The YouTube headers are now always added for requests to YouTube.
Previously they were only added for requests going through QUIC.
The session token is now JSON decoded to unescape escaped Unicode characters.
The comment continuation protobuf has been updated and the request now goes
through the YouTube `pbj` JSON API.
Redirect channels may use JS to redirect now, instead of only a response header
as it used to be. This fix reads the channel to redirect to from `ytInitialData`.
The `ytInitialPlayerResponse` regex can now handle `var` and `window`
The video streams can now be extracted from `player_response` and
This fixes the descriptions on videos and videos themselves. Videos are
technically broken right now, but work becasue of a fallback that goes through
Travis CI is slow, builds are first queued up forever and then the builds
themselves are slow, too.
GitHub Actions run pretty much immediately and are fast. Also separate jobs run
at the same time unlike on Travis CI.
Electric Boogaloo
The long backtrace has been moved into a `<details>` HTML element, as suggested
by @B0pol. To make the error still visible it has been added to the top under
`Title:`. This also encourages informative issue titles.
Since no new tags are created for releases the version has been frozen for some
time, with only the commit hash changing.
Versions based on the latest commit date make it much easier to identify them.
Error handling has been reworked to always go through the new `error_template`,
`error_json` and `error_atom` macros.
They all accept a status code followed by a string message or an exception
object. `error_json` accepts a hash with additional fields as third argument.
If the second argument is an exception a backtrace will be printed, if it is a
string only the string is printed. Since up till now only the exception message
was printed a new `InfoException` class was added for situations where no
backtrace is intended but a string cannot be used.
`error_template` with a string message automatically localizes the message.
Missing error translations have been collected in
`error_json` with a string message does not localize the message. This is the
same as previous behavior. If translations are desired for `error_json` they
can be added easily but those error messages have not been collected yet.
Uncaught exceptions previously only printed a generic message ("Looks like
you've found a bug in Invidious. [...]"). They still print that message
but now also include a backtrace.