

Solero Discord Solero Forum Issue Tracker License Documentation

A lightning-fast Club Penguin Private Server written in Python 3.

- [Join our community](https://solero.me) - [Documentation](https://houdini.readthedocs.io) ## Features :space_invader: - :clock3: **Cross-era**: Different clients can play together on the same server. - :exclamation: **Commands**: Built-in extensible commands API. - :electric_plug: **Powerful Plugin API**: Easy and quick to write your own plugins. - :speech_balloon: **Chat-filter**: Filter trolls with minimal configuration. - :shield: **Permissions**: API to restrict access to server functionality & commands. ## Installation Houdini can be run as a normal Python program under any operating system. ***NOTE**: Houdini requires Python 3.8.x to be installed* ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/solero/houdini $ cd houdini $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python bootstrap.py login ``` ## Installation with Docker You can also use [Wand](https://github.com/solero/wand), a tool that installs Houdini, Dash and many other useful tools to compliment your experience. This is especially useful for those who want a straightforward installation, where everything is installed for you! Currently Wand only works on Linux servers. Windows and Mac servers could work but requires extra work! ## Game Screenshots Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot ## Contributing :heartpulse: So glad to hear of your interest! If you have suggestions for how this project can be improved, or want to report a bug, please feel free to open an issue! We welcome any and all contributions. We listen to all your questions and are always active on the [Solero Discord server](https://solero.me/t/join-the-discord-server/17). ## License MIT Licensed