/** * Looking Glass * Copyright © 2017-2022 The Looking Glass Authors * https://looking-glass.io * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "dynamic/displayservers.h" #include "dynamic/renderers.h" #include "common/thread.h" #include "common/types.h" #include "common/ivshmem.h" #include "common/locking.h" #include "common/ringbuffer.h" #include "common/event.h" #include #include #include "cimgui.h" enum RunState { APP_STATE_RUNNING, APP_STATE_RESTART, APP_STATE_SHUTDOWN }; struct AppState { enum RunState state; ImGuiIO * io; ImGuiStyle * style; struct ll * overlays; char * fontName; ImFont * fontLarge; bool overlayInput; ImGuiMouseCursor cursorLast; char * imGuiIni; bool modCtrl; bool modShift; bool modAlt; bool modSuper; uint64_t lastImGuiFrame; bool renderImGuiTwice; struct LG_DisplayServerOps * ds; bool dsInitialized; bool jitRender; uint8_t spiceUUID[16]; bool spiceUUIDValid; uint8_t guestUUID[16]; bool guestUUIDValid; bool stopVideo; bool ignoreInput; bool escapeActive; uint64_t escapeTime; int escapeAction; bool escapeHelp; KeybindHandle bindings[KEY_MAX]; const char * keyDescription[KEY_MAX]; bool keyDown[KEY_MAX]; bool haveSrcSize; struct Point windowPos; int windowW, windowH; int windowCX, windowCY; double windowScale; LG_RendererRotate rotate; bool focused; struct Border border; struct Point srcSize; LG_RendererRect dstRect; bool posInfoValid; bool alignToGuest; bool spiceClose; LG_Renderer * lgr; atomic_int lgrResize; LG_Lock lgrLock; bool useDMA; bool cbAvailable; PSDataType cbType; bool cbChunked; size_t cbXfer; struct ll * cbRequestList; struct IVSHMEM shm; PLGMPClient lgmp; PLGMPClientQueue pointerQueue; KVMFRFeatureFlags kvmfrFeatures; LGThread * cursorThread; LGThread * frameThread; LGEvent * frameEvent; atomic_bool invalidateWindow; bool formatValid; uint64_t frameTime; uint64_t overlayFrameTime; uint64_t lastFrameTime; bool lastFrameTimeValid; uint64_t lastRenderTime; bool lastRenderTimeValid; RingBuffer renderTimings; RingBuffer renderDuration; RingBuffer uploadTimings; atomic_uint_least64_t pendingCount; atomic_uint_least64_t renderCount, frameCount; _Atomic(float) fps, ups; uint64_t resizeTimeout; bool resizeDone; bool autoIdleInhibitState; }; struct AppParams { bool autoResize; bool allowResize; bool keepAspect; bool forceAspect; bool dontUpscale; bool shrinkOnUpscale; bool borderless; bool fullscreen; bool maximize; bool minimizeOnFocusLoss; bool center; int x, y; unsigned int w, h; int fpsMin; LG_RendererRotate winRotate; bool useSpiceInput; bool useSpiceClipboard; bool useSpiceAudio; const char * spiceHost; unsigned int spicePort; bool clipboardToVM; bool clipboardToLocal; bool scaleMouseInput; bool hideMouse; bool ignoreQuit; bool noScreensaver; bool autoScreensaver; bool grabKeyboard; bool grabKeyboardOnFocus; int escapeKey; bool ignoreWindowsKeys; bool releaseKeysOnFocusLoss; bool showAlerts; bool captureOnStart; bool quickSplash; bool alwaysShowCursor; uint64_t helpMenuDelayUs; const char * uiFont; int uiSize; bool jitRender; unsigned int cursorPollInterval; unsigned int framePollInterval; bool allowDMA; bool forceRenderer; unsigned int forceRendererIndex; const char * windowTitle; bool mouseRedraw; int mouseSens; bool mouseSmoothing; bool rawMouse; bool autoCapture; bool captureInputOnly; bool showCursorDot; }; struct CBRequest { PSDataType type; LG_ClipboardReplyFn replyFn; void * opaque; }; struct KeybindHandle { int sc; KeybindFn callback; void * opaque; }; enum WarpState { WARP_STATE_ON, WARP_STATE_OFF }; struct CursorInfo { /* x & y postiion */ int x , y; /* pointer hotspot offsets */ int hx, hy; /* true if the pointer is visible on the guest */ bool visible; /* true if the details in this struct are valid */ bool valid; }; struct CursorState { /* cursor is in grab mode */ bool grab; /* true if we are to draw the cursor on screen */ bool draw; /* true if the cursor is currently in our window */ bool inWindow; /* true if the cursor is currently in the guest view area */ bool inView; /* true if the guest should be realigned to the host when next drawn */ bool realign; /* true if the cursor needs re-drawing/updating */ bool redraw; /* true if the cursor movements should be scaled */ bool useScale; /* the amount to scale the X & Y movements by */ struct DoublePoint scale; /* the error accumulator */ struct DoublePoint acc; /* the local position */ struct DoublePoint pos; /* true if the position is valid */ bool valid; /* the button state */ unsigned int buttons; /* the delta since last warp when in auto capture mode */ struct DoublePoint delta; /* the scale factor for the mouse sensitiviy */ int sens; /* the mouse warp state */ enum WarpState warpState; /* the guest's cursor position */ struct CursorInfo guest; /* the projected position after move, for app_handleMouseBasic only */ struct Point projected; }; // forwards extern struct AppState g_state; extern struct CursorState g_cursor; extern struct AppParams g_params; int main_cursorThread(void * unused); int main_frameThread(void * unused); #define RENDERER(fn, ...) g_state.lgr->ops.fn(g_state.lgr, ##__VA_ARGS__)