Quantum b0f9d2f713 [client] spice/wayland: improve cursor tracking logic
One of the major issues with the old tracking code is a data race
between the cursor thread updating g_cursor.guest and the
app_handleMouseBasic function. Specifically, the latter may have
sent mouse input via spice that has not been processed by the guest
and updated g_cursor.guest, but the guest may overwrite g_cursor.guest
to a previous state before the input is processed. This causes some
movements to be doubled. Eventually, the cursor positions will
synchronize, but this nevertheless causes a lot of jitter.

In this commit, we introduce a new field g_cursor.projected, which
is unambiguously the position of the cursor after taking into account
all the input already sent via spice. This is synced up to the guest
cursor upon entering the window and when the host restarts. Afterwards,
all mouse movements will be based on this position. This eliminates
all cursor jitter as far as I could tell.

Also, the cursor is now synced to the host position when exiting
capture mode.

A downside of this commit is that if the 1:1 movement patch is not
correctly applied, the cursor position would be wildly off instead
of simply jittering, but that is an unsupported configuration and
should not matter.

Also unsupported is when an application in guest moves the cursor
programmatically and bypassing spice. When using those applications,
capture mode must be on. Before this commit, we try to move the guest
cursor back to where it should be, but it's inherently fragile and
may lead to scenarios such as wild movements in first-person shooters.
2021-02-21 10:31:48 +11:00
cmake [client] egl: move shaders into seperate files and build into objects 2019-03-28 14:59:54 +11:00
displayservers [client] spice/wayland: improve cursor tracking logic 2021-02-21 10:31:48 +11:00
fonts [all] fix numerous memory leaks at application shutdown 2021-01-24 21:47:53 +11:00
include [client] spice/wayland: improve cursor tracking logic 2021-02-21 10:31:48 +11:00
renderers [client] opengl: implement & fix opengl support 2021-02-21 10:31:48 +11:00
src [client] spice/wayland: improve cursor tracking logic 2021-02-21 10:31:48 +11:00
CMakeLists.txt [client] opengl: make ds functions optional 2021-02-21 10:31:48 +11:00
DEBUGGING.md [doc] Fix formatting 2018-05-23 08:46:03 +10:00
README.md [client] doc: added win:rotate and keybind to README.md 2021-01-20 15:37:23 +11:00

Looking Glass Client

This is the Looking Glass client application that is designed to work in tandem with the Looking Glass Host application

Building the Application

Build Dependencies

  • binutils-dev
  • cmake
  • fonts-freefont-ttf
  • libsdl2-dev
  • libsdl2-ttf-dev
  • libspice-protocol-dev
  • libfontconfig1-dev
  • libx11-dev
  • nettle-dev
  • libxss-dev
  • libxi-dev

Debian (and maybe Ubuntu)

apt-get install binutils-dev cmake fonts-freefont-ttf libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libspice-protocol-dev libfontconfig1-dev libx11-dev nettle-dev libxss-dev libxi-dev


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Should this all go well you should be left with the file looking-glass-client

Removing Wayland or X11 support

Wayland and/or X11 support can be disabled with the compile options ENABLE_WAYLAND and ENABLE_X11, if both are specified only SDL2 will remain and the client will fallback to using it.


At this time, X11 is the perferred and best supported interface. Wayland is not far behind, however it lacks some of the seamless interaction features that X11 has due to the lack of cursor warp (programmatic movement of the local cusror) on Wayland.

Usage Tips

Key Bindings

By default Looking Glass uses the Scroll Lock key as the escape key for commands as well as the input capture mode toggle, this can be changed using the -m switch if you desire a different key. Below are a list of current key bindings:

Command Description
ScrLk Toggle cursor screen capture
ScrLk+F Full Screen toggle
ScrLk+V Video stream toggle
ScrLk+I Spice keyboard & mouse enable toggle
ScrLk+N Toggle night vision mode (EGL renderer only!)
ScrLk+R Rotate the output clockwise by 90 degree increments
ScrLk+Q Quit
ScrLk+Insert Increase mouse sensitivity (in capture mode only)
ScrLk+Del Decrease mouse sensitivity (in capture mode only)
ScrLk+F1 Send Ctrl+Alt+F1 to the guest
ScrLk+F2 Send Ctrl+Alt+F2 to the guest
ScrLk+F3 Send Ctrl+Alt+F3 to the guest
ScrLk+F4 Send Ctrl+Alt+F4 to the guest
ScrLk+F5 Send Ctrl+Alt+F5 to the guest
ScrLk+F6 Send Ctrl+Alt+F6 to the guest
ScrLk+F7 Send Ctrl+Alt+F7 to the guest
ScrLk+F8 Send Ctrl+Alt+F8 to the guest
ScrLk+F9 Send Ctrl+Alt+F9 to the guest
ScrLk+F10 Send Ctrl+Alt+F10 to the guest
ScrLk+F11 Send Ctrl+Alt+F11 to the guest
ScrLk+F12 Send Ctrl+Alt+F12 to the guest
ScrLk+LWin Send LWin to the guest
ScrLk+RWin Send RWin to the guest

Setting options via command line arguments

The syntax is simple: module:name=value, for example:

./looking-glass-client win:fullScreen=yes egl:nvGain=1

Setting options via configuration files

By default the application will look for and load the config files in the following locations

  • /etc/looking-glass-client.ini
  • ~/.looking-glass-client.ini

The format of this file is the commonly known INI format, for example:



Command line arguments will override any options loaded from the config files.

Supported options

| Long                   | Short | Value                  | Description                                                                            |
| app:configFile         | -C    | NULL                   | A file to read additional configuration from                                           |
| app:renderer           | -g    | auto                   | Specify the renderer to use                                                            |
| app:license            | -l    | no                     | Show the license for this application and then terminate                               |
| app:cursorPollInterval |       | 1000                   | How often to check for a cursor update in microseconds                                 |
| app:framePollInterval  |       | 1000                   | How often to check for a frame update in microseconds                                  |
| app:allowDMA           |       | yes                    | Allow direct DMA transfers if possible (VM-VM only for now)                            |
| app:shmFile            | -f    | /dev/shm/looking-glass | The path to the shared memory file, or the name of the kvmfr device to use, ie: kvmfr0 |

| Long                    | Short | Value                  | Description                                                          |
| win:title               |       | Looking Glass (client) | The window title                                                     |
| win:position            |       | center                 | Initial window position at startup                                   |
| win:size                |       | 1024x768               | Initial window size at startup                                       |
| win:autoResize          | -a    | no                     | Auto resize the window to the guest                                  |
| win:allowResize         | -n    | yes                    | Allow the window to be manually resized                              |
| win:keepAspect          | -r    | yes                    | Maintain the correct aspect ratio                                    |
| win:forceAspect         |       | yes                    | Force the window to maintain the aspect ratio                        |
| win:dontUpscale         |       | no                     | Never try to upscale the window                                      |
| win:borderless          | -d    | no                     | Borderless mode                                                      |
| win:fullScreen          | -F    | no                     | Launch in fullscreen borderless mode                                 |
| win:maximize            | -T    | no                     | Launch window maximized                                              |
| win:minimizeOnFocusLoss |       | yes                    | Minimize window on focus loss                                        |
| win:fpsMin              | -K    | -1                     | Frame rate minimum (0 = disable - not recommended, -1 = auto detect) |
| win:showFPS             | -k    | no                     | Enable the FPS & UPS display                                         |
| win:ignoreQuit          | -Q    | no                     | Ignore requests to quit (ie: Alt+F4)                                 |
| win:noScreensaver       | -S    | no                     | Prevent the screensaver from starting                                |
| win:alerts              | -q    | yes                    | Show on screen alert messages                                        |
| win:quickSplash         |       | no                     | Skip fading out the splash screen when a connection is established   |
| win:rotate              |       | 0                      | Rotate the displayed image (0, 90, 180, 270)                         |

| Long                      | Short | Value           | Description                                                                            |
| input:grabKeyboard        | -G    | yes             | Grab the keyboard in capture mode                                                      |
| input:grabKeyboardOnFocus |       | yes             | Grab the keyboard when focused                                                         |
| input:escapeKey           | -m    | 71 = ScrollLock | Specify the escape key, see https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDLScancodeLookup for valid values |
| input:ignoreWindowsKeys   |       | no              | Do not pass events for the windows keys to the guest                                   |
| input:hideCursor          | -M    | yes             | Hide the local mouse cursor                                                            |
| input:mouseSens           |       | 0               | Initial mouse sensitivity when in capture mode (-9 to 9)                               |
| input:mouseSmoothing      |       | yes             | Apply simple mouse smoothing when rawMouse is not in use (helps reduce aliasing)       |
| input:rawMouse            |       | no              | Use RAW mouse input when in capture mode (good for gaming)                             |
| input:mouseRedraw         |       | yes             | Mouse movements trigger redraws (ignores FPS minimum)                                  |
| input:autoCapture         |       | no              | Try to keep the mouse captured when needed                                             |
| input:captureOnly         |       | no              | Only enable input via SPICE if in capture mode                                         |

| Long                   | Short | Value     | Description                                                         |
| spice:enable           | -s    | yes       | Enable the built in SPICE client for input and/or clipboard support |
| spice:host             | -c    | | The SPICE server host or UNIX socket                                |
| spice:port             | -p    | 5900      | The SPICE server port (0 = unix socket)                             |
| spice:input            |       | yes       | Use SPICE to send keyboard and mouse input events to the guest      |
| spice:clipboard        |       | yes       | Use SPICE to syncronize the clipboard contents with the guest       |
| spice:clipboardToVM    |       | yes       | Allow the clipboard to be syncronized TO the VM                     |
| spice:clipboardToLocal |       | yes       | Allow the clipboard to be syncronized FROM the VM                   |
| spice:scaleCursor      | -j    | yes       | Scale cursor input position to screen size when up/down scaled      |
| spice:captureOnStart   |       | no        | Capture mouse and keyboard on start                                 |
| spice:alwaysShowCursor |       | no        | Always show host cursor                                             |

| Long             | Short | Value | Description                                                               |
| egl:vsync        |       | no    | Enable vsync                                                              |
| egl:doubleBuffer |       | no    | Enable double buffering                                                   |
| egl:multisample  |       | yes   | Enable Multisampling                                                      |
| egl:nvGainMax    |       | 1     | The maximum night vision gain                                             |
| egl:nvGain       |       | 0     | The initial night vision gain at startup                                  |
| egl:cbMode       |       | 0     | Color Blind Mode (0 = Off, 1 = Protanope, 2 = Deuteranope, 3 = Tritanope) |

| Long                 | Short | Value | Description                                 |
| opengl:mipmap        |       | yes   | Enable mipmapping                           |
| opengl:vsync         |       | no    | Enable vsync                                |
| opengl:preventBuffer |       | yes   | Prevent the driver from buffering frames    |
| opengl:amdPinnedMem  |       | yes   | Use GL_AMD_pinned_memory if it is available |