): if ftp_is_file(ftp, pluginPath) is False: return False if'.jar$', pluginPath): return True else: return False