wincent 5f689104af Initial work on LUA scripting.
This LUA scripting implementation uses the sol header only C++ wrapper for the native LUA libraries.

The API does not follow the original LU scripting. Each instance of a script is in its own LUA-State, and has 'self' as a global. There are hooks to all the implemented CppScript methods, as well as a subset of the entity functionallity. Has to be expanded upon.

This is local work which has been sitting for awhile; thought someone might like to take a look at it.
2022-04-13 19:51:14 +02:00

156 lines
3.6 KiB

#include "dLua.h"
#include "lEntity.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "LuaScript.h"
#include "LuaTerminateBehavior.h"
#include "ScriptComponent.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "dLogger.h"
namespace dLua
void LoadScript(Entity* entity, const std::string& name)
// Read the script from the file.
std::stringstream input;
std::ifstream file(name);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("LoadScript: Failed to open file");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
input << line << "\n";
LuaScript* lua = new LuaScript(LuaTerminateBehavior::ResetScriptAndDelete);
ScriptComponent* script = entity->GetComponent<ScriptComponent>();
if (script == nullptr) {
script = new ScriptComponent(entity, false);
entity->AddComponent(ScriptComponent::ComponentType, script);
// Run the code, and print any errors
try {
// Catch sol::error
catch (const sol::error& e) {
Game::logger->Log("dLua", std::string(e.what()));
// Catch *any* error
catch (...) {
Game::logger->Log("dLua", "Unknown error loading script!");
Entity* GetEntity(const sol::state& lua, const std::string& key)
sol::object object = lua[key];
if (!object.is<lEntity>())
return nullptr;
return object.as<lEntity>().GetEntity();
Entity* GetEntityOrThrow(const sol::state& lua, const std::string& key)
sol::object object = lua[key];
if (!object.is<lEntity>())
throw std::runtime_error("GetEntityOrThrow: Invalid key");
lEntity entity = object.as<lEntity>();
if (!entity.IsValid())
throw std::runtime_error("GetEntityOrThrow: Invalid entity");
return entity.GetEntity();
Entity* GetEntity(const LWOOBJID& id)
return EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(id);
Entity* GetEntityOrThrow(const LWOOBJID& id)
Entity* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(id);
if (!entity)
throw sol::error("Entity not found.");
return entity;
Entity* GetEntity(sol::object object)
if (object.is<lEntity>()) {
id = object.as<lEntity>().GetID();
} else if (object.is<LWOOBJID>()) {
id = object.as<LWOOBJID>();
} else if (object.is<std::string>()) {
id = atol(object.as<std::string>().c_str());
} else {
return nullptr;
return GetEntity(id);
Entity* GetEntityOrThrow(sol::object object)
Entity* entity = GetEntity(object);
if (!entity)
throw sol::error("Entity not found.");
return entity;
LWOOBJID GetEntityID(sol::object object)
if (object.is<lEntity>()) {
id = object.as<lEntity>().GetID();
} else if (object.is<LWOOBJID>()) {
id = object.as<LWOOBJID>();
} else if (object.is<std::string>()) {
id = atol(object.as<std::string>().c_str());
} else {
return id;
LWOOBJID GetEntityIDOrThrow(sol::object object)
LWOOBJID id = GetEntityID(object);
throw sol::error("Entity not found.");
return id;