/** * Looking Glass * Copyright © 2017-2021 The Looking Glass Authors * https://looking-glass.io * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "desktop.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/option.h" #include "common/locking.h" #include "common/array.h" #include "app.h" #include "texture.h" #include "shader.h" #include "desktop_rects.h" #include "cimgui.h" #include #include // these headers are auto generated by cmake #include "desktop.vert.h" #include "desktop_rgb.frag.h" #include "desktop_rgb.def.h" #include "basic.vert.h" #include "ffx_cas.frag.h" #include "ffx_fsr1_easu.frag.h" #include "ffx_fsr1_rcas.frag.h" struct DesktopShader { EGL_Shader * shader; GLint uTransform; GLint uDesktopSize; GLint uTextureSize; GLint uScaleAlgo; GLint uNVGain; GLint uCBMode; }; struct EGL_Desktop { EGL * egl; EGLDisplay * display; EGL_Texture * texture; struct DesktopShader shader; EGL_DesktopRects * mesh; CountedBuffer * matrix; // internals int width, height; LG_RendererRotate rotate; bool upscale; // scale algorithm int scaleAlgo; // night vision int nvMax; int nvGain; // colorblind mode int cbMode; bool useDMA; LG_RendererFormat format; EGL_Shader * ffxFSR1[2]; bool ffxFSR1Enable; PostProcessHandle ffxFSR1Handle[2]; EGL_Uniform ffxFSR1Uniform; EGL_Shader * ffxCAS; bool ffxCASEnable; PostProcessHandle ffxCASHandle; EGL_Uniform ffxCASUniform; }; // forwards void toggleNV(int key, void * opaque); static bool egl_initDesktopShader( struct DesktopShader * shader, const char * vertex_code , size_t vertex_size, const char * fragment_code, size_t fragment_size ) { if (!egl_shaderInit(&shader->shader)) return false; if (!egl_shaderCompile(shader->shader, vertex_code , vertex_size, fragment_code, fragment_size)) { return false; } shader->uTransform = egl_shaderGetUniform(shader->shader, "transform" ); shader->uDesktopSize = egl_shaderGetUniform(shader->shader, "desktopSize"); shader->uTextureSize = egl_shaderGetUniform(shader->shader, "textureSize"); shader->uScaleAlgo = egl_shaderGetUniform(shader->shader, "scaleAlgo" ); shader->uNVGain = egl_shaderGetUniform(shader->shader, "nvGain" ); shader->uCBMode = egl_shaderGetUniform(shader->shader, "cbMode" ); return true; } static void setupFilters(EGL_Desktop * desktop) { desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[0] = egl_textureAddFilter(desktop->texture, desktop->ffxFSR1[0], desktop->ffxFSR1Enable); desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[1] = egl_textureAddFilter(desktop->texture, desktop->ffxFSR1[1], desktop->ffxFSR1Enable); desktop->ffxCASHandle = egl_textureAddFilter(desktop->texture, desktop->ffxCAS, desktop->ffxCASEnable); } bool egl_desktopInit(EGL * egl, EGL_Desktop ** desktop_, EGLDisplay * display, bool useDMA, int maxRects) { EGL_Desktop * desktop = (EGL_Desktop *)calloc(1, sizeof(EGL_Desktop)); if (!desktop) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to malloc EGL_Desktop"); return false; } *desktop_ = desktop; desktop->egl = egl; desktop->display = display; if (!egl_textureInit(egl, &desktop->texture, display, useDMA ? EGL_TEXTYPE_DMABUF : EGL_TEXTYPE_FRAMEBUFFER, true)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to initialize the desktop texture"); return false; } if (!egl_initDesktopShader( &desktop->shader, b_shader_desktop_vert , b_shader_desktop_vert_size, b_shader_desktop_rgb_frag, b_shader_desktop_rgb_frag_size)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to initialize the generic desktop shader"); return false; } if (!egl_desktopRectsInit(&desktop->mesh, maxRects)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to initialize the desktop mesh"); return false; } desktop->matrix = countedBufferNew(6 * sizeof(GLfloat)); if (!desktop->matrix) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate the desktop matrix buffer"); return false; } app_registerKeybind(KEY_N, toggleNV, desktop, "Toggle night vision mode"); desktop->nvMax = option_get_int("egl", "nvGainMax"); desktop->nvGain = option_get_int("egl", "nvGain" ); desktop->cbMode = option_get_int("egl", "cbMode" ); desktop->scaleAlgo = option_get_int("egl", "scale" ); desktop->useDMA = useDMA; // AMD FidelidyFX FSR egl_shaderInit(&desktop->ffxFSR1[0]); egl_shaderCompile(desktop->ffxFSR1[0], b_shader_basic_vert , b_shader_basic_vert_size, b_shader_ffx_fsr1_easu_frag, b_shader_ffx_fsr1_easu_frag_size); egl_shaderInit(&desktop->ffxFSR1[1]); egl_shaderCompile(desktop->ffxFSR1[1], b_shader_basic_vert , b_shader_basic_vert_size, b_shader_ffx_fsr1_rcas_frag, b_shader_ffx_fsr1_rcas_frag_size); desktop->ffxFSR1Enable = option_get_bool("eglFilter", "ffxFSR"); desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform.type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1F; desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform.location = egl_shaderGetUniform(desktop->ffxFSR1[1], "uSharpness"); desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform.f[0] = option_get_float("eglFilter", "ffxFSRSharpness"); egl_shaderSetUniforms(desktop->ffxFSR1[1], &desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform, 1); // AMD FidelidyFX CAS egl_shaderInit(&desktop->ffxCAS); egl_shaderCompile(desktop->ffxCAS, b_shader_basic_vert , b_shader_basic_vert_size, b_shader_ffx_cas_frag, b_shader_ffx_cas_frag_size); desktop->ffxCASEnable = option_get_bool("eglFilter", "ffxCAS"); desktop->ffxCASUniform.type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1F; desktop->ffxCASUniform.location = egl_shaderGetUniform(desktop->ffxCAS, "uSharpness"); desktop->ffxCASUniform.f[0] = option_get_float("eglFilter", "ffxCASSharpness"); egl_shaderSetUniforms(desktop->ffxCAS, &desktop->ffxCASUniform, 1); setupFilters(desktop); return true; } void toggleNV(int key, void * opaque) { EGL_Desktop * desktop = (EGL_Desktop *)opaque; if (desktop->nvGain++ == desktop->nvMax) desktop->nvGain = 0; if (desktop->nvGain == 0) app_alert(LG_ALERT_INFO, "NV Disabled"); else if (desktop->nvGain == 1) app_alert(LG_ALERT_INFO, "NV Enabled"); else app_alert(LG_ALERT_INFO, "NV Gain + %d", desktop->nvGain - 1); app_invalidateWindow(true); } bool egl_desktopScaleValidate(struct Option * opt, const char ** error) { if (opt->value.x_int >= 0 && opt->value.x_int < EGL_SCALE_MAX) return true; *error = "Invalid scale algorithm number"; return false; } void egl_desktopFree(EGL_Desktop ** desktop) { if (!*desktop) return; egl_textureFree (&(*desktop)->texture ); egl_shaderFree (&(*desktop)->shader.shader); egl_desktopRectsFree(&(*desktop)->mesh ); countedBufferRelease(&(*desktop)->matrix ); egl_shaderFree(&(*desktop)->ffxFSR1[0]); egl_shaderFree(&(*desktop)->ffxFSR1[1]); egl_shaderFree(&(*desktop)->ffxCAS); free(*desktop); *desktop = NULL; } static const char * algorithmNames[EGL_SCALE_MAX] = { [EGL_SCALE_AUTO] = "Automatic (downscale: linear, upscale: nearest)", [EGL_SCALE_NEAREST] = "Nearest", [EGL_SCALE_LINEAR] = "Linear", }; void egl_desktopConfigUI(EGL_Desktop * desktop) { igText("Scale algorithm:"); igPushItemWidth(igGetWindowWidth() - igGetStyle()->WindowPadding.x * 2); if (igBeginCombo("##scale", algorithmNames[desktop->scaleAlgo], 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < EGL_SCALE_MAX; ++i) { bool selected = i == desktop->scaleAlgo; if (igSelectableBool(algorithmNames[i], selected, 0, (ImVec2) { 0.0f, 0.0f })) desktop->scaleAlgo = i; if (selected) igSetItemDefaultFocus(); } igEndCombo(); } igPopItemWidth(); igText("Night vision mode:"); igSameLine(0.0f, -1.0f); igPushItemWidth(igGetWindowWidth() - igGetCursorPosX() - igGetStyle()->WindowPadding.x); const char * format; switch (desktop->nvGain) { case 0: format = "off"; break; case 1: format = "on"; break; default: format = "gain: %d"; } igSliderInt("##nvgain", &desktop->nvGain, 0, desktop->nvMax, format, 0); igPopItemWidth(); bool invalidateTex = false; // AMD FidelityFX FSR bool fsr1 = desktop->ffxFSR1Enable; igCheckbox("AMD FidelityFX FSR", &fsr1); if (fsr1 != desktop->ffxFSR1Enable) { desktop->ffxFSR1Enable = fsr1; egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[0], fsr1 && desktop->upscale); egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[1], fsr1 && desktop->upscale); invalidateTex = true; } float fsr1Sharpness = desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform.f[0]; igText("Sharpness:"); igSameLine(0.0f, -1.0f); igPushItemWidth(igGetWindowWidth() - igGetCursorPosX() - igGetStyle()->WindowPadding.x); igSliderFloat("##fsr1Sharpness", &fsr1Sharpness, 0.0f, 1.0f, NULL, 0); igPopItemWidth(); if (fsr1Sharpness != desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform.f[0]) { // enable FSR1 if the sharpness was changed if (!fsr1) { fsr1 = true; desktop->ffxFSR1Enable = fsr1; egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[0], fsr1 && desktop->upscale); egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[1], fsr1 && desktop->upscale); } desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform.f[0] = fsr1Sharpness; egl_shaderSetUniforms(desktop->ffxFSR1[1], &desktop->ffxFSR1Uniform, 1); invalidateTex = true; } // AMD FiedlityFX CAS bool cas = desktop->ffxCASEnable; igCheckbox("AMD FidelityFX CAS", &cas); if (cas != desktop->ffxCASEnable) { desktop->ffxCASEnable = cas; egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxCASHandle, cas); invalidateTex = true; } float casSharpness = desktop->ffxCASUniform.f[0]; igText("Sharpness:"); igSameLine(0.0f, -1.0f); igPushItemWidth(igGetWindowWidth() - igGetCursorPosX() - igGetStyle()->WindowPadding.x); igSliderFloat("##casSharpness", &casSharpness, 0.0f, 1.0f, NULL, 0); igPopItemWidth(); if (casSharpness != desktop->ffxCASUniform.f[0]) { // enable CAS if the sharpness was changed if (!cas) { cas = true; desktop->ffxCASEnable = cas; egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxCASHandle, cas); } desktop->ffxCASUniform.f[0] = casSharpness; egl_shaderSetUniforms(desktop->ffxCAS, &desktop->ffxCASUniform, 1); invalidateTex = true; } if (invalidateTex) { egl_textureInvalidate(desktop->texture); app_invalidateWindow(true); } } bool egl_desktopSetup(EGL_Desktop * desktop, const LG_RendererFormat format) { memcpy(&desktop->format, &format, sizeof(LG_RendererFormat)); enum EGL_PixelFormat pixFmt; switch(format.type) { case FRAME_TYPE_BGRA: pixFmt = EGL_PF_BGRA; break; case FRAME_TYPE_RGBA: pixFmt = EGL_PF_RGBA; break; case FRAME_TYPE_RGBA10: pixFmt = EGL_PF_RGBA10; break; case FRAME_TYPE_RGBA16F: pixFmt = EGL_PF_RGBA16F; break; default: DEBUG_ERROR("Unsupported frame format"); return false; } desktop->width = format.width; desktop->height = format.height; if (!egl_textureSetup( desktop->texture, pixFmt, format.width, format.height, format.pitch )) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to setup the desktop texture"); return false; } return true; } bool egl_desktopUpdate(EGL_Desktop * desktop, const FrameBuffer * frame, int dmaFd, const FrameDamageRect * damageRects, int damageRectsCount) { if (desktop->useDMA && dmaFd >= 0) { if (egl_textureUpdateFromDMA(desktop->texture, frame, dmaFd)) return true; DEBUG_WARN("DMA update failed, disabling DMABUF imports"); desktop->useDMA = false; egl_textureFree(&desktop->texture); if (!egl_textureInit(desktop->egl, &desktop->texture, desktop->display, EGL_TEXTYPE_FRAMEBUFFER, true)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to initialize the desktop texture"); return false; } setupFilters(desktop); if (!egl_desktopSetup(desktop, desktop->format)) return false; } return egl_textureUpdateFromFrame(desktop->texture, frame, damageRects, damageRectsCount); } void egl_desktopResize(EGL_Desktop * desktop, int width, int height) { if (width > desktop->width && height > desktop->height) { desktop->upscale = true; if (desktop->ffxFSR1Enable) { egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[0], true); egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[1], true); } egl_textureSetFilterRes(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[0], width, height); egl_textureSetFilterRes(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[1], width, height); egl_textureSetFilterRes(desktop->ffxCASHandle , width, height); } else { desktop->upscale = false; egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[0], false); egl_textureEnableFilter(desktop->ffxFSR1Handle[1], false); egl_textureSetFilterRes(desktop->ffxCASHandle, 0, 0); } } bool egl_desktopRender(EGL_Desktop * desktop, const float x, const float y, const float scaleX, const float scaleY, enum EGL_DesktopScaleType scaleType, LG_RendererRotate rotate, const struct DamageRects * rects) { enum EGL_TexStatus status; if ((status = egl_textureProcess(desktop->texture)) != EGL_TEX_STATUS_OK) { if (status != EGL_TEX_STATUS_NOTREADY) DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to process the desktop texture"); } int scaleAlgo = EGL_SCALE_NEAREST; switch (desktop->scaleAlgo) { case EGL_SCALE_AUTO: switch (scaleType) { case EGL_DESKTOP_NOSCALE: case EGL_DESKTOP_UPSCALE: scaleAlgo = EGL_SCALE_NEAREST; break; case EGL_DESKTOP_DOWNSCALE: scaleAlgo = EGL_SCALE_LINEAR; break; } break; default: scaleAlgo = desktop->scaleAlgo; } struct Rect finalSize; egl_textureBind(desktop->texture); egl_textureGetFinalSize(desktop->texture, &finalSize); egl_desktopRectsMatrix((float *)desktop->matrix->data, desktop->width, desktop->height, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotate); egl_desktopRectsUpdate(desktop->mesh, rects, desktop->width, desktop->height); const struct DesktopShader * shader = &desktop->shader; EGL_Uniform uniforms[] = { { .type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1I, .location = shader->uScaleAlgo, .i = { scaleAlgo }, }, { .type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2F, .location = shader->uDesktopSize, .f = { desktop->width, desktop->height }, }, { .type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_2I, .location = shader->uTextureSize, .i = { finalSize.x, finalSize.y }, }, { .type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_M3x2FV, .location = shader->uTransform, .m.transpose = GL_FALSE, .m.v = desktop->matrix }, { .type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1F, .location = shader->uNVGain, .f = { (float)desktop->nvGain } }, { .type = EGL_UNIFORM_TYPE_1I, .location = shader->uCBMode, .f = { desktop->cbMode } } }; egl_shaderSetUniforms(shader->shader, uniforms, ARRAY_LENGTH(uniforms)); egl_shaderUse(shader->shader); egl_desktopRectsRender(desktop->mesh); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); return true; }