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import os
import sys
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
from utils.consoleoutput import oColors
class configurationValues:
def __init__(self):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
localPluginFolder = config['General']['LocalPluginFolder']
self.pathToPluginFolder = Path(config['General']['PathToPluginFolder'])
seperateDownloadPath = config['General']['SeperateDownloadPath']
self.pathToSeperateDownloadPath = Path(config['General']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'])
self.sftp_server = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server']
self.sftp_user = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username']
self.sftp_password = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password']
sftp_port = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Port']
self.sftp_folderPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer']
sftp_seperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath']
self.sftp_pathToSeperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath']
self.sftp_port = int(sftp_port)
if localPluginFolder == 'True':
self.localPluginFolder = True
self.localPluginFolder = False
if seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
self.seperateDownloadPath = True
self.seperateDownloadPath = False
if sftp_seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
self.sftp_seperateDownloadPath = True
self.sftp_seperateDownloadPath = False
def checkConfig():
currentFolder = os.getcwd()
configAvailable = os.path.isfile("config.ini")
if not configAvailable:
print(oColors.brightRed + "Config created. Edit config before executing again!" + oColors.standardWhite)
input("Press any key + enter to exit...")
#class configValues:
# config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# config.sections()
# localPluginFolder = config['General']['LocalPluginFolder']
# pathToPluginFolder = Path(config['General']['PathToPluginFolder'])
# seperateDownloadPath = config['General']['SeperateDownloadPath']
# pathToSeperateDownloadPath = Path(config['General']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'])
# sftp_server = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server']
# sftp_user = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username']
# sftp_password = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password']
# sftp_port = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Port']
# sftp_folderPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer']
# sftp_seperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath']
# sftp_pathToSeperateDownloadPath = config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath']
# sftp_port = int(sftp_port)
# if localPluginFolder == 'True':
# localPluginFolder = True
# else:
# localPluginFolder = False
# if seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
# seperateDownloadPath = True
# else:
# seperateDownloadPath = False
# if sftp_seperateDownloadPath == 'True':
# sftp_seperateDownloadPath = True
# else:
# sftp_seperateDownloadPath = False
#return configValues
def createConfig():
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config['General'] = {}
config['General'][';'] = 'If a local plugin folder exists (True/False): (If False SFTP will be used)'
config['General']['LocalPluginFolder'] = 'True'
config['General']['PathToPluginFolder'] = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins'
config['General'][';_'] = 'If you want a different folder to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below'
config['General']['SeperateDownloadPath'] = 'False'
config['General']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'] = 'C:/Users/USER/Desktop/plugins'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'] = {}
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Server'] = ''
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Username'] = 'user'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Password'] = 'password'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';'] = 'Normally you won*t need to change anything below this line'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['Port'] = '22'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PluginFolderOnServer'] = '.\\plugins'
config['SFTP - Remote Server'][';_'] = 'If you want a different folder to store the updated plugins change to (True/False) and the path below'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['SeperateDownloadPath'] = 'False'
config['SFTP - Remote Server']['PathToSeperateDownloadPath'] = '.\\plugins'
with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile: