*`beautifulsoup4` package - required only when NvidiaDownloadsChannel is used. On recent Debian/Ubuntu you may install it like this: `apt-get install python3-bs4`. For other cases see [this](https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#installing-beautiful-soup).
2. Program aggregates responses by hashing their's values covered by `key_components`. `key_components` is a list of JSON paths (represented by list too) specified in config file.
3. Program queries DB if given hash has any match in database.
*`certlevel` - driver certification level. Allowed values: `All` - any certification level, `Beta` - beta drivers, `Certified` - WHQL certified in Windows case and Nvidia certified in Linux case, `ODE` - Optimal Driver for Enterprise (Quadro driver), `QNF` - Quadro New Feature (Quadro driver). Default: `All`.
*`driver_type` - driver type. Allowed values: `Standard`, `DCH`. At this moment DCH driver appears to exists only for some product families and only for Windows 10 x64. Default: `Standard`.
Runs external process and pipes JSON with info about new driver into it
Type: `command`
*`cmdline` - list of command line arguments (where first is executable name)
*`timeout` - allowed execution time in seconds. Default: `10.0`
#### EmailNotifier
Sends email with attached JSON file with driver info. Supports TLS, STARTTLS and authentication, so it can be used to send notification via mailbox provided by public services like gmail.
Type: `email`
*`from_addr` - originating address
*`to_addrs` - list of destination addresses
*`host` - SMTP host. Default: `localhost`
*`port` - SMTP port. Default: depends on chosen TLS/STARTTLS mode.
*`local_hostname` - hostname used in EHLO/HELO commands. Default: auto
*`use_ssl` - use SSL from beginning of connection. Default: `false`
*`use_starttls` - use STARTTLS. Default: `false`
*`login` - user login name. Default: `null` (do not use authentication)
*`password` - user password. Default: `null`
*`timeout` - allowed delay in seconds for each network operation. Default: `10.0`