Started the new config handling

Implemented new and not complete config handling and implemented command parameter support
This commit is contained in:
Neocky 2022-06-02 19:52:49 +02:00
parent 3faf9785d7
commit 993d438ff7
22 changed files with 230 additions and 78 deletions

old_src/config.ini Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
; = If a local plugin folder exists (True/False) (If False SFTP/FTP will be used):
uselocalpluginfolder = True
[Local - This Machine]
pathtopluginfolder = C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins
; = For a different folder to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below
seperatedownloadpath = False
pathtoseperatedownloadpath = C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins
[SFTP - Remote Server]
server =
username = user
password = password
; = If a different Port for SFTP needs to be used (Default: 22)
sftpport = 22
;_ = If a different Port for FTP needs to be used (Default: 21)
ftpport = 21
;__ = Change the path below if the plugin folder path is different on the SFTP/FTP server (Change only if you know what you are doing)
pluginfolderonserver = /plugins
;___ = If you want to use FTP instead of SFTP change to (False) else use (True)
use_sftp = True
;____ = For a different folder to store the updated plugins (Only with the update command!) change to (True/False) and the path below
seperatedownloadpath = False
pathtoseperatedownloadpath = /plugins

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import os
import sys
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
from utils.consoleoutput import oColors
class configurationValues:
def __init__(self):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
localPluginFolder = config['General']['UseLocalPluginFolder']
self.pathToPluginFolder = Path(config['Local - This Machine']['PathToPluginFolder'])
seperateDownloadPath = config['Local - This Machine']['SeperateDownloadPath']
self.pathToSeperateDownloadPath = Path(config['Local - This Machine']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'])
self.sftp_server = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server']
self.sftp_user = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username']
self.sftp_password = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password']
sftp_port = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SFTPPort']
ftp_port = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['FTPPort']
self.sftp_folderPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer']
sftp_useSftp = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['USE_SFTP']
sftp_seperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath']
self.sftp_pathToSeperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath']
self.sftp_port = int(sftp_port)
self.ftp_port = int(ftp_port)
if localPluginFolder == 'True':
self.localPluginFolder = True
self.localPluginFolder = False
if seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
self.seperateDownloadPath = True
self.seperateDownloadPath = False
if sftp_seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
self.sftp_seperateDownloadPath = True
self.sftp_seperateDownloadPath = False
if sftp_useSftp == 'True':
self.sftp_useSftp = True
self.sftp_useSftp = False
def checkConfig():
configAvailable = os.path.isfile("config.ini")
if not configAvailable:
print(oColors.brightRed + "Config created. Edit config before executing again!" + oColors.standardWhite)
input("Press any key + enter to exit...")
def createConfig():
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config['General'] = {}
config['General'][';'] = 'If a local plugin folder exists (True/False) (If False SFTP/FTP will be used):'
config['General']['UseLocalPluginFolder'] = 'True'
config['Local - This Machine'] = {}
config['Local - This Machine']['PathToPluginFolder'] = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins'
config['Local - This Machine'][';'] = 'For a different folder to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below'
config['Local - This Machine']['SeperateDownloadPath'] = 'False'
config['Local - This Machine']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'] = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'] = {}
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server'] = ''
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username'] = 'user'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password'] = 'password'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';'] = 'If a different Port for SFTP needs to be used (Default: 22)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SFTPPort'] = '22'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';_'] = 'If a different Port for FTP needs to be used (Default: 21)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['FTPPort'] = '21'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';__'] = 'Change the path below if the plugin folder path is different on the SFTP/FTP server (Change only if you know what you are doing)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer'] = '/plugins'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';___'] = 'If you want to use FTP instead of SFTP change to (False) else use (True)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['USE_SFTP'] = 'True'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';____'] = 'For a different folder to store the updated plugins (Only with the update command!) change to (True/False) and the path below'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath'] = 'False'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'] = '/plugins'
with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile:

33 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Main function for pluGET
import argparse
from src.handlers.handle_config import check_config, config_value
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Just an example",
#parser.add_argument("-a", "--archive", action="store_true", help="archive mode")
#parser.add_argument("--exclude", help="files to exclude")
parser.add_argument("mode", help="Mode (install/update)", nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument("plugin", help="Plugin Name", nargs='?', default=None)
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
if args["mode"] is not None and args["plugin"] is not None:
#argument_code(args["mode"], args["plugin"])
print("no arguments")
config = config_value()

View File

@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ rich >= 9.13.0
commonmark >= 0.9.1 commonmark >= 0.9.1
Pygments >= 2.8.1 Pygments >= 2.8.1
typing_extensions >= typing_extensions >=
ruamel.yaml >= 0.17.21

View File

@ -1,91 +1,92 @@
Handles the logic for the config validation, reading and creating
import os import os
import sys import sys
import configparser import ruamel.yaml
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
from utils.consoleoutput import oColors
class configurationValues: class config_value():
Class which holds all the available configuration values from the config file and which will be used later in
the process of updating plugins
def __init__(self): def __init__(self):
config = configparser.ConfigParser() yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
config.sections() with open("pluget_config.yaml", "r") as config_file:"config.ini") data = yaml.load(config_file)
localPluginFolder = config['General']['UseLocalPluginFolder'] self.connection = data["Connection"]
self.pathToPluginFolder = Path(config['Local - This Machine']['PathToPluginFolder']) self.path_to_plugin_folder = Path(data["Local"]["PathToPluginFolder"])
seperateDownloadPath = config['Local - This Machine']['SeperateDownloadPath'] self.local_seperate_download_path = True if data["Local"]["SeperateDownloadPath"] == True else False
self.pathToSeperateDownloadPath = Path(config['Local - This Machine']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath']) self.path_to_seperate_download_path = Path(data["Local"]["PathToSeperateDownloadPath"])
self.sftp_port = int(data["Remote"]["SFTP_Port"])
self.sftp_server = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server']
self.sftp_user = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username']
self.sftp_password = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password']
sftp_port = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SFTPPort']
ftp_port = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['FTPPort']
self.sftp_folderPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer']
sftp_useSftp = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['USE_SFTP']
sftp_seperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath']
self.sftp_pathToSeperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath']
self.sftp_port = int(sftp_port)
self.ftp_port = int(ftp_port)
if localPluginFolder == 'True':
self.localPluginFolder = True
self.localPluginFolder = False
if seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
self.seperateDownloadPath = True
self.seperateDownloadPath = False
if sftp_seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
self.sftp_seperateDownloadPath = True
self.sftp_seperateDownloadPath = False
if sftp_useSftp == 'True':
self.sftp_useSftp = True
self.sftp_useSftp = False
def checkConfig():
configAvailable = os.path.isfile("config.ini") def check_config() -> None:
if not configAvailable: """
createConfig() Check if there is a pluget_config.yml file in the same folder as and if not create a new config
print(oColors.brightRed + "Config created. Edit config before executing again!" + oColors.standardWhite) and exit the programm.
if not os.path.isfile("pluget_config.yaml"):
def create_config() -> None:
Creates the yaml config in the current directory with the filename pluget_config.yml
# this is the whole yaml code because of weird formating indention is not possible
configuration = """\
# Configuration File for pluGET
# What should be used for the connection (local, sftp, ftp)
Connection: local
PathToPluginFolder: C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins
# If a different folder should be used to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below
SeperateDownloadPath : False
PathToSeperateDownloadPath: C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins
Username: user
Password: password
# If a different Port for SFTP/FTP will be used
SFTP_Port: 22
FTP_Port: 21
# If a different folder should be used to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below
SeperateDownloadPath : False
PathToSeperateDownloadPath: /plugins/updated
# Change the path below if the plugin folder path is different on the SFTP/FTP server (Change only if you know what you are doing)
PluginFolderOnServer: /plugins
# load ruamel.yaml to get the # commands right in the yaml code
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
code = yaml.load(configuration)
with open("pluget_config.yaml", "w") as config_file:
yaml.dump(code, config_file)
config_file_path = os.path.abspath("pluget_config.yaml")
print(f"Path of config file: {config_file_path}")
print("Config created. Edit config before executing again!")
input("Press any key + enter to exit...") input("Press any key + enter to exit...")
sys.exit() sys.exit()
def createConfig(): def validate_config() -> bool:
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) """
config['General'] = {} Validates the config variables after config class is loaded
config['General'][';'] = 'If a local plugin folder exists (True/False) (If False SFTP/FTP will be used):' """
config['General']['UseLocalPluginFolder'] = 'True' accepted_values = [
("local", "sftp", "ftp"),
config['Local - This Machine'] = {} ("true", "false")
config['Local - This Machine']['PathToPluginFolder'] = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins' ]
config['Local - This Machine'][';'] = 'For a different folder to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below'
config['Local - This Machine']['SeperateDownloadPath'] = 'False'
config['Local - This Machine']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'] = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'] = {}
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server'] = ''
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username'] = 'user'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password'] = 'password'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';'] = 'If a different Port for SFTP needs to be used (Default: 22)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SFTPPort'] = '22'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';_'] = 'If a different Port for FTP needs to be used (Default: 21)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['FTPPort'] = '21'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';__'] = 'Change the path below if the plugin folder path is different on the SFTP/FTP server (Change only if you know what you are doing)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer'] = '/plugins'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';___'] = 'If you want to use FTP instead of SFTP change to (False) else use (True)'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['USE_SFTP'] = 'True'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';____'] = 'For a different folder to store the updated plugins (Only with the update command!) change to (True/False) and the path below'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath'] = 'False'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'] = '/plugins'
with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile: