/* Looking Glass - KVM FrameRelay (KVMFR) Client Copyright (C) 2021 Guanzhong Chen (quantum2048@gmail.com) Copyright (C) 2021 Tudor Brindus (contact@tbrindus.ca) https://looking-glass.io This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "wayland.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "common/debug.h" static const char * textMimetypes[] = { "text/plain", "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "TEXT", "STRING", "UTF8_STRING", NULL, }; static const char * pngMimetypes[] = { "image/png", NULL, }; static const char * bmpMimetypes[] = { "image/bmp", "image/x-bmp", "image/x-MS-bmp", "image/x-win-bitmap", NULL, }; static const char * tiffMimetypes[] = { "image/tiff", NULL, }; static const char * jpegMimetypes[] = { "image/jpeg", NULL, }; static const char ** cbTypeToMimetypes(enum LG_ClipboardData type) { switch (type) { case LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_TEXT: return textMimetypes; case LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_PNG: return pngMimetypes; case LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_BMP: return bmpMimetypes; case LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_TIFF: return tiffMimetypes; case LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_JPEG: return jpegMimetypes; default: DEBUG_ERROR("invalid clipboard type"); abort(); } } static bool containsMimetype(const char ** mimetypes, const char * needle) { for (const char ** mimetype = mimetypes; *mimetype; mimetype++) if (!strcmp(needle, *mimetype)) return true; return false; } static bool mimetypeEndswith(const char * mimetype, const char * what) { size_t mimetypeLen = strlen(mimetype); size_t whatLen = strlen(what); if (mimetypeLen < whatLen) return false; return !strcmp(mimetype + mimetypeLen - whatLen, what); } static bool isTextMimetype(const char * mimetype) { if (containsMimetype(textMimetypes, mimetype)) return true; char * text = "text/"; if (!strncmp(mimetype, text, strlen(text))) return true; if (mimetypeEndswith(mimetype, "script") || mimetypeEndswith(mimetype, "xml") || mimetypeEndswith(mimetype, "yaml")) return true; if (strstr(mimetype, "json")) return true; return false; } static enum LG_ClipboardData mimetypeToCbType(const char * mimetype) { if (isTextMimetype(mimetype)) return LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_TEXT; if (containsMimetype(pngMimetypes, mimetype)) return LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_PNG; if (containsMimetype(bmpMimetypes, mimetype)) return LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_BMP; if (containsMimetype(tiffMimetypes, mimetype)) return LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_TIFF; if (containsMimetype(jpegMimetypes, mimetype)) return LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_JPEG; return LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; } // Destination client handlers. static void dataOfferHandleOffer(void * data, struct wl_data_offer * offer, const char * mimetype) { enum LG_ClipboardData type = mimetypeToCbType(mimetype); // We almost never prefer text/html, as that's used to represent rich text. // Since we can't copy or paste rich text, we should instead prefer actual // images or plain text. if (type != LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE && (wlCb.pendingType == LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE || strstr(wlCb.pendingMimetype, "html"))) { wlCb.pendingType = type; if (wlCb.pendingMimetype) free(wlCb.pendingMimetype); wlCb.pendingMimetype = strdup(mimetype); } if (!strcmp(mimetype, wlCb.lgMimetype)) wlCb.isSelfCopy = true; } static void dataOfferHandleSourceActions(void * data, struct wl_data_offer * offer, uint32_t sourceActions) { // Do nothing. } static void dataOfferHandleAction(void * data, struct wl_data_offer * offer, uint32_t dndAction) { // Do nothing. } static const struct wl_data_offer_listener dataOfferListener = { .offer = dataOfferHandleOffer, .source_actions = dataOfferHandleSourceActions, .action = dataOfferHandleAction, }; static void dataDeviceHandleDataOffer(void * data, struct wl_data_device * dataDevice, struct wl_data_offer * offer) { wlCb.pendingType = LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; wlCb.isSelfCopy = false; wl_data_offer_add_listener(offer, &dataOfferListener, NULL); } static void clipboardReadCancel(struct ClipboardRead * data, bool freeBuf) { waylandEpollUnregister(data->fd); close(data->fd); wl_data_offer_destroy(data->offer); if (freeBuf) free(data->buf); free(data); wlCb.currentRead = NULL; } static void clipboardReadCallback(uint32_t events, void * opaque) { struct ClipboardRead * data = opaque; if (events & EPOLLERR) { clipboardReadCancel(data, true); return; } ssize_t result = read(data->fd, data->buf + data->numRead, data->size - data->numRead); if (result < 0) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to read from clipboard: %s", strerror(errno)); clipboardReadCancel(data, true); return; } if (result == 0) { data->buf[data->numRead] = 0; wlCb.stashedType = data->type; wlCb.stashedSize = data->numRead; wlCb.stashedContents = data->buf; clipboardReadCancel(data, false); app_clipboardNotify(wlCb.stashedType, 0); return; } data->numRead += result; if (data->numRead >= data->size) { data->size *= 2; void * nbuf = realloc(data->buf, data->size); if (!nbuf) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to realloc clipboard buffer: %s", strerror(errno)); clipboardReadCancel(data, true); return; } data->buf = nbuf; } } static void dataDeviceHandleSelection(void * opaque, struct wl_data_device * dataDevice, struct wl_data_offer * offer) { if (wlCb.pendingType == LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE || wlCb.isSelfCopy || !offer) return; if (wlCb.currentRead) clipboardReadCancel(wlCb.currentRead, true); int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds) < 0) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to get a clipboard pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); abort(); } wl_data_offer_receive(offer, wlCb.pendingMimetype, fds[1]); close(fds[1]); free(wlCb.pendingMimetype); wlCb.pendingMimetype = NULL; wl_display_roundtrip(wlWm.display); if (wlCb.stashedContents) { free(wlCb.stashedContents); wlCb.stashedContents = NULL; } struct ClipboardRead * data = malloc(sizeof(struct ClipboardRead)); if (!data) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory to read clipboard"); close(fds[0]); return; } data->fd = fds[0]; data->size = 4096; data->numRead = 0; data->buf = malloc(data->size); data->offer = offer; data->type = wlCb.pendingType; if (!data->buf) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory to receive clipboard data"); close(data->fd); free(data); return; } if (!waylandEpollRegister(data->fd, clipboardReadCallback, data, EPOLLIN)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to register clipboard read into epoll: %s", strerror(errno)); close(data->fd); free(data->buf); free(data); } wlCb.currentRead = data; } static void dataDeviceHandleEnter(void * data, struct wl_data_device * device, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface * surface, wl_fixed_t sxW, wl_fixed_t syW, struct wl_data_offer * offer) { // Do nothing. } static void dataDeviceHandleMotion(void * data, struct wl_data_device * device, uint32_t time, wl_fixed_t sxW, wl_fixed_t syW) { // Do nothing. } static void dataDeviceHandleLeave(void * data, struct wl_data_device * device) { // Do nothing. } static const struct wl_data_device_listener dataDeviceListener = { .data_offer = dataDeviceHandleDataOffer, .selection = dataDeviceHandleSelection, .enter = dataDeviceHandleEnter, .motion = dataDeviceHandleMotion, .leave = dataDeviceHandleLeave, }; bool waylandCBInit(void) { memset(&wlCb, 0, sizeof(wlCb)); if (!wlWm.dataDeviceManager) { DEBUG_ERROR("Missing wl_data_device_manager interface (version 3+)"); return false; } wlCb.dataDevice = wl_data_device_manager_get_data_device( wlWm.dataDeviceManager, wlWm.seat); if (!wlCb.dataDevice) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to get data device"); return false; } wlCb.stashedType = LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; wl_data_device_add_listener(wlCb.dataDevice, &dataDeviceListener, NULL); snprintf(wlCb.lgMimetype, sizeof(wlCb.lgMimetype), "application/x-looking-glass-copy;pid=%d", getpid()); return true; } void waylandCBRequest(LG_ClipboardData type) { // We only notified once, so it must be this. assert(type == wlCb.stashedType); app_clipboardData(wlCb.stashedType, wlCb.stashedContents, wlCb.stashedSize); } struct ClipboardWrite { int fd; size_t pos; struct CountedBuffer * buffer; }; static void clipboardWriteCallback(uint32_t events, void * opaque) { struct ClipboardWrite * data = opaque; if (events & EPOLLERR) goto error; ssize_t written = write(data->fd, data->buffer->data + data->pos, data->buffer->size - data->pos); if (written < 0) { if (errno != EPIPE) DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to write clipboard data: %s", strerror(errno)); goto error; } data->pos += written; if (data->pos < data->buffer->size) return; error: waylandEpollUnregister(data->fd); close(data->fd); countedBufferRelease(&data->buffer); free(data); } static void dataSourceHandleSend(void * data, struct wl_data_source * source, const char * mimetype, int fd) { struct WCBTransfer * transfer = (struct WCBTransfer *) data; if (containsMimetype(transfer->mimetypes, mimetype)) { // Consider making this do non-blocking sends to not stall the Wayland // event loop if it becomes a problem. This is "fine" in the sense that // wl-copy also stalls like this, but it's not necessary. fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); struct ClipboardWrite * data = malloc(sizeof(struct ClipboardWrite)); if (!data) { DEBUG_ERROR("Out of memory trying to allocate ClipboardWrite"); goto error; } data->fd = fd; data->pos = 0; data->buffer = transfer->data; countedBufferAddRef(transfer->data); waylandEpollRegister(fd, clipboardWriteCallback, data, EPOLLOUT); return; } error: close(fd); } static void dataSourceHandleCancelled(void * data, struct wl_data_source * source) { struct WCBTransfer * transfer = (struct WCBTransfer *) data; countedBufferRelease(&transfer->data); free(transfer); wl_data_source_destroy(source); } static const struct wl_data_source_listener dataSourceListener = { .send = dataSourceHandleSend, .cancelled = dataSourceHandleCancelled, }; static void waylandCBReplyFn(void * opaque, LG_ClipboardData type, uint8_t * data, uint32_t size) { struct WCBTransfer * transfer = malloc(sizeof(struct WCBTransfer)); if (!transfer) { DEBUG_ERROR("Out of memory when allocating WCBTransfer"); return; } transfer->mimetypes = cbTypeToMimetypes(type); transfer->data = countedBufferNew(size); if (!transfer->data) { DEBUG_ERROR("Out of memory when allocating clipboard buffer"); free(transfer); return; } memcpy(transfer->data->data, data, size); struct wl_data_source * source = wl_data_device_manager_create_data_source(wlWm.dataDeviceManager); wl_data_source_add_listener(source, &dataSourceListener, transfer); for (const char ** mimetype = transfer->mimetypes; *mimetype; mimetype++) wl_data_source_offer(source, *mimetype); wl_data_source_offer(source, wlCb.lgMimetype); wl_data_device_set_selection(wlCb.dataDevice, source, wlWm.keyboardEnterSerial); } void waylandCBNotice(LG_ClipboardData type) { wlCb.haveRequest = true; wlCb.type = type; app_clipboardRequest(waylandCBReplyFn, NULL); } void waylandCBRelease(void) { wlCb.haveRequest = false; }