Quantum aed370c7ce [client] main: implement just-in-time render mode
When requested, JIT render mode will be used if the display server supports it.
Otherwise, a warning is generated instead.

This essentially uses the signalNextFrame logic for imgui, but for everything.
We automatically enable this mode when overlay is on.

Currently, this exposes some damage tracking bugs in the EGL renderer.
2021-08-01 12:24:19 +10:00

288 lines
7.2 KiB

* Looking Glass
* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 The Looking Glass Authors
* https://looking-glass.io
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
* Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include "dynamic/displayservers.h"
#include "dynamic/renderers.h"
#include "common/thread.h"
#include "common/types.h"
#include "common/ivshmem.h"
#include "common/locking.h"
#include "common/ringbuffer.h"
#include "common/event.h"
#include "spice/spice.h"
#include <lgmp/client.h>
#include "cimgui.h"
enum RunState
struct AppState
enum RunState state;
ImGuiIO * io;
ImGuiStyle * style;
struct ll * overlays;
char * fontName;
ImFont * fontLarge;
bool overlayInput;
ImGuiMouseCursor cursorLast;
char * imGuiIni;
bool alertShow;
char * alertMessage;
LG_MsgAlert alertType;
uint64_t alertTimeout;
struct LG_DisplayServerOps * ds;
bool dsInitialized;
bool jitRender;
LGEvent * jitEvent;
bool stopVideo;
bool ignoreInput;
bool showFPS;
bool showTiming;
bool escapeActive;
uint64_t escapeTime;
int escapeAction;
bool escapeHelp;
KeybindHandle bindings[KEY_MAX];
const char * keyDescription[KEY_MAX];
bool keyDown[KEY_MAX];
bool haveSrcSize;
struct Point windowPos;
int windowW, windowH;
int windowCX, windowCY;
double windowScale;
LG_RendererRotate rotate;
bool focused;
struct Border border;
struct Point srcSize;
LG_RendererRect dstRect;
bool posInfoValid;
bool alignToGuest;
const LG_Renderer * lgr;
void * lgrData;
atomic_int lgrResize;
LG_Lock lgrLock;
bool cbAvailable;
SpiceDataType cbType;
bool cbChunked;
size_t cbXfer;
struct ll * cbRequestList;
struct IVSHMEM shm;
PLGMPClient lgmp;
PLGMPClientQueue frameQueue;
PLGMPClientQueue pointerQueue;
LGThread * frameThread;
LGEvent * frameEvent;
atomic_bool invalidateWindow;
bool formatValid;
uint64_t frameTime;
uint64_t overlayFrameTime;
uint64_t lastFrameTime;
bool lastFrameTimeValid;
uint64_t lastRenderTime;
bool lastRenderTimeValid;
RingBuffer renderTimings;
RingBuffer frameTimings;
atomic_uint_least64_t renderCount, frameCount;
_Atomic(float) fps, ups;
uint64_t resizeTimeout;
bool resizeDone;
bool autoIdleInhibitState;
struct AppParams
bool autoResize;
bool allowResize;
bool keepAspect;
bool forceAspect;
bool dontUpscale;
bool shrinkOnUpscale;
bool borderless;
bool fullscreen;
bool maximize;
bool minimizeOnFocusLoss;
bool center;
int x, y;
unsigned int w, h;
int fpsMin;
bool showFPS;
LG_RendererRotate winRotate;
bool useSpiceInput;
bool useSpiceClipboard;
const char * spiceHost;
unsigned int spicePort;
bool clipboardToVM;
bool clipboardToLocal;
bool scaleMouseInput;
bool hideMouse;
bool ignoreQuit;
bool noScreensaver;
bool autoScreensaver;
bool grabKeyboard;
bool grabKeyboardOnFocus;
int escapeKey;
bool ignoreWindowsKeys;
bool releaseKeysOnFocusLoss;
bool showAlerts;
bool captureOnStart;
bool quickSplash;
bool alwaysShowCursor;
uint64_t helpMenuDelayUs;
const char * uiFont;
int uiSize;
bool jitRender;
unsigned int cursorPollInterval;
unsigned int framePollInterval;
bool allowDMA;
bool forceRenderer;
unsigned int forceRendererIndex;
const char * windowTitle;
bool mouseRedraw;
int mouseSens;
bool mouseSmoothing;
bool rawMouse;
bool autoCapture;
bool captureInputOnly;
bool showCursorDot;
struct CBRequest
SpiceDataType type;
LG_ClipboardReplyFn replyFn;
void * opaque;
struct KeybindHandle
int sc;
KeybindFn callback;
void * opaque;
enum WarpState
struct CursorInfo
/* x & y postiion */
int x , y;
/* pointer hotspot offsets */
int hx, hy;
/* true if the pointer is visible on the guest */
bool visible;
/* true if the details in this struct are valid */
bool valid;
struct CursorState
/* cursor is in grab mode */
bool grab;
/* true if we are to draw the cursor on screen */
bool draw;
/* true if the cursor is currently in our window */
bool inWindow;
/* true if the cursor is currently in the guest view area */
bool inView;
/* true if the guest should be realigned to the host when next drawn */
bool realign;
/* true if the cursor needs re-drawing/updating */
bool redraw;
/* true if the cursor movements should be scaled */
bool useScale;
/* the amount to scale the X & Y movements by */
struct DoublePoint scale;
/* the error accumulator */
struct DoublePoint acc;
/* the local position */
struct DoublePoint pos;
/* true if the position is valid */
bool valid;
/* the button state */
unsigned int buttons;
/* the delta since last warp when in auto capture mode */
struct DoublePoint delta;
/* the scale factor for the mouse sensitiviy */
int sens;
/* the mouse warp state */
enum WarpState warpState;
/* the guest's cursor position */
struct CursorInfo guest;
/* the projected position after move, for app_handleMouseBasic only */
struct Point projected;
// forwards
extern struct AppState g_state;
extern struct CursorState g_cursor;
extern struct AppParams g_params;
int main_frameThread(void * unused);