#include "CavePrisonCage.h" #include "EntityManager.h" #include "RebuildComponent.h" #include "MovingPlatformComponent.h" #include "GameMessages.h" #include "Character.h" void CavePrisonCage::OnStartup(Entity *self) { const auto& myNum = self->GetVar(u"myNumber"); if (myNum.empty()) { return; } auto* spawner = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetSpawnersByName("PrisonCounterweight_0" + GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(myNum))[0]; self->SetVar(u"CWSpawner", spawner); Setup(self, spawner); } void CavePrisonCage::Setup(Entity *self, Spawner* spawner) { SpawnCounterweight(self, spawner); NiPoint3 mypos = self->GetPosition(); NiQuaternion myrot = self->GetRotation(); mypos.y += 1.5; mypos.z -= 0.5; EntityInfo info {}; info.lot = m_Villagers[self->GetVarAs(u"myNumber") - 1]; info.pos = mypos; info.rot = myrot; info.spawnerID = self->GetObjectID(); // Spawn the villager inside the jail auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(info); // Save the villeger ID self->SetVar(u"villager", entity->GetObjectID()); // Construct the entity EntityManager::Instance()->ConstructEntity(entity); } void CavePrisonCage::OnRebuildNotifyState(Entity* self, eRebuildState state) { if (state != eRebuildState::REBUILD_RESETTING) { return; } auto* spawner = self->GetVar(u"CWSpawner"); if (spawner == nullptr) { return; } spawner->Reset(); SpawnCounterweight(self, spawner); } void CavePrisonCage::SpawnCounterweight(Entity* self, Spawner* spawner) { spawner->Reset(); auto* counterweight = spawner->Spawn(); self->SetVar(u"Counterweight", counterweight->GetObjectID()); auto* rebuildComponent = counterweight->GetComponent(); if (rebuildComponent != nullptr) { rebuildComponent->AddRebuildStateCallback([this, self] (eRebuildState state) { OnRebuildNotifyState(self, state); }); rebuildComponent->AddRebuildCompleteCallback([this, self] (Entity* user) { // The counterweight is a simple mover, which is not implemented, so we'll just set it's position auto* counterweight = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"Counterweight")); if (counterweight == nullptr) { return; } // Move the counterweight down 2 units counterweight->SetPosition(counterweight->GetPosition() + NiPoint3(0, -2, 0)); // Serialize the counterweight EntityManager::Instance()->SerializeEntity(counterweight); // notifyPlatformAtLastWaypoint // Save the userID as Builder self->SetVar(u"Builder", user->GetObjectID()); // Get the button and make sure it still exists auto* button = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"Button")); if (button == nullptr) { return; } // Play the 'down' animation on the button GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(button, u"down"); // Setup a timer named 'buttonGoingDown' to be triggered in 5 seconds self->AddTimer("buttonGoingDown", 5.0f); }); } if (self->GetVar(u"Button")) { return; } GetButton(self); } void CavePrisonCage::GetButton(Entity* self) { const auto buttons = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesInGroup("PrisonButton_0" + std::to_string(self->GetVarAs(u"myNumber"))); if (buttons.size() == 0) { // Try again in 0.5 seconds self->AddCallbackTimer(0.5, [this, self] () { GetButton(self); }); return; } auto* button = buttons[0]; self->SetVar(u"Button", button->GetObjectID()); } void CavePrisonCage::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, std::string timerName) { // the anim of the button down is over if (timerName == "buttonGoingDown") { // Play the 'up' animation GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(self, u"up"); // Setup a timer named 'CageOpen' to be triggered in 1 second self->AddTimer("CageOpen", 1.0f); } else if (timerName == "CageOpen") { // play the idle open anim GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(self, u"idle-up"); // Get the villeger auto* villager = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"villager")); if (villager == nullptr) { return; } GameMessages::SendNotifyClientObject(villager->GetObjectID(), u"TimeToChat", 0, 0, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, "", UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS); // Get the builder and make sure it still exists auto* builder = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"Builder")); if (builder == nullptr) { return; } const auto flagNum = 2020 + self->GetVarAs(u"myNumber"); // Set the flag on the builder character builder->GetCharacter()->SetPlayerFlag(flagNum, true); // Setup a timer named 'VillagerEscape' to be triggered in 5 seconds self->AddTimer("VillagerEscape", 5.0f); } else if (timerName == "VillagerEscape") { // Get the villeger and make sure it still exists auto* villager = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"villager")); if (villager == nullptr) { return; } // Kill the villager villager->Kill(); // Setup a timer named 'SmashCounterweight' to be triggered in 2 seconds self->AddTimer("SmashCounterweight", 2.0f); } else if (timerName == "SmashCounterweight") { // Get the counterweight and make sure it still exists auto* counterweight = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"Counterweight")); if (counterweight == nullptr) { return; } // Smash the counterweight counterweight->Smash(); // Get the button and make sure it still exists auto* button = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar(u"Button")); if (button == nullptr) { return; } // Play the 'up' animation on the button GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(button, u"up"); // Setup a timer named 'CageClosed' to be triggered in 1 second self->AddTimer("CageClosed", 1.0f); } else if (timerName == "CageClosed") { // play the idle closed anim GameMessages::SendPlayAnimation(self, u"idle"); // Setup a timer named 'ResetPrison' to be triggered in 10 seconds self->AddTimer("ResetPrison", 10.0f); } else if (timerName == "ResetPrison") { Setup(self, self->GetVar(u"CWSpawner")); } }