/** * Looking Glass * Copyright © 2017-2022 The Looking Glass Authors * https://looking-glass.io * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "app.h" #include "main.h" #include "core.h" #include "util.h" #include "clipboard.h" #include "kb.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/stringutils.h" #include "interface/overlay.h" #include "overlays.h" #include "cimgui.h" #include #include #include bool app_isRunning(void) { return g_state.state == APP_STATE_RUNNING || g_state.state == APP_STATE_RESTART; } bool app_isCaptureMode(void) { return g_cursor.grab; } bool app_isCaptureOnlyMode(void) { return g_params.captureInputOnly; } bool app_isFormatValid(void) { return g_state.formatValid; } bool app_isOverlayMode(void) { if (g_state.overlayInput) return true; bool result = false; struct Overlay * overlay; ll_lock(g_state.overlays); ll_forEachNL(g_state.overlays, item, overlay) { if (overlay->ops->needs_overlay && overlay->ops->needs_overlay(overlay)) { result = true; break; } } ll_unlock(g_state.overlays); return result; } void app_updateCursorPos(double x, double y) { g_cursor.pos.x = x; g_cursor.pos.y = y; g_cursor.valid = true; if (app_isOverlayMode()) g_state.io->MousePos = (ImVec2) { x, y }; } void app_handleFocusEvent(bool focused) { g_state.focused = focused; // release any imgui buttons/keys if we lost focus if (!focused && app_isOverlayMode()) core_resetOverlayInputState(); if (!core_inputEnabled()) { if (!focused && g_params.minimizeOnFocusLoss && app_getFullscreen()) g_state.ds->minimize(); return; } if (!focused) { core_setGrabQuiet(false); core_setCursorInView(false); if (g_params.releaseKeysOnFocusLoss) for (int key = 0; key < KEY_MAX; key++) if (g_state.keyDown[key]) app_handleKeyRelease(key); g_state.escapeActive = false; if (!g_params.showCursorDot) g_state.ds->setPointer(LG_POINTER_NONE); if (g_params.minimizeOnFocusLoss) g_state.ds->minimize(); } g_cursor.realign = true; g_state.ds->realignPointer(); } void app_handleEnterEvent(bool entered) { if (entered) { g_cursor.inWindow = true; if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; g_cursor.realign = true; } else { g_cursor.inWindow = false; core_setCursorInView(false); // stop the user being able to drag windows off the screen and work around // the mouse button release being missed due to not being in capture mode. if (app_isOverlayMode()) { g_state.io->MouseDown[ImGuiMouseButton_Left ] = false; g_state.io->MouseDown[ImGuiMouseButton_Right ] = false; g_state.io->MouseDown[ImGuiMouseButton_Middle] = false; } if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; if (!g_params.alwaysShowCursor) g_cursor.draw = false; g_cursor.redraw = true; } } void app_clipboardRelease(void) { if (!g_params.clipboardToVM) return; purespice_clipboardRelease(); } void app_clipboardNotifyTypes(const LG_ClipboardData types[], int count) { if (!g_params.clipboardToVM) return; if (count == 0) { purespice_clipboardRelease(); return; } PSDataType conv[count]; for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) conv[i] = cb_lgTypeToSpiceType(types[i]); purespice_clipboardGrab(conv, count); } void app_clipboardNotifySize(const LG_ClipboardData type, size_t size) { if (!g_params.clipboardToVM) return; if (type == LG_CLIPBOARD_DATA_NONE) { purespice_clipboardRelease(); return; } g_state.cbType = cb_lgTypeToSpiceType(type); g_state.cbChunked = size > 0; g_state.cbXfer = size; purespice_clipboardDataStart(g_state.cbType, size); } void app_clipboardData(const LG_ClipboardData type, uint8_t * data, size_t size) { if (!g_params.clipboardToVM) return; if (g_state.cbChunked && size > g_state.cbXfer) { DEBUG_ERROR("refusing to send more then cbXfer bytes for chunked xfer"); size = g_state.cbXfer; } if (!g_state.cbChunked) purespice_clipboardDataStart(g_state.cbType, size); purespice_clipboardData(g_state.cbType, data, (uint32_t)size); g_state.cbXfer -= size; } void app_clipboardRequest(const LG_ClipboardReplyFn replyFn, void * opaque) { if (!g_params.clipboardToLocal) return; struct CBRequest * cbr = malloc(sizeof(*cbr)); cbr->type = g_state.cbType; cbr->replyFn = replyFn; cbr->opaque = opaque; ll_push(g_state.cbRequestList, cbr); purespice_clipboardRequest(g_state.cbType); } static int mapSpiceToImGuiButton(uint32_t button) { switch (button) { case 1: // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT return ImGuiMouseButton_Left; case 2: // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE return ImGuiMouseButton_Middle; case 3: // SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT return ImGuiMouseButton_Right; } return -1; } void app_handleButtonPress(int button) { g_cursor.buttons |= (1U << button); if (app_isOverlayMode()) { int igButton = mapSpiceToImGuiButton(button); if (igButton != -1) g_state.io->MouseDown[igButton] = true; return; } if (!core_inputEnabled() || !g_cursor.inView) return; if (!purespice_mousePress(button)) DEBUG_ERROR("app_handleButtonPress: failed to send message"); } void app_handleButtonRelease(int button) { g_cursor.buttons &= ~(1U << button); if (app_isOverlayMode()) { int igButton = mapSpiceToImGuiButton(button); if (igButton != -1) g_state.io->MouseDown[igButton] = false; return; } if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; if (!purespice_mouseRelease(button)) DEBUG_ERROR("app_handleButtonRelease: failed to send message"); } void app_handleWheelMotion(double motion) { if (app_isOverlayMode()) g_state.io->MouseWheel -= motion; } void app_handleKeyPress(int sc) { if (!app_isOverlayMode() || !g_state.io->WantCaptureKeyboard) { if (sc == g_params.escapeKey && !g_state.escapeActive) { g_state.escapeActive = true; g_state.escapeTime = microtime(); g_state.escapeAction = -1; return; } if (g_state.escapeActive) { g_state.escapeAction = sc; KeybindHandle handle = g_state.bindings[sc]; if (handle) handle->callback(sc, handle->opaque); return; } } if (app_isOverlayMode()) { if (sc == KEY_ESC) app_setOverlay(false); else g_state.io->KeysDown[sc] = true; return; } if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; if (g_params.ignoreWindowsKeys && (sc == KEY_LEFTMETA || sc == KEY_RIGHTMETA)) return; if (!g_state.keyDown[sc]) { uint32_t ps2 = linux_to_ps2[sc]; if (!ps2) return; if (purespice_keyDown(ps2)) g_state.keyDown[sc] = true; else { DEBUG_ERROR("app_handleKeyPress: failed to send message"); return; } } } void app_handleKeyRelease(int sc) { if (g_state.escapeActive) { if (g_state.escapeAction == -1) { if (!g_state.escapeHelp && g_params.useSpiceInput && !app_isOverlayMode()) core_setGrab(!g_cursor.grab); } if (sc == g_params.escapeKey) g_state.escapeActive = false; } if (app_isOverlayMode()) { g_state.io->KeysDown[sc] = false; return; } if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; // avoid sending key up events when we didn't send a down if (!g_state.keyDown[sc]) return; if (g_params.ignoreWindowsKeys && (sc == KEY_LEFTMETA || sc == KEY_RIGHTMETA)) return; uint32_t ps2 = linux_to_ps2[sc]; if (!ps2) return; if (purespice_keyUp(ps2)) g_state.keyDown[sc] = false; else { DEBUG_ERROR("app_handleKeyRelease: failed to send message"); return; } } void app_handleKeyboardTyped(const char * typed) { ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8(g_state.io, typed); } void app_handleKeyboardModifiers(bool ctrl, bool shift, bool alt, bool super) { g_state.modCtrl = ctrl; g_state.modShift = shift; g_state.modAlt = alt; g_state.modSuper = super; } void app_handleKeyboardLEDs(bool numLock, bool capsLock, bool scrollLock) { if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; uint32_t modifiers = (scrollLock ? 1 /* SPICE_SCROLL_LOCK_MODIFIER */ : 0) | (numLock ? 2 /* SPICE_NUM_LOCK_MODIFIER */ : 0) | (capsLock ? 4 /* SPICE_CAPS_LOCK_MODIFIER */ : 0); if (!purespice_keyModifiers(modifiers)) DEBUG_ERROR("app_handleKeyboardLEDs: failed to send message"); } void app_handleMouseRelative(double normx, double normy, double rawx, double rawy) { if (app_isOverlayMode()) return; if (g_cursor.grab) { if (g_params.rawMouse) core_handleMouseGrabbed(rawx, rawy); else core_handleMouseGrabbed(normx, normy); } else if (g_cursor.inWindow) core_handleMouseNormal(normx, normy); } // On some display servers normal cursor logic does not work due to the lack of // cursor warp support. Instead, we attempt a best-effort emulation which works // with a 1:1 mouse movement patch applied in the guest. For anything fancy, use // capture mode. void app_handleMouseBasic() { /* do not pass mouse events to the guest if we do not have focus */ if (!g_cursor.guest.valid || !g_state.haveSrcSize || !g_state.focused || app_isOverlayMode()) return; if (!core_inputEnabled()) return; const bool inView = g_cursor.pos.x >= g_state.dstRect.x && g_cursor.pos.x < g_state.dstRect.x + g_state.dstRect.w && g_cursor.pos.y >= g_state.dstRect.y && g_cursor.pos.y < g_state.dstRect.y + g_state.dstRect.h; core_setCursorInView(inView); /* translate the current position to guest coordinate space */ struct DoublePoint guest; util_localCurToGuest(&guest); int x = (int) round(util_clamp(guest.x, 0, g_state.srcSize.x) - g_cursor.projected.x); int y = (int) round(util_clamp(guest.y, 0, g_state.srcSize.y) - g_cursor.projected.y); if (!x && !y) return; g_cursor.projected.x += x; g_cursor.projected.y += y; if (!purespice_mouseMotion(x, y)) DEBUG_ERROR("failed to send mouse motion message"); } void app_resyncMouseBasic() { if (!g_cursor.guest.valid) return; g_cursor.projected.x = g_cursor.guest.x + g_cursor.guest.hx; g_cursor.projected.y = g_cursor.guest.y + g_cursor.guest.hy; } void app_updateWindowPos(int x, int y) { g_state.windowPos.x = x; g_state.windowPos.y = y; } void app_handleResizeEvent(int w, int h, double scale, const struct Border border) { memcpy(&g_state.border, &border, sizeof(border)); /* don't do anything else if the window dimensions have not changed */ if (g_state.windowW == w && g_state.windowH == h && g_state.windowScale == scale) return; g_state.windowW = w; g_state.windowH = h; g_state.windowCX = w / 2; g_state.windowCY = h / 2; g_state.windowScale = scale; core_updatePositionInfo(); if (core_inputEnabled()) { /* if the window is moved/resized causing a loss of focus while grabbed, it * makes it impossible to re-focus the window, so we quietly re-enter * capture if we were already in it */ if (g_cursor.grab) { core_setGrabQuiet(false); core_setGrabQuiet(true); } core_alignToGuest(); } } void app_invalidateWindow(bool full) { if (full) atomic_store(&g_state.invalidateWindow, true); if (g_state.jitRender && g_state.ds->stopWaitFrame) g_state.ds->stopWaitFrame(); lgSignalEvent(g_state.frameEvent); } void app_handleCloseEvent(void) { if (!g_params.ignoreQuit || !g_cursor.inView) g_state.state = APP_STATE_SHUTDOWN; } void app_handleRenderEvent(const uint64_t timeUs) { bool invalidate = false; if (!g_state.escapeActive) { if (g_state.escapeHelp) { g_state.escapeHelp = false; invalidate = true; } } else { if (!g_state.escapeHelp && timeUs - g_state.escapeTime > g_params.helpMenuDelayUs) { g_state.escapeHelp = true; invalidate = true; } } if (invalidate) app_invalidateWindow(false); } void app_setFullscreen(bool fs) { g_state.ds->setFullscreen(fs); } bool app_getFullscreen(void) { return g_state.ds->getFullscreen(); } bool app_getProp(LG_DSProperty prop, void * ret) { return g_state.ds->getProp(prop, ret); } #ifdef ENABLE_EGL EGLDisplay app_getEGLDisplay(void) { return g_state.ds->getEGLDisplay(); } EGLNativeWindowType app_getEGLNativeWindow(void) { return g_state.ds->getEGLNativeWindow(); } void app_eglSwapBuffers(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface, const struct Rect * damage, int count) { g_state.ds->eglSwapBuffers(display, surface, damage, count); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL LG_DSGLContext app_glCreateContext(void) { return g_state.ds->glCreateContext(); } void app_glDeleteContext(LG_DSGLContext context) { g_state.ds->glDeleteContext(context); } void app_glMakeCurrent(LG_DSGLContext context) { g_state.ds->glMakeCurrent(context); } void app_glSetSwapInterval(int interval) { g_state.ds->glSetSwapInterval(interval); } void app_glSwapBuffers(void) { g_state.ds->glSwapBuffers(); } #endif void app_alert(LG_MsgAlert type, const char * fmt, ...) { if (!g_state.lgr || !g_params.showAlerts) return; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); overlayAlert_show(type, fmt, args); va_end(args); } MsgBoxHandle app_msgBox(const char * caption, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); MsgBoxHandle handle = overlayMsg_show(caption, fmt, args); va_end(args); core_updateOverlayState(); return handle; } void app_msgBoxClose(MsgBoxHandle * handle) { if (!handle) return; overlayMsg_close(handle); } KeybindHandle app_registerKeybind(int sc, KeybindFn callback, void * opaque, const char * description) { // don't allow duplicate binds if (g_state.bindings[sc]) { DEBUG_INFO("Key already bound"); return NULL; } KeybindHandle handle = malloc(sizeof(*handle)); handle->sc = sc; handle->callback = callback; handle->opaque = opaque; g_state.bindings[sc] = handle; g_state.keyDescription[sc] = description; return handle; } void app_releaseKeybind(KeybindHandle * handle) { if (!*handle) return; g_state.bindings[(*handle)->sc] = NULL; free(*handle); *handle = NULL; } void app_releaseAllKeybinds(void) { for(int i = 0; i < KEY_MAX; ++i) if (g_state.bindings[i]) { free(g_state.bindings[i]); g_state.bindings[i] = NULL; } } GraphHandle app_registerGraph(const char * name, RingBuffer buffer, float min, float max, GraphFormatFn formatFn) { return overlayGraph_register(name, buffer, min, max, formatFn); } void app_unregisterGraph(GraphHandle handle) { overlayGraph_unregister(handle); } void app_invalidateGraphs(void) { overlayGraph_invalidate(); } void app_registerOverlay(const struct LG_OverlayOps * ops, const void * params) { ASSERT_LG_OVERLAY_VALID(ops); struct Overlay * overlay = malloc(sizeof(*overlay)); overlay->ops = ops; overlay->params = params; overlay->udata = NULL; overlay->lastRectCount = 0; ll_push(g_state.overlays, overlay); if (ops->earlyInit) ops->earlyInit(); } void app_initOverlays(void) { struct Overlay * overlay; ll_lock(g_state.overlays); ll_forEachNL(g_state.overlays, item, overlay) { if (!overlay->ops->init(&overlay->udata, overlay->params)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Overlay `%s` failed to initialize", overlay->ops->name); overlay->ops = NULL; } } ll_unlock(g_state.overlays); } static inline void mergeRect(struct Rect * dest, const struct Rect * a, const struct Rect * b) { int x2 = max(a->x + a->w, b->x + b->w); int y2 = max(a->y + a->h, b->y + b->h); dest->x = min(a->x, b->x); dest->y = min(a->y, b->y); dest->w = x2 - dest->x; dest->h = y2 - dest->y; } static inline LG_DSPointer mapImGuiCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor) { switch (cursor) { case ImGuiMouseCursor_None: return LG_POINTER_NONE; case ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow: return LG_POINTER_ARROW; case ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput: return LG_POINTER_INPUT; case ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll: return LG_POINTER_MOVE; case ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS: return LG_POINTER_RESIZE_NS; case ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW: return LG_POINTER_RESIZE_EW; case ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW: return LG_POINTER_RESIZE_NESW; case ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE: return LG_POINTER_RESIZE_NWSE; case ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand: return LG_POINTER_HAND; case ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed: return LG_POINTER_NOT_ALLOWED; default: return LG_POINTER_ARROW; } } bool app_overlayNeedsRender(void) { if (app_isOverlayMode()) return true; bool result = false; struct Overlay * overlay; ll_lock(g_state.overlays); ll_forEachNL(g_state.overlays, item, overlay) { if (!overlay->ops->needs_render) continue; if (overlay->ops->needs_render(overlay->udata, false)) { result = true; break; } } ll_unlock(g_state.overlays); return result; } int app_renderOverlay(struct Rect * rects, int maxRects) { int totalRects = 0; bool totalDamage = false; struct Overlay * overlay; struct Rect buffer[MAX_OVERLAY_RECTS]; g_state.io->KeyCtrl = g_state.modCtrl; g_state.io->KeyShift = g_state.modShift; g_state.io->KeyAlt = g_state.modAlt; g_state.io->KeySuper = g_state.modSuper; uint64_t now = nanotime(); g_state.io->DeltaTime = (now - g_state.lastImGuiFrame) * 1e-9f; g_state.lastImGuiFrame = now; render_again: igNewFrame(); const bool overlayMode = app_isOverlayMode(); if (overlayMode) { totalDamage = true; ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(igGetBackgroundDrawList_Nil(), (ImVec2) { 0.0f , 0.0f }, g_state.io->DisplaySize, igGetColorU32_Col(ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg, 1.0f), 0, 0); // bool test; // igShowDemoWindow(&test); } const bool msgModal = overlayMsg_modal(); // render the overlays ll_lock(g_state.overlays); ll_forEachNL(g_state.overlays, item, overlay) { if (msgModal && overlay->ops != &LGOverlayMsg) continue; const int written = overlay->ops->render(overlay->udata, overlayMode, buffer, MAX_OVERLAY_RECTS); for (int i = 0; i < written; ++i) { buffer[i].x *= g_state.windowScale; buffer[i].y *= g_state.windowScale; buffer[i].w *= g_state.windowScale; buffer[i].h *= g_state.windowScale; } // It is an error to run out of rectangles, because we will not be able to // correctly calculate the damage of the next frame. DEBUG_ASSERT(written >= 0); const int toAdd = max(written, overlay->lastRectCount); totalDamage |= toAdd > maxRects; if (!totalDamage && toAdd) { int i = 0; for (; i < overlay->lastRectCount && i < written; ++i) mergeRect(rects + i, buffer + i, overlay->lastRects + i); // only one of the following memcpys will copy non-zero bytes. memcpy(rects + i, buffer + i, (written - i) * sizeof(struct Rect)); memcpy(rects + i, overlay->lastRects + i, (overlay->lastRectCount - i) * sizeof(struct Rect)); rects += toAdd; totalRects += toAdd; maxRects -= toAdd; } memcpy(overlay->lastRects, buffer, sizeof(struct Rect) * written); overlay->lastRectCount = written; } ll_unlock(g_state.overlays); if (overlayMode) { ImGuiMouseCursor cursor = igGetMouseCursor(); if (cursor != g_state.cursorLast) { g_state.ds->setPointer(mapImGuiCursor(cursor)); g_state.cursorLast = cursor; } } igRender(); /* imgui requires two passes to calculate the bounding box of auto sized * windows, this is by design * ref: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/2158#issuecomment-434223618 */ if (g_state.renderImGuiTwice) { g_state.renderImGuiTwice = false; goto render_again; } return totalDamage ? -1 : totalRects; } void app_freeOverlays(void) { struct Overlay * overlay; while(ll_shift(g_state.overlays, (void **)&overlay)) { overlay->ops->free(overlay->udata); free(overlay); } } void app_setOverlay(bool enable) { if (g_state.overlayInput == enable) return; g_state.overlayInput = enable; core_updateOverlayState(); } void app_overlayConfigRegister(const char * title, void (*callback)(void * udata, int * id), void * udata) { overlayConfig_register(title, callback, udata); } void app_overlayConfigRegisterTab(const char * title, void (*callback)(void * udata, int * id), void * udata) { overlayConfig_registerTab(title, callback, udata); } void app_invalidateOverlay(bool renderTwice) { if (renderTwice) g_state.renderImGuiTwice = true; app_invalidateWindow(false); } bool app_guestIsLinux(void) { return g_state.guestOS == KVMFR_OS_LINUX; } bool app_guestIsWindows(void) { return g_state.guestOS == KVMFR_OS_WINDOWS; } bool app_guestIsOSX(void) { return g_state.guestOS == KVMFR_OS_OSX; } bool app_guestIsBSD(void) { return g_state.guestOS == KVMFR_OS_BSD; } bool app_guestIsOther(void) { return g_state.guestOS == KVMFR_OS_OTHER; }