Jonathan Rubenstein 91e55b9d5f [doc] Import from wiki
Imported Installation, FAQ, Troubleshooting, OBS, and Technical FAQ pages
from wiki. Edits done to content as this is no longer a wiki, but versioned
in-repo documentation
2021-05-25 16:57:52 +10:00

200 lines
6.6 KiB

Frequently Asked Questions
.. _how_does_looking_glass_work:
How does Looking Glass work?
Please see the following video that covers this:
.. _can_i_feed_the_vm_directly_into_obs:
Can I feed the VM directly into OBS?
Looking Glass now features a functional :doc:`OBS plugin <obs>`, which acts as
another Looking Glass client, but instead gives the captured frames to OBS.
.. _why_is_my_ups_updates_per_second_so_low:
Why is my UPS (Updates Per Second) so low?
There are several reasons why this can happen, the most common is your
capture resolution. At the time of this writing, the windows capture
methods struggle to capture high resolutions under certain
circumstances, as a general rule of thumb anything greater than 1200p
(1920x1200) starts to suffer from performance issues.
Another cause can be how the game or application you are running is
configured. Because of the way windows integrate with the WDM (Windows
Desktop Manager) running applications in "Full Screen" mode may in some
cases cause a large performance penalty. Try switching to windowed
full-screen mode, the difference in performance can be like night and
day. Titles known to be affected by this are Fallout76, The BattleField
Series and SCUM.
Some titles do some strange things at early initialization that cause
capture performance issues. One such title is the Unigine Valley
benchmark where the capture rate is limited to 1/2 the actual rate. For
an unknown reason to both myself and the Unigine developers a simple
task switch (alt+tab) in and out resolves the issue. This is not a
Looking Glass bug.
.. _is_my_gpu_supported:
Is my GPU supported?
Your guest GPU almost certainly supports DXGI. Use DxDiag to confirm
that you have support for WDDM 1.2 or greater.
The server-side (guest) probing error "Capture is not possible,
unsupported device or driver" indicates NVidia duplication has failed,
not that DXGI has failed. You can make the error go away by specifying
"-c DXGI"
.. _why_do_i_need_spice_if_i_dont_want_a_spice_display_device:
Why do I need Spice if I don't want a Spice display device?
You don't need Display Spice enabled. Looking Glass has a Spice client
built in to provide some conveniences, but you can disable it with the
"-s" argument.
Note that without Spice, you will not be sending mouse/keyboard events
to the guest nor will you get clipboard Synchronization support.
.. _where_is_the_host_application_for_linux:
Where is the host application for Linux?
The "Windows host application" is actually the display server, which
runs in the guest VM. The only thing that needs to run in your Linux
host OS is the \`looking-glass-client\` application
.. _the_mouse_is_jumpy_slow_laggy_when_using_spice:
The mouse is jumpy, slow, laggy when using SPICE
Please be sure to install the SPICE guest tools from
.. _how_to_enable_clipboard_synchronization_via_spice:
How to enable clipboard synchronization via SPICE
Install the SPICE guest tools from
Choose only one of the settings below (the one that applies to your
.. code:: bash
-device virtio-serial-pci \
-chardev spicevmc,id=vdagent,name=vdagent \
-device virtserialport,chardev=vdagent,name=com.redhat.spice.0
- Virt Manager GUI
- Open Machine Properties > Add Hardware > Channel
- Set Name to ``com.redhat.spice.0`` and Device Type to
``Spice agent (spicevmc)`` and click Finish
- No need to add VirtIO Serial device, it will be added
- libvirt using virsh
- Edit the VM using virsh ``sudo virsh edit VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NAME``
- Paste the code from below right above (note the closing tag)
.. code:: xml
<!-- No need to add VirtIO Serial device, it will be added automatically -->
<channel type="spicevmc">
<target type="virtio" name="com.redhat.spice.0"/>
<address type="virtio-serial" controller="0" bus="0" port="1"/>
.. _the_mouse_doesnt_stay_aligned_with_the_host.:
The mouse doesn't stay aligned with the host.
This is due to windows mouse acceleration, it can be disabled by
following one of these methods:
- Disabling pointer precision (Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options
> Uncheck Enhance pointer precision)
- By changing the acceleration behavior with the following registry
(Contrary to the title this works just fine on Windows 10)
Some other things to try:
- Have you tried pressing Scroll Lock to toggle mouse capture mode?
- Try keeping the client window the same size as the guest's
.. _the_cursor_position_doesnt_update_until_i_click:
The cursor position doesn't update until I click
Make sure you have removed the Virtual Tablet Device from the Virtual
Machine. Due to the design of windows absolute pointing devices break
applications/games that require cursor capture and as such Looking Glass
does not support them.
Looking Glass does not handle audio at all, nor will it ever. The preferred
solution is to pass through QEMU's audio to your host's audio system.
Another popular solution is to use
`Scream <https://github.com/duncanthrax/scream>`_, a virtual sound card which
pipes audio through the network. A guide for setting up scream is available on
the wiki: https://looking-glass.io/wiki/Using_Scream_over_LAN
.. _nvfbc_nvidia_capture_api_doesnt_work:
NvFBC (NVIDIA Capture API) doesn't work
Unfortunately, NVIDIA deemed fit to only allow owners of "Professional
Cards", and their own software (ShadowPlay) the right to use the NVIDIA
Capture API. There is little we can do about this other than to complain
.. _the_screen_stops_updating_when_left_idle_for_a_time:
The screen stops updating when left idle for a time
Windows is likely turning off the display to save power, you can prevent
this by adjusting the \`Power Options\` in the control panel.