/* Looking Glass - KVM FrameRelay (KVMFR) Client Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Geoffrey McRae https://looking-glass.hostfission.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "interface/displayserver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_EGL #include #include "egl_dynprocs.h" #endif #include "app.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/thread.h" #define _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE 0 #define _NET_WM_STATE_ADD 1 #define _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE 2 struct X11DSState { Display * display; Window window; XVisualInfo * visual; int xinputOp; LGThread * eventThread; int pointerDev; int keyboardDev; bool pointerGrabbed; bool keyboardGrabbed; bool entered; bool focused; bool fullscreen; struct Rect rect; struct Border border; Cursor blankCursor; Cursor squareCursor; Atom aNetReqFrameExtents; Atom aNetFrameExtents; Atom aNetWMState; Atom aNetWMStateFullscreen; Atom aNetWMWindowType; Atom aNetWMWindowTypeNormal; Atom aWMDeleteWindow; // clipboard members Atom aSelection; Atom aCurSelection; Atom aTargets; Atom aSelData; Atom aIncr; Atom aTypes[LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE]; LG_ClipboardData type; bool haveRequest; bool incrStart; unsigned int lowerBound; // XFixes vars int eventBase; int errorBase; }; static const char * atomTypes[] = { "UTF8_STRING", "image/png", "image/bmp", "image/tiff", "image/jpeg" }; static struct X11DSState x11; // forwards static void x11CBSelectionRequest(const XSelectionRequestEvent e); static void x11CBSelectionClear(const XSelectionClearEvent e); static void x11CBSelectionIncr(const XPropertyEvent e); static void x11CBSelectionNotify(const XSelectionEvent e); static void x11CBXFixesSelectionNotify(const XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent e); static void x11SetFullscreen(bool fs); static int x11EventThread(void * unused); static void x11GenericEvent(XGenericEventCookie *cookie); static void x11Setup(void) { } static bool x11Probe(void) { return getenv("DISPLAY") != NULL; } static bool x11EarlyInit(void) { XInitThreads(); return true; } static bool x11Init(const LG_DSInitParams params) { XIDeviceInfo *devinfo; int count; int event, error; memset(&x11, 0, sizeof(x11)); x11.display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); XSetWindowAttributes swa = { .event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask | ExposureMask }; unsigned long swaMask = CWEventMask; #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL if (params.opengl) { GLint glXAttribs[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE , 24, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE , 0, GLX_RED_SIZE , 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE , 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE , 8, GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, 0, GLX_SAMPLES , 0, None }; x11.visual = glXChooseVisual(x11.display, XDefaultScreen(x11.display), glXAttribs); if (!x11.visual) { DEBUG_ERROR("glXChooseVisual failed"); goto fail_display; } swa.colormap = XCreateColormap(x11.display, XDefaultRootWindow(x11.display), x11.visual->visual, AllocNone); swaMask |= CWColormap; } #endif x11.window = XCreateWindow( x11.display, XDefaultRootWindow(x11.display), params.x, params.y, params.w, params.h, 0, x11.visual ? x11.visual->depth : CopyFromParent, InputOutput, x11.visual ? x11.visual->visual : CopyFromParent, swaMask, &swa); if (!x11.window) { DEBUG_ERROR("XCreateWindow failed"); goto fail_display; } XStoreName(x11.display, x11.window, params.title); XClassHint hint = { .res_name = strdup(params.title), .res_class = strdup("looking-glass-client") }; XSetClassHint(x11.display, x11.window, &hint); free(hint.res_name); free(hint.res_class); x11.aNetReqFrameExtents = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS", True); x11.aNetFrameExtents = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS", True); x11.aNetWMState = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_STATE", True); x11.aNetWMStateFullscreen = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", True); x11.aNetWMWindowType = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", True); x11.aNetWMWindowTypeNormal = XInternAtom(x11.display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL", True); x11.aWMDeleteWindow = XInternAtom(x11.display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True); XSetWMProtocols(x11.display, x11.window, &x11.aWMDeleteWindow, 1); XChangeProperty( x11.display, x11.window, x11.aNetWMWindowType, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&x11.aNetWMWindowTypeNormal, 1 ); if (params.fullscreen) { XChangeProperty( x11.display, x11.window, x11.aNetWMState, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&x11.aNetWMStateFullscreen, 1 ); } if (x11.aNetReqFrameExtents) { XEvent reqevent = { .xclient = { .type = ClientMessage, .window = x11.window, .format = 32, .message_type = x11.aNetReqFrameExtents } }; XSendEvent(x11.display, DefaultRootWindow(x11.display), False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &reqevent); } int major = 2; int minor = 0; if (XIQueryVersion(x11.display, &major, &minor) != Success) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to query the XInput version"); return false; } DEBUG_INFO("X11 XInput %d.%d in use", major, minor); devinfo = XIQueryDevice(x11.display, XIAllDevices, &count); if (!devinfo) { DEBUG_ERROR("XIQueryDevice failed"); goto fail_window; } bool havePointer = false; bool haveKeyboard = false; for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { /* look for the master pointing device */ if (!havePointer && devinfo[i].use == XIMasterPointer) for(int j = 0; j < devinfo[i].num_classes; ++j) { XIAnyClassInfo *cdevinfo = (XIAnyClassInfo *)(devinfo[i].classes[j]); if (cdevinfo->type == XIValuatorClass) { havePointer = true; x11.pointerDev = devinfo[i].deviceid; break; } } /* look for the master keyboard device */ if (!haveKeyboard && devinfo[i].use == XIMasterKeyboard) for(int j = 0; j < devinfo[i].num_classes; ++j) { XIAnyClassInfo *cdevinfo = (XIAnyClassInfo *)(devinfo[i].classes[j]); if (cdevinfo->type == XIKeyClass) { haveKeyboard = true; x11.keyboardDev = devinfo[i].deviceid; break; } } } if (!havePointer) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find the master pointing device"); XIFreeDeviceInfo(devinfo); goto fail_window; } if (!haveKeyboard) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find the master keyboard device"); XIFreeDeviceInfo(devinfo); goto fail_window; } XIFreeDeviceInfo(devinfo); XQueryExtension(x11.display, "XInputExtension", &x11.xinputOp, &event, &error); XIEventMask eventmask; unsigned char mask[XIMaskLen(XI_LASTEVENT)] = { 0 }; eventmask.deviceid = XIAllMasterDevices; eventmask.mask_len = sizeof(mask); eventmask.mask = mask; XISetMask(mask, XI_FocusIn ); XISetMask(mask, XI_FocusOut ); XISetMask(mask, XI_Enter ); XISetMask(mask, XI_Leave ); XISetMask(mask, XI_Motion ); XISetMask(mask, XI_KeyPress ); XISetMask(mask, XI_KeyRelease); if (XISelectEvents(x11.display, x11.window, &eventmask, 1) != Success) { XFree(mask); DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to select the xinput events"); goto fail_window; } Atom NETWM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR = XInternAtom(x11.display, "NETWM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR", False); unsigned long value = 1; XChangeProperty( x11.display, x11.window, NETWM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&value, 1 ); /* create the blank cursor */ { static char data[] = { 0x00 }; XColor dummy; Pixmap temp = XCreateBitmapFromData(x11.display, x11.window, data, 1, 1); x11.blankCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(x11.display, temp, temp, &dummy, &dummy, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(x11.display, temp); } /* create the square cursor */ { static char data[] = { 0x07, 0x05, 0x07 }; static char mask[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; Colormap cmap = DefaultColormap(x11.display, DefaultScreen(x11.display)); XColor colors[2] = { { .pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(x11.display)) }, { .pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(x11.display)) } }; XQueryColors(x11.display, cmap, colors, 2); Pixmap img = XCreateBitmapFromData(x11.display, x11.window, data, 3, 3); Pixmap msk = XCreateBitmapFromData(x11.display, x11.window, mask, 3, 3); x11.squareCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(x11.display, img, msk, &colors[0], &colors[1], 1, 1); XFreePixmap(x11.display, img); XFreePixmap(x11.display, msk); } /* default to the square cursor */ XDefineCursor(x11.display, x11.window, x11.squareCursor); XMapWindow(x11.display, x11.window); XFlush(x11.display); if (!lgCreateThread("X11EventThread", x11EventThread, NULL, &x11.eventThread)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create the x11 event thread"); return false; } return true; fail_window: XDestroyWindow(x11.display, x11.window); fail_display: XCloseDisplay(x11.display); return false; } static void x11Startup(void) { } static void x11Shutdown(void) { } static void x11Free(void) { lgJoinThread(x11.eventThread, NULL); if (x11.window) XDestroyWindow(x11.display, x11.window); XFreeCursor(x11.display, x11.squareCursor); XFreeCursor(x11.display, x11.blankCursor); XCloseDisplay(x11.display); } static bool x11GetProp(LG_DSProperty prop, void *ret) { switch (prop) { case LG_DS_WARP_SUPPORT: *(enum LG_DSWarpSupport*)ret = LG_DS_WARP_SCREEN; return true; case LG_DS_MAX_MULTISAMPLE: { Display * dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!dpy) return false; XVisualInfo queryTemplate; queryTemplate.screen = 0; int visualCount; int maxSamples = -1; XVisualInfo * visuals = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualScreenMask, &queryTemplate, &visualCount); for (int i = 0; i < visualCount; i++) { XVisualInfo * visual = &visuals[i]; int res, supportsGL; // Some GLX visuals do not use GL, and these must be ignored in our search. if ((res = glXGetConfig(dpy, visual, GLX_USE_GL, &supportsGL)) != 0 || !supportsGL) continue; int sampleBuffers, samples; if ((res = glXGetConfig(dpy, visual, GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, &sampleBuffers)) != 0) continue; // Will be 1 if this visual supports multisampling if (sampleBuffers != 1) continue; if ((res = glXGetConfig(dpy, visual, GLX_SAMPLES, &samples)) != 0) continue; // Track the largest number of samples supported if (samples > maxSamples) maxSamples = samples; } XFree(visuals); XCloseDisplay(dpy); *(int*)ret = maxSamples; return true; } default: return true; } } static int x11EventThread(void * unused) { fd_set in_fds; const int fd = ConnectionNumber(x11.display); while(app_isRunning()) { if (!XPending(x11.display)) { FD_ZERO(&in_fds); FD_SET(fd, &in_fds); struct timeval tv = { .tv_usec = 250000, .tv_sec = 0 }; int ret = select(fd + 1, &in_fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret == 0 || !XPending(x11.display)) continue; } XEvent xe; XNextEvent(x11.display, &xe); switch(xe.type) { case ClientMessage: if (xe.xclient.data.l[0] == x11.aWMDeleteWindow) app_handleCloseEvent(); break; case ConfigureNotify: { int x, y; /* the window may have been re-parented so we need to translate to * ensure we get the screen top left position of the window */ Window child; XTranslateCoordinates( x11.display, x11.window, DefaultRootWindow(x11.display), 0, 0, &x, &y, &child); x11.rect.x = x; x11.rect.y = y; x11.rect.w = xe.xconfigure.width; x11.rect.h = xe.xconfigure.height; app_updateWindowPos(x, y); if (x11.fullscreen) { struct Border border = {0}; app_handleResizeEvent(x11.rect.w, x11.rect.h, 1, border); } else app_handleResizeEvent(x11.rect.w, x11.rect.h, 1, x11.border); break; } case GenericEvent: { XGenericEventCookie *cookie = (XGenericEventCookie*)&xe.xcookie; XGetEventData(x11.display, cookie); x11GenericEvent(cookie); XFreeEventData(x11.display, cookie); break; } // clipboard events case SelectionRequest: x11CBSelectionRequest(xe.xselectionrequest); break; case SelectionClear: x11CBSelectionClear(xe.xselectionclear); break; case SelectionNotify: x11CBSelectionNotify(xe.xselection); break; case PropertyNotify: if (xe.xproperty.display != x11.display || xe.xproperty.window != x11.window || xe.xproperty.state != PropertyNewValue) break; if (xe.xproperty.atom == x11.aNetWMState) { Atom type; int fmt; unsigned long num, bytes; unsigned char *data; if (XGetWindowProperty(x11.display, x11.window, x11.aNetWMState, 0, ~0L, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &num, &bytes, &data) != Success) break; bool fullscreen = false; for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { Atom prop = ((Atom *)data)[i]; if (prop == x11.aNetWMStateFullscreen) fullscreen = true; } x11.fullscreen = fullscreen; XFree(data); break; } if (xe.xproperty.atom == x11.aNetFrameExtents) { Atom type; int fmt; unsigned long num, bytes; unsigned char *data; if (XGetWindowProperty(x11.display, x11.window, x11.aNetFrameExtents, 0, 4, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &num, &bytes, &data) != Success) break; if (num >= 4) { long *cardinal = (long *)data; x11.border.left = cardinal[0]; x11.border.right = cardinal[1]; x11.border.top = cardinal[2]; x11.border.bottom = cardinal[3]; app_handleResizeEvent(x11.rect.w, x11.rect.h, 1, x11.border); } XFree(data); break; } if (xe.xproperty.atom == x11.aSelData) { if (x11.lowerBound == 0) break; x11CBSelectionIncr(xe.xproperty); break; } break; default: if (xe.type == x11.eventBase + XFixesSelectionNotify) { XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent * sne = (XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent *)&xe; x11CBXFixesSelectionNotify(*sne); } break; } } return 0; } static void x11GenericEvent(XGenericEventCookie *cookie) { if (cookie->extension != x11.xinputOp) return; switch(cookie->evtype) { case XI_FocusIn: { if (x11.focused) return; XIFocusOutEvent *xie = cookie->data; if (xie->mode != XINotifyNormal && xie->mode != XINotifyWhileGrabbed && xie->mode != XINotifyUngrab) return; x11.focused = true; app_updateCursorPos(xie->event_x, xie->event_y); app_handleFocusEvent(true); return; } case XI_FocusOut: { if (!x11.focused) return; XIFocusOutEvent *xie = cookie->data; if (xie->mode != XINotifyNormal && xie->mode != XINotifyWhileGrabbed && xie->mode != XINotifyGrab) return; app_updateCursorPos(xie->event_x, xie->event_y); app_handleFocusEvent(false); x11.focused = false; return; } case XI_Enter: { if (x11.entered) return; XIEnterEvent *xie = cookie->data; app_updateCursorPos(xie->event_x, xie->event_y); app_handleEnterEvent(true); x11.entered = true; return; } case XI_Leave: { if (!x11.entered) return; XILeaveEvent *xie = cookie->data; app_updateCursorPos(xie->event_x, xie->event_y); app_handleEnterEvent(false); x11.entered = false; return; } case XI_KeyPress: { if (!x11.focused || x11.keyboardGrabbed) return; XIDeviceEvent *device = cookie->data; app_handleKeyPress(device->detail - 8); return; } case XI_KeyRelease: { if (!x11.focused || x11.keyboardGrabbed) return; XIDeviceEvent *device = cookie->data; app_handleKeyRelease(device->detail - 8); return; } case XI_RawKeyPress: { if (!x11.focused) return; XIRawEvent *raw = cookie->data; app_handleKeyPress(raw->detail - 8); return; } case XI_RawKeyRelease: { if (!x11.focused) return; XIRawEvent *raw = cookie->data; app_handleKeyRelease(raw->detail - 8); return; } case XI_RawButtonPress: { if (!x11.focused || !x11.entered) return; XIRawEvent *raw = cookie->data; /* filter out duplicate events */ static Time prev_time = 0; static unsigned int prev_detail = 0; if (raw->time == prev_time && raw->detail == prev_detail) return; prev_time = raw->time; prev_detail = raw->detail; app_handleButtonPress( raw->detail > 5 ? raw->detail - 2 : raw->detail); return; } case XI_RawButtonRelease: { if (!x11.focused || !x11.entered) return; XIRawEvent *raw = cookie->data; /* filter out duplicate events */ static Time prev_time = 0; static unsigned int prev_detail = 0; if (raw->time == prev_time && raw->detail == prev_detail) return; prev_time = raw->time; prev_detail = raw->detail; app_handleButtonRelease( raw->detail > 5 ? raw->detail - 2 : raw->detail); return; } case XI_Motion: { XIDeviceEvent *device = cookie->data; app_updateCursorPos(device->event_x, device->event_y); if (!x11.pointerGrabbed) app_handleMouseRelative(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return; } case XI_RawMotion: { if (!x11.focused || !x11.entered) return; XIRawEvent *raw = cookie->data; double raw_axis[2]; double axis[2]; /* select the active validators for the X & Y axis */ double *valuator = raw->valuators.values; double *r_value = raw->raw_values; int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < raw->valuators.mask_len * 8; ++i) { if (XIMaskIsSet(raw->valuators.mask, i)) { raw_axis[count] = *r_value; axis [count] = *valuator; ++count; if (count == 2) break; ++valuator; ++r_value; } } /* filter out scroll wheel and other events */ if (count < 2) return; /* filter out duplicate events */ static Time prev_time = 0; static double prev_axis[2] = {0}; if (raw->time == prev_time && axis[0] == prev_axis[0] && axis[1] == prev_axis[1]) return; prev_time = raw->time; prev_axis[0] = axis[0]; prev_axis[1] = axis[1]; app_handleMouseRelative(axis[0], axis[1], raw_axis[0], raw_axis[1]); return; } } } #ifdef ENABLE_EGL static EGLDisplay x11GetEGLDisplay(void) { EGLDisplay ret; const char *early_exts = eglQueryString(NULL, EGL_EXTENSIONS); if (strstr(early_exts, "EGL_KHR_platform_base") != NULL && g_egl_dynProcs.eglGetPlatformDisplay) { DEBUG_INFO("Using eglGetPlatformDisplay"); ret = g_egl_dynProcs.eglGetPlatformDisplay(EGL_PLATFORM_X11_KHR, x11.display, NULL); } else if (strstr(early_exts, "EGL_EXT_platform_base") != NULL && g_egl_dynProcs.eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT) { DEBUG_INFO("Using eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT"); ret = g_egl_dynProcs.eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT(EGL_PLATFORM_X11_KHR, x11.display, NULL); } else { DEBUG_INFO("Using eglGetDisplay"); ret = eglGetDisplay(x11.display); } return ret; } static EGLNativeWindowType x11GetEGLNativeWindow(void) { return (EGLNativeWindowType)x11.window; } static void x11EGLSwapBuffers(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface) { eglSwapBuffers(display, surface); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL static LG_DSGLContext x11GLCreateContext(void) { return (LG_DSGLContext) glXCreateContext(x11.display, x11.visual, NULL, GL_TRUE); } static void x11GLDeleteContext(LG_DSGLContext context) { glXDestroyContext(x11.display, (GLXContext)context); } static void x11GLMakeCurrent(LG_DSGLContext context) { glXMakeCurrent(x11.display, x11.window, (GLXContext)context); } static void x11GLSetSwapInterval(int interval) { glXSwapIntervalEXT(x11.display, x11.window, interval); } static void x11GLSwapBuffers(void) { glXSwapBuffers(x11.display, x11.window); } #endif static void x11ShowPointer(bool show) { if (show) XDefineCursor(x11.display, x11.window, x11.squareCursor); else XDefineCursor(x11.display, x11.window, x11.blankCursor); } static void x11PrintGrabError(const char * type, int dev, Status ret) { const char * errStr; switch(ret) { case AlreadyGrabbed : errStr = "AlreadyGrabbed" ; break; case GrabNotViewable: errStr = "GrabNotViewable"; break; case GrabFrozen : errStr = "GrabFrozen" ; break; case GrabInvalidTime: errStr = "GrabInvalidTime"; break; default: errStr = "Unknown"; break; } DEBUG_ERROR("XIGrabDevice failed for %s dev %d with 0x%x (%s)", type, dev, ret, errStr); } static void x11GrabPointer(void) { if (x11.pointerGrabbed) return; unsigned char mask_bits[XIMaskLen(XI_LASTEVENT)] = { 0 }; XIEventMask mask = { x11.pointerDev, sizeof(mask_bits), mask_bits }; XISetMask(mask.mask, XI_RawButtonPress ); XISetMask(mask.mask, XI_RawButtonRelease); XISetMask(mask.mask, XI_RawMotion ); XISetMask(mask.mask, XI_Motion ); Status ret = XIGrabDevice( x11.display, x11.pointerDev, x11.window, CurrentTime, None, XIGrabModeAsync, XIGrabModeAsync, XINoOwnerEvents, &mask); if (ret != Success) { x11PrintGrabError("pointer", x11.pointerDev, ret); return; } x11.pointerGrabbed = true; } static void x11UngrabPointer(void) { if (!x11.pointerGrabbed) return; XIUngrabDevice(x11.display, x11.pointerDev, CurrentTime); XSync(x11.display, False); x11.pointerGrabbed = false; } static void x11GrabKeyboard(void) { if (x11.keyboardGrabbed) return; unsigned char mask_bits[XIMaskLen (XI_LASTEVENT)] = { 0 }; XIEventMask mask = { x11.keyboardDev, sizeof(mask_bits), mask_bits }; XISetMask(mask.mask, XI_RawKeyPress ); XISetMask(mask.mask, XI_RawKeyRelease); Status ret = XIGrabDevice( x11.display, x11.keyboardDev, x11.window, CurrentTime, None, XIGrabModeAsync, XIGrabModeAsync, XINoOwnerEvents, &mask); if (ret != Success) { x11PrintGrabError("keyboard", x11.keyboardDev, ret); return; } x11.keyboardGrabbed = true; } static void x11UngrabKeyboard(void) { if (!x11.keyboardGrabbed) return; XIUngrabDevice(x11.display, x11.keyboardDev, CurrentTime); XSync(x11.display, False); x11.keyboardGrabbed = false; } static void x11WarpPointer(int x, int y, bool exiting) { XIWarpPointer( x11.display, x11.pointerDev, None, x11.window, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y); XSync(x11.display, False); } static void x11RealignPointer(void) { app_handleMouseRelative(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } static bool x11IsValidPointerPos(int x, int y) { int screens; XineramaScreenInfo *xinerama = XineramaQueryScreens(x11.display, &screens); if(!xinerama) return true; bool ret = false; for(int i = 0; i < screens; ++i) if (x >= xinerama[i].x_org && x < xinerama[i].x_org + xinerama[i].width && y >= xinerama[i].y_org && y < xinerama[i].y_org + xinerama[i].height) { ret = true; break; } XFree(xinerama); return ret; } static void x11InhibitIdle(void) { XScreenSaverSuspend(x11.display, true); } static void x11UninhibitIdle(void) { XScreenSaverSuspend(x11.display, false); } static void x11Wait(unsigned int time) { usleep(time * 1000U); } static void x11SetWindowSize(int w, int h) { XResizeWindow(x11.display, x11.window, w, h); } static void x11SetFullscreen(bool fs) { if (x11.fullscreen == fs) return; XEvent e = { .xclient = { .type = ClientMessage, .send_event = true, .message_type = x11.aNetWMState, .format = 32, .window = x11.window, .data.l = { fs ? _NET_WM_STATE_ADD : _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE, x11.aNetWMStateFullscreen, 0 } } }; XSendEvent(x11.display, DefaultRootWindow(x11.display), False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &e); } static bool x11GetFullscreen(void) { return x11.fullscreen; } static bool x11CBInit() { x11.aSelection = XInternAtom(x11.display, "CLIPBOARD" , False); x11.aTargets = XInternAtom(x11.display, "TARGETS" , False); x11.aSelData = XInternAtom(x11.display, "SEL_DATA" , False); x11.aIncr = XInternAtom(x11.display, "INCR" , False); x11.aCurSelection = BadValue; for(int i = 0; i < LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; ++i) { x11.aTypes[i] = XInternAtom(x11.display, atomTypes[i], False); if (x11.aTypes[i] == BadAlloc || x11.aTypes[i] == BadValue) { DEBUG_ERROR("failed to get atom for type: %s", atomTypes[i]); return false; } } // use xfixes to get clipboard change notifications if (!XFixesQueryExtension(x11.display, &x11.eventBase, &x11.errorBase)) { DEBUG_ERROR("failed to initialize xfixes"); return false; } XFixesSelectSelectionInput(x11.display, x11.window, XA_PRIMARY, XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask); XFixesSelectSelectionInput(x11.display, x11.window, x11.aSelection, XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask); return true; } static void x11CBReplyFn(void * opaque, LG_ClipboardData type, uint8_t * data, uint32_t size) { XEvent *s = (XEvent *)opaque; XChangeProperty( x11.display , s->xselection.requestor, s->xselection.property , s->xselection.target , 8, PropModeReplace, data, size); XSendEvent(x11.display, s->xselection.requestor, 0, 0, s); XFlush(x11.display); free(s); } static void x11CBSelectionRequest(const XSelectionRequestEvent e) { XEvent * s = (XEvent *)malloc(sizeof(XEvent)); s->xselection.type = SelectionNotify; s->xselection.requestor = e.requestor; s->xselection.selection = e.selection; s->xselection.target = e.target; s->xselection.property = e.property; s->xselection.time = e.time; if (!x11.haveRequest) goto nodata; // target list requested if (e.target == x11.aTargets) { Atom targets[2]; targets[0] = x11.aTargets; targets[1] = x11.aTypes[x11.type]; XChangeProperty( e.display, e.requestor, e.property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)targets, sizeof(targets) / sizeof(Atom)); goto send; } // look to see if we can satisfy the data type for(int i = 0; i < LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; ++i) if (x11.aTypes[i] == e.target && x11.type == i) { // request the data app_clipboardRequest(x11CBReplyFn, s); return; } nodata: // report no data s->xselection.property = None; send: XSendEvent(x11.display, e.requestor, 0, 0, s); XFlush(x11.display); free(s); } static void x11CBSelectionClear(const XSelectionClearEvent e) { if (e.selection != XA_PRIMARY && e.selection != x11.aSelection) return; x11.aCurSelection = BadValue; app_clipboardRelease(); return; } static void x11CBSelectionIncr(const XPropertyEvent e) { Atom type; int format; unsigned long itemCount, after; unsigned char *data; if (XGetWindowProperty( e.display, e.window, e.atom, 0, ~0L, // start and length True, // delete the property x11.aIncr, &type, &format, &itemCount, &after, &data) != Success) { DEBUG_INFO("GetProp Failed"); app_clipboardNotify(LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE, 0); goto out; } LG_ClipboardData dataType; for(dataType = 0; dataType < LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; ++dataType) if (x11.aTypes[dataType] == type) break; if (dataType == LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE) { DEBUG_WARN("clipboard data (%s) not in a supported format", XGetAtomName(x11.display, type)); x11.lowerBound = 0; app_clipboardNotify(LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE, 0); goto out; } if (x11.incrStart) { app_clipboardNotify(dataType, x11.lowerBound); x11.incrStart = false; } XFree(data); data = NULL; if (XGetWindowProperty( e.display, e.window, e.atom, 0, ~0L, // start and length True, // delete the property type, &type, &format, &itemCount, &after, &data) != Success) { DEBUG_ERROR("XGetWindowProperty Failed"); app_clipboardNotify(LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE, 0); goto out; } app_clipboardData(dataType, data, itemCount); x11.lowerBound -= itemCount; out: if (data) XFree(data); } static void x11CBXFixesSelectionNotify(const XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent e) { // check if the selection is valid and it isn't ourself if ((e.selection != XA_PRIMARY && e.selection != x11.aSelection) || e.owner == x11.window || e.owner == 0) { return; } // remember which selection we are working with x11.aCurSelection = e.selection; XConvertSelection( x11.display, e.selection, x11.aTargets, x11.aTargets, x11.window, CurrentTime); return; } static void x11CBSelectionNotify(const XSelectionEvent e) { if (e.property == None) return; Atom type; int format; unsigned long itemCount, after; unsigned char *data; if (XGetWindowProperty( e.display, e.requestor, e.property, 0, ~0L, // start and length True , // delete the property AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &itemCount, &after, &data) != Success) { app_clipboardNotify(LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE, 0); goto out; } if (type == x11.aIncr) { x11.incrStart = true; x11.lowerBound = *(unsigned int *)data; goto out; } // the target list if (e.property == x11.aTargets) { // the format is 32-bit and we must have data // this is technically incorrect however as it's // an array of padded 64-bit values if (!data || format != 32) goto out; // see if we support any of the targets listed const uint64_t * targets = (const uint64_t *)data; for(unsigned long i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { for(int n = 0; n < LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; ++n) if (x11.aTypes[n] == targets[i]) { // we have a match, so send the notification app_clipboardNotify(n, 0); goto out; } } // no matches app_clipboardNotify(LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE, 0); goto out; } if (e.property == x11.aSelData) { LG_ClipboardData dataType; for(dataType = 0; dataType < LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE; ++dataType) if (x11.aTypes[dataType] == type) break; if (dataType == LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE) { DEBUG_WARN("clipboard data (%s) not in a supported format", XGetAtomName(x11.display, type)); goto out; } app_clipboardData(dataType, data, itemCount); goto out; } out: if (data) XFree(data); } static void x11CBNotice(LG_ClipboardData type) { x11.haveRequest = true; x11.type = type; XSetSelectionOwner(x11.display, XA_PRIMARY , x11.window, CurrentTime); XSetSelectionOwner(x11.display, x11.aSelection, x11.window, CurrentTime); XFlush(x11.display); } static void x11CBRelease(void) { x11.haveRequest = false; XSetSelectionOwner(x11.display, XA_PRIMARY , None, CurrentTime); XSetSelectionOwner(x11.display, x11.aSelection, None, CurrentTime); XFlush(x11.display); } static void x11CBRequest(LG_ClipboardData type) { if (x11.aCurSelection == BadValue) return; XConvertSelection( x11.display, x11.aCurSelection, x11.aTypes[type], x11.aSelData, x11.window, CurrentTime); } struct LG_DisplayServerOps LGDS_X11 = { .setup = x11Setup, .probe = x11Probe, .earlyInit = x11EarlyInit, .init = x11Init, .startup = x11Startup, .shutdown = x11Shutdown, .free = x11Free, .getProp = x11GetProp, #ifdef ENABLE_EGL .getEGLDisplay = x11GetEGLDisplay, .getEGLNativeWindow = x11GetEGLNativeWindow, .eglSwapBuffers = x11EGLSwapBuffers, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL .glCreateContext = x11GLCreateContext, .glDeleteContext = x11GLDeleteContext, .glMakeCurrent = x11GLMakeCurrent, .glSetSwapInterval = x11GLSetSwapInterval, .glSwapBuffers = x11GLSwapBuffers, #endif .showPointer = x11ShowPointer, .grabPointer = x11GrabPointer, .ungrabPointer = x11UngrabPointer, .grabKeyboard = x11GrabKeyboard, .ungrabKeyboard = x11UngrabKeyboard, .warpPointer = x11WarpPointer, .realignPointer = x11RealignPointer, .isValidPointerPos = x11IsValidPointerPos, .inhibitIdle = x11InhibitIdle, .uninhibitIdle = x11UninhibitIdle, .wait = x11Wait, .setWindowSize = x11SetWindowSize, .setFullscreen = x11SetFullscreen, .getFullscreen = x11GetFullscreen, .cbInit = x11CBInit, .cbNotice = x11CBNotice, .cbRelease = x11CBRelease, .cbRequest = x11CBRequest };