import click import json from flask.cli import with_appcontext import random, string, datetime from flask_user import current_app from app import db from app.models import Account, PlayKey @click.command("init_db") @click.argument('drop_tables', nargs=1) @with_appcontext def init_db(drop_tables=False): """ Initialize the database.""" print('Initializing Database.') if drop_tables: print('Dropping all tables.') db.drop_all() print('Creating all tables.') db.create_all() print('Database has been initialized.') return @click.command("init_accounts") @with_appcontext def init_accounts(): """ Initialize the accounts.""" # Add accounts print('Creating Admin account.') admin_account = find_or_create_account( 'admin', '', 'Nope', ) return def find_or_create_account(name, email, password, gm_level=9): """ Find existing account or create new account """ account = Account.query.filter( == email).first() if not account: key = "" for j in range(4): key += ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(4)) + '-' # Remove last dash key = key[:-1] play_key = PlayKey( key_string=key ) db.session.add(play_key) db.session.commit() play_key = PlayKey.query.filter(PlayKey.key_string == key).first() account = Account(email=email, username=name, password=current_app.user_manager.password_manager.hash_password(password),, email_confirmed_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), gm_level=gm_level ) play_key.key_uses = 0 db.session.add(account) db.session.add(play_key) db.session.commit() return # account