.. _installing: Installation ############ .. _host_install: Host Application ---------------- The Looking Glass Host application captures frames from the guest OS using a capture API, and sends them to the :ref:`Client `—be it on the host OS (hypervisor) or another Virtual Machine—through a low-latency transfer protocol over shared memory. You can get the host program in two ways: - Download a pre-built binary from https://looking-glass.io/downloads (**recommended**) - Download the source code as described in :ref:`building`, then :ref:`build the host `. .. _host_install_windows: Windows ~~~~~~~ To begin, you must first run the Windows VM with the changes noted above in either the :ref:`client_libvirt_configuration` or :ref:`client_qemu_commands` sections. .. _installing_the_ivshmem_driver: Installing the IVSHMEM Driver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since B6 the host installer available on the official Looking Glass website comes with the IVSHMEM driver and will install this for you. If you are running an older version of Looking Glass please refer to the documentation for your version. .. _host_install_service: Installing the Looking Glass Service ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After installing your IVSHMEM driver, we can now install the Looking Glass Host onto our Windows Virtual Machine. 1. First, run ``looking-glass-host-setup.exe`` as an administrator (:ref:`Why? `) 2. You will be greeted by an intro screen. Press ``Next`` to continue. 3. You are presented with the |license| license. Please read and agree to the license by pressing ``Agree``. 4. You can change the install path if you wish, otherwise press ``Next`` to continue. 5. You may enable or disable options on this screen to configure the installation. The default values are recommended for most users. Press ``Install`` to begin installation. 6. After a few moments, installation will complete, and you will have a running instance of Looking Glass. If you experience failures, you can see them in the install log appearing in the middle of the window. 7. Press ``Close`` to exit the installer. Command line users can run ``looking-glass-host-setup.exe /S`` to execute a silent install with default options selected. Further configuration from the command line can be done with flags. You can list all available flags by running ``looking-glass-host-setup.exe /?``. .. _client_install: Client ------ The Looking Glass Client receives frames from the :ref:`Host ` to display on your screen. It also handles input, and can optionally share the system clipboard with your guest OS through Spice. First you must build the client from source, see :ref:`building`. Once you have built the client, you can install it. Run the following as root:: make install To install for the local user only, run:: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local .. && make install .. _client_libvirt_configuration: libvirt Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This article assumes you already have a fully functional libvirt domain with PCI passthrough working on a dedicated monitor. If you use virt-manager, this guide also applies to you, since virt-manager uses libvirt as its back-end. **If you are using QEMU directly, this does not apply to you.** Add the following to your libvirt machine configuration inside the 'devices' section by running ``virsh edit `` where ```` is the name of your virtual machine. .. code:: xml 32 The memory size (show as 32 in the example above) may need to be adjusted as per the :ref:`Determining Memory ` section. .. _client_spice_server: Spice Server ^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you would like to use Spice to give you keyboard and mouse input along with clipboard sync support, make sure you have a ```` device, then: - Find your ``