/** * Looking Glass * Copyright © 2017-2021 The Looking Glass Authors * https://looking-glass.io * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "shader.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include struct EGL_Shader { bool hasShader; GLuint shader; EGL_Uniform * uniforms; int uniformCount; int uniformUsed; }; bool egl_shaderInit(EGL_Shader ** this) { *this = (EGL_Shader *)calloc(1, sizeof(EGL_Shader)); if (!*this) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to malloc EGL_Shader"); return false; } return true; } void egl_shaderFree(EGL_Shader ** shader) { EGL_Shader * this = *shader; if (!this) return; if (this->hasShader) glDeleteProgram(this->shader); egl_shaderFreeUniforms(this); free(this->uniforms); free(this); *shader = NULL; } bool egl_shaderLoad(EGL_Shader * this, const char * vertex_file, const char * fragment_file) { char * vertex_code, * fragment_code; size_t vertex_size, fragment_size; if (!util_fileGetContents(vertex_file, &vertex_code, &vertex_size)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to read vertex shader"); return false; } DEBUG_INFO("Loaded vertex shader: %s", vertex_file); if (!util_fileGetContents(fragment_file, &fragment_code, &fragment_size)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to read fragment shader"); free(vertex_code); return false; } DEBUG_INFO("Loaded fragment shader: %s", fragment_file); bool ret = egl_shaderCompile(this, vertex_code, vertex_size, fragment_code, fragment_size); free(vertex_code); free(fragment_code); return ret; } bool egl_shaderCompile(EGL_Shader * this, const char * vertex_code, size_t vertex_size, const char * fragment_code, size_t fragment_size) { if (this->hasShader) { glDeleteProgram(this->shader); this->hasShader = false; } GLint length; GLuint vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); length = vertex_size; glShaderSource(vertexShader, 1, (const char**)&vertex_code, &length); glCompileShader(vertexShader); GLint result = GL_FALSE; glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &result); if (result == GL_FALSE) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to compile vertex shader"); int logLength; glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { char *log = malloc(logLength + 1); glGetShaderInfoLog(vertexShader, logLength, NULL, log); log[logLength] = 0; DEBUG_ERROR("%s", log); free(log); } glDeleteShader(vertexShader); return false; } GLuint fragmentShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); length = fragment_size; glShaderSource(fragmentShader, 1, (const char**)&fragment_code, &length); glCompileShader(fragmentShader); glGetShaderiv(fragmentShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &result); if (result == GL_FALSE) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to compile fragment shader"); int logLength; glGetShaderiv(fragmentShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { char *log = malloc(logLength + 1); glGetShaderInfoLog(fragmentShader, logLength, NULL, log); log[logLength] = 0; DEBUG_ERROR("%s", log); free(log); } glDeleteShader(fragmentShader); glDeleteShader(vertexShader ); return false; } this->shader = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(this->shader, vertexShader ); glAttachShader(this->shader, fragmentShader); glLinkProgram(this->shader); glGetProgramiv(this->shader, GL_LINK_STATUS, &result); if (result == GL_FALSE) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to link shader program"); int logLength; glGetProgramiv(this->shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { char *log = malloc(logLength + 1); glGetProgramInfoLog(this->shader, logLength, NULL, log); log[logLength] = 0; DEBUG_ERROR("%s", log); free(log); } glDetachShader(this->shader, vertexShader ); glDetachShader(this->shader, fragmentShader); glDeleteShader(fragmentShader); glDeleteShader(vertexShader ); glDeleteProgram(this->shader ); return false; } glDetachShader(this->shader, vertexShader ); glDetachShader(this->shader, fragmentShader); glDeleteShader(fragmentShader); glDeleteShader(vertexShader ); this->hasShader = true; return true; } void egl_shaderSetUniforms(EGL_Shader * this, EGL_Uniform * uniforms, int count) { egl_shaderFreeUniforms(this); if (count > this->uniformCount) { free(this->uniforms); this->uniforms = malloc(sizeof(*this->uniforms) * count); this->uniformCount = count; } this->uniformUsed = count; memcpy(this->uniforms, uniforms, sizeof(*this->uniforms) * count); for(int i = 0; i < this->uniformUsed; ++i) { switch(this->uniforms[i].type) { case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1UIV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2UIV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3UIV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4UIV: countedBufferAddRef(this->uniforms[i].v); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2x3FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2x4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4x2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4x3FV: countedBufferAddRef(this->uniforms[i].m.v); break; default: break; } } }; void egl_shaderFreeUniforms(EGL_Shader * this) { for(int i = 0; i < this->uniformUsed; ++i) { switch(this->uniforms[i].type) { case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4IV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1UIV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2UIV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3UIV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4UIV: countedBufferRelease(&this->uniforms[i].v); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2x3FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2x4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4x2FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x4FV: case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4x3FV: countedBufferRelease(&this->uniforms[i].m.v); break; default: break; } } this->uniformUsed = 0; } void egl_shaderUse(EGL_Shader * this) { if (this->hasShader) glUseProgram(this->shader); else DEBUG_ERROR("Shader program has not been compiled"); for(int i = 0; i < this->uniformUsed; ++i) { EGL_Uniform * uniform = &this->uniforms[i]; switch(uniform->type) { case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1F: glUniform1f(uniform->location, uniform->f[0]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2F: glUniform2f(uniform->location, uniform->f[0], uniform->f[1]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3F: glUniform3f(uniform->location, uniform->f[0], uniform->f[1], uniform->f[2]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4F: glUniform4f(uniform->location, uniform->f[0], uniform->f[1], uniform->f[2], uniform->f[3]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1I: glUniform1i(uniform->location, uniform->i[0]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2I: glUniform2i(uniform->location, uniform->i[0], uniform->i[1]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3I: glUniform3i(uniform->location, uniform->i[0], uniform->i[1], uniform->i[2]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4I: glUniform4i(uniform->location, uniform->i[0], uniform->i[1], uniform->i[2], uniform->i[3]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1UI: glUniform1ui(uniform->location, uniform->ui[0]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2UI: glUniform2ui(uniform->location, uniform->ui[0], uniform->ui[1]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3UI: glUniform3ui(uniform->location, uniform->ui[0], uniform->ui[1], uniform->ui[2]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4UI: glUniform4ui(uniform->location, uniform->ui[0], uniform->ui[1], uniform->ui[2], uniform->ui[3]); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1FV: glUniform1fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat), (const GLfloat *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2FV: glUniform2fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 2, (const GLfloat *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3FV: glUniform3fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 3, (const GLfloat *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4FV: glUniform4fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 4, (const GLfloat *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1IV: glUniform1iv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLint), (const GLint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2IV: glUniform2iv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLint) / 2, (const GLint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3IV: glUniform3iv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLint) / 3, (const GLint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4IV: glUniform4iv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLint) / 4, (const GLint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1UIV: glUniform1uiv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLuint), (const GLuint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2UIV: glUniform2uiv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLuint) / 2, (const GLuint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_3UIV: glUniform3uiv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLuint) / 3, (const GLuint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_4UIV: glUniform4uiv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLuint) / 4, (const GLuint *)uniform->v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2FV: glUniformMatrix2fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 2, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3FV: glUniformMatrix3fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 3, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4FV: glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 4, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2x3FV: glUniformMatrix2x3fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 6, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x2FV: glUniformMatrix3x2fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 6, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M2x4FV: glUniformMatrix2x4fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 8, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4x2FV: glUniformMatrix4x2fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 8, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x4FV: glUniformMatrix3x4fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 12, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; case EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M4x3FV: glUniformMatrix4x3fv(uniform->location, uniform->v->size / sizeof(GLfloat) / 12, uniform->m.transpose, (const GLfloat *)uniform->m.v->data); break; } } } void egl_shaderAssocTextures(EGL_Shader * this, const int count) { char name[] = "sampler1"; glUseProgram(this->shader); for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i, name[7]++) { GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation(this->shader, name); if (loc == -1) { DEBUG_WARN("Shader uniform location `%s` not found", name); continue; } glUniform1i(loc, i); } glUseProgram(0); } GLint egl_shaderGetUniform(EGL_Shader * this, const char * name) { if (!this->shader) { DEBUG_ERROR("Shader program has not been compiled"); return 0; } return glGetUniformLocation(this->shader, name); }