[efy_lang]{ --version:Version; --theme:Theme; --visual_filters:Visual Filters; --backup:Backup; --efy_language:EFY Language; --accessibility:Accessibility; --audio_effects:Audio Effects; --nature_effects:Nature Effects; --default:Default; --light:Light; --sepia:Sepia; --dark:Dark; --nord:Nord; --black:Black; --color:Color; --text:Text; --background:Background; --reset:Reset; --radius:Radius; --angle: Angle; --gap:Gap; --beta:Beta; --alpha:Alpha; --content:Content; --trans_elements:Trans Elements; --brightness:Brightness; --blur:Blur; --saturation:Saturation; --contrast:Contrast; --hue:Hue; --invert:Invert; --mode:Mode; --colors:Colors; --images:Images; --size:Size; --max_width:Max Width; --transparency:Transparency; --efy_settings:EFY Settings; --efy_images:EFY Images; --save:Save; --menu_button_position:Menu Button Position; --floating_button:Floating Button; --outline:Outline; --focus_outline:Focus Outline; --animations:Animations; --on_off:On / Off; --speed:Speed; --text_size:Text Size; --zoom:Zoom; --text_spacing:Text Spacing; --cursor:Cursor; --custom:Custom; --hide_touchscreen:Hide (Touchscreen); --learn_more:Learn more; --matrix:Matrix chat; --github:Github; --custom_colors:Custom Colors; --virtual_keyboard:Virtual Keyboard; --click_tap:Click & Tap; --mouse_hover:Mouse Hover; --efy_volume:EFY Volume; --page_volume:Page Volume; --audio:Audio; --visual:Visual; --snow:Snow; --rain:Rain; --leaves:Leaves; --flowers:Flowers; --bubbles:Bubbles; --forest:Forest; --waves:Waves; --underwater:Underwater; --people:People; --fireworks:Fireworks; --dreamy:Dreamy; --add_file:Add File; --no_notifications:No notifications yet...; --sidebar_search_placeholder:Search through menu; --sidebar_about_text:This page uses EFY, a customisable, convergent, transparent, modular, futuristic css / js framework that can be added to your own web / local apps & websites; --sidebar_transparency_help:If your operating system or window manager supports transparency, the background becomes transparent. Otherwise just import your own images and turn this on; --sidebar_images_warning:Warning. Bigger = Slower; --sidebar_images_warning_help:Keep them bellow 1MB per image, unless your device has a powerful CPU / GPU. You can also convert png, jpg etc to webp to reduce the size; --sidebar_cursor_text:WARNING. Only hide it on touchscreen devices; --sidebar_audio_text:You might have to click / tap on the ssl / lock icon on your browser & allow sounds, to hear them automatically; --custom_colors_help:These colors override the default ones; --sidebar_outline_text:Safari & Webkit do not support custom outline radius yet, so it is not up to efy, but the outline itself works & the radius as well on other browsers.; --offline_notify:You are OFFLINE; --offline_notify_text:Maybe check your internet connection?; --online_notify:You are back ONLINE; --online_notify_text:Reload the page if needed; }