/* Looking Glass - KVM FrameRelay (KVMFR) Client Copyright (C) 2021 Guanzhong Chen (quantum2048@gmail.com) Copyright (C) 2021 Tudor Brindus (contact@tbrindus.ca) https://looking-glass.io This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "wayland.h" #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "common/debug.h" // Mouse-handling listeners. static void pointerMotionHandler(void * data, struct wl_pointer * pointer, uint32_t serial, wl_fixed_t sxW, wl_fixed_t syW) { wlWm.cursorX = wl_fixed_to_double(sxW); wlWm.cursorY = wl_fixed_to_double(syW); app_updateCursorPos(wlWm.cursorX, wlWm.cursorY); if (!wlWm.warpSupport && !wlWm.relativePointer) app_handleMouseBasic(); } static void pointerEnterHandler(void * data, struct wl_pointer * pointer, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface * surface, wl_fixed_t sxW, wl_fixed_t syW) { if (surface != wlWm.surface) return; wlWm.pointerInSurface = true; app_handleEnterEvent(true); wl_pointer_set_cursor(pointer, serial, wlWm.showPointer ? wlWm.cursor : NULL, 0, 0); wlWm.pointerEnterSerial = serial; wlWm.cursorX = wl_fixed_to_double(sxW); wlWm.cursorY = wl_fixed_to_double(syW); app_updateCursorPos(wlWm.cursorX, wlWm.cursorY); if (wlWm.warpSupport) { app_handleMouseRelative(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return; } if (wlWm.relativePointer) return; app_resyncMouseBasic(); app_handleMouseBasic(); } static void pointerLeaveHandler(void * data, struct wl_pointer * pointer, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface * surface) { if (surface != wlWm.surface) return; wlWm.pointerInSurface = false; app_handleEnterEvent(false); } static void pointerAxisHandler(void * data, struct wl_pointer * pointer, uint32_t serial, uint32_t axis, wl_fixed_t value) { int button = value > 0 ? 5 /* SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN */ : 4 /* SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP */; app_handleButtonPress(button); app_handleButtonRelease(button); } static int mapWaylandToSpiceButton(uint32_t button) { switch (button) { case BTN_LEFT: return 1; // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT case BTN_MIDDLE: return 2; // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE case BTN_RIGHT: return 3; // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT case BTN_SIDE: return 6; // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_SIDE case BTN_EXTRA: return 7; // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_EXTRA } return 0; // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_INVALID } static void pointerButtonHandler(void *data, struct wl_pointer *pointer, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t stateW) { button = mapWaylandToSpiceButton(button); if (stateW == WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) app_handleButtonPress(button); else app_handleButtonRelease(button); } static const struct wl_pointer_listener pointerListener = { .enter = pointerEnterHandler, .leave = pointerLeaveHandler, .motion = pointerMotionHandler, .button = pointerButtonHandler, .axis = pointerAxisHandler, }; static void relativePointerMotionHandler(void * data, struct zwp_relative_pointer_v1 *pointer, uint32_t timeHi, uint32_t timeLo, wl_fixed_t dxW, wl_fixed_t dyW, wl_fixed_t dxUnaccelW, wl_fixed_t dyUnaccelW) { wlWm.cursorX += wl_fixed_to_double(dxW); wlWm.cursorY += wl_fixed_to_double(dyW); app_updateCursorPos(wlWm.cursorX, wlWm.cursorY); app_handleMouseRelative( wl_fixed_to_double(dxW), wl_fixed_to_double(dyW), wl_fixed_to_double(dxUnaccelW), wl_fixed_to_double(dyUnaccelW)); } static const struct zwp_relative_pointer_v1_listener relativePointerListener = { .relative_motion = relativePointerMotionHandler, }; // Keyboard-handling listeners. static void keyboardKeymapHandler(void * data, struct wl_keyboard * keyboard, uint32_t format, int fd, uint32_t size) { close(fd); } static void keyboardEnterHandler(void * data, struct wl_keyboard * keyboard, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface * surface, struct wl_array * keys) { if (surface != wlWm.surface) return; wlWm.focusedOnSurface = true; app_handleFocusEvent(true); wlWm.keyboardEnterSerial = serial; uint32_t * key; wl_array_for_each(key, keys) app_handleKeyPress(*key); } static void keyboardLeaveHandler(void * data, struct wl_keyboard * keyboard, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface * surface) { if (surface != wlWm.surface) return; wlWm.focusedOnSurface = false; app_handleFocusEvent(false); } static void keyboardKeyHandler(void * data, struct wl_keyboard * keyboard, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t state) { if (!wlWm.focusedOnSurface) return; if (state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) app_handleKeyPress(key); else app_handleKeyRelease(key); } static void keyboardModifiersHandler(void * data, struct wl_keyboard * keyboard, uint32_t serial, uint32_t modsDepressed, uint32_t modsLatched, uint32_t modsLocked, uint32_t group) { // Do nothing. } static const struct wl_keyboard_listener keyboardListener = { .keymap = keyboardKeymapHandler, .enter = keyboardEnterHandler, .leave = keyboardLeaveHandler, .key = keyboardKeyHandler, .modifiers = keyboardModifiersHandler, }; // Seat-handling listeners. static void handlePointerCapability(uint32_t capabilities) { bool hasPointer = capabilities & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER; if (!hasPointer && wlWm.pointer) { wl_pointer_destroy(wlWm.pointer); wlWm.pointer = NULL; } else if (hasPointer && !wlWm.pointer) { wlWm.pointer = wl_seat_get_pointer(wlWm.seat); wl_pointer_add_listener(wlWm.pointer, &pointerListener, NULL); } } static void handleKeyboardCapability(uint32_t capabilities) { bool hasKeyboard = capabilities & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD; if (!hasKeyboard && wlWm.keyboard) { wl_keyboard_destroy(wlWm.keyboard); wlWm.keyboard = NULL; } else if (hasKeyboard && !wlWm.keyboard) { wlWm.keyboard = wl_seat_get_keyboard(wlWm.seat); wl_keyboard_add_listener(wlWm.keyboard, &keyboardListener, NULL); } } static void seatCapabilitiesHandler(void * data, struct wl_seat * seat, uint32_t capabilities) { wlWm.capabilities = capabilities; handlePointerCapability(capabilities); handleKeyboardCapability(capabilities); } static void seatNameHandler(void * data, struct wl_seat * seat, const char * name) { // Do nothing. } static const struct wl_seat_listener seatListener = { .capabilities = seatCapabilitiesHandler, .name = seatNameHandler, }; bool waylandInputInit(void) { if (!wlWm.seat) { DEBUG_ERROR("Compositor missing wl_seat, will not proceed"); return false; } if (wlWm.warpSupport && (!wlWm.relativePointerManager || !wlWm.pointerConstraints)) { DEBUG_WARN("Cursor warp is requested, but cannot be honoured due to lack " "of zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1 or zwp_pointer_constraints_v1"); wlWm.warpSupport = false; } if (!wlWm.relativePointerManager) DEBUG_WARN("zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1 not exported by compositor, " "mouse will not be captured"); if (!wlWm.pointerConstraints) DEBUG_WARN("zwp_pointer_constraints_v1 not exported by compositor, mouse " "will not be captured"); if (!wlWm.keyboardInhibitManager) DEBUG_WARN("zwp_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_manager_v1 not exported by " "compositor, keyboard will not be grabbed"); wl_seat_add_listener(wlWm.seat, &seatListener, NULL); wl_display_roundtrip(wlWm.display); if (wlWm.warpSupport) { wlWm.relativePointer = zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1_get_relative_pointer( wlWm.relativePointerManager, wlWm.pointer); zwp_relative_pointer_v1_add_listener(wlWm.relativePointer, &relativePointerListener, NULL); } return true; } void waylandInputFree(void) { waylandUngrabPointer(); wl_pointer_destroy(wlWm.pointer); wl_keyboard_destroy(wlWm.keyboard); wl_seat_destroy(wlWm.seat); } void waylandGrabPointer(void) { if (!wlWm.relativePointerManager || !wlWm.pointerConstraints) return; if (!wlWm.warpSupport && !wlWm.relativePointer) { wlWm.relativePointer = zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1_get_relative_pointer( wlWm.relativePointerManager, wlWm.pointer); zwp_relative_pointer_v1_add_listener(wlWm.relativePointer, &relativePointerListener, NULL); } if (!wlWm.confinedPointer) { wlWm.confinedPointer = zwp_pointer_constraints_v1_confine_pointer( wlWm.pointerConstraints, wlWm.surface, wlWm.pointer, NULL, ZWP_POINTER_CONSTRAINTS_V1_LIFETIME_PERSISTENT); } } void waylandUngrabPointer(void) { if (wlWm.confinedPointer) { zwp_confined_pointer_v1_destroy(wlWm.confinedPointer); wlWm.confinedPointer = NULL; } if (!wlWm.warpSupport) { if (!wlWm.relativePointer) { wlWm.relativePointer = zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1_get_relative_pointer( wlWm.relativePointerManager, wlWm.pointer); zwp_relative_pointer_v1_add_listener(wlWm.relativePointer, &relativePointerListener, NULL); } app_resyncMouseBasic(); app_handleMouseBasic(); } } void waylandGrabKeyboard(void) { if (wlWm.keyboardInhibitManager && !wlWm.keyboardInhibitor) { wlWm.keyboardInhibitor = zwp_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_manager_v1_inhibit_shortcuts( wlWm.keyboardInhibitManager, wlWm.surface, wlWm.seat); } } void waylandUngrabKeyboard(void) { if (wlWm.keyboardInhibitor) { zwp_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibitor_v1_destroy(wlWm.keyboardInhibitor); wlWm.keyboardInhibitor = NULL; } } void waylandWarpPointer(int x, int y, bool exiting) { if (!wlWm.pointerInSurface) return; if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= wlWm.width) x = wlWm.width - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= wlWm.height) y = wlWm.height - 1; struct wl_region * region = wl_compositor_create_region(wlWm.compositor); wl_region_add(region, x, y, 1, 1); if (wlWm.confinedPointer) { zwp_confined_pointer_v1_set_region(wlWm.confinedPointer, region); wl_surface_commit(wlWm.surface); zwp_confined_pointer_v1_set_region(wlWm.confinedPointer, NULL); } else { struct zwp_confined_pointer_v1 * confine; confine = zwp_pointer_constraints_v1_confine_pointer( wlWm.pointerConstraints, wlWm.surface, wlWm.pointer, region, ZWP_POINTER_CONSTRAINTS_V1_LIFETIME_PERSISTENT); wl_surface_commit(wlWm.surface); zwp_confined_pointer_v1_destroy(confine); } wl_surface_commit(wlWm.surface); wl_region_destroy(region); } void waylandRealignPointer(void) { if (!wlWm.warpSupport) app_resyncMouseBasic(); }